AceNotes Today
Friday, March 29, 2019
Employee Benefit Open Enrollment
During the period of March 18 through April 12, benefit-eligible employees may enroll or make changes in the University’s health, life, long term disability, and dental insurance, and ACES flexible spending account benefit plans. It is the only chance for benefit-eligible employees to enroll or make changes until the next open enrollment period unless you have a qualifying change in status.
Please review the documents in the Open Enrollment section of the MyUE portal at: https://bit.ly/2GcdKph, beginning with the open enrollment memo, for important announcements, reminders, and changes which will occur June 1 to the University’s benefits.
We will once again utilize an on-line enrollment process, eliminating all paper enrollment forms for health, life, dental, and long term disability insurance, as well as the ACES flexible spending account. This will ensure the accuracy of your enrollment elections and maintain records electronically regarding your current and future participation. Enrollment/changes to your TIAA and Emeriti VEBA Trust retirement plan salary deferrals will continue to be processed on paper forms available in the Office of Human Resources. Therefore, you do not need to re-enroll in the TIAA or Emeriti retirement plans.
ALL benefit eligible employees (including those who do not want to make any changes to their current coverage) must enter their elections by April 12.
Please review the open enrollment memo and On-Line Benefit Enrollment Documents on the HR Area of the MyUE portal, which should answer many of the questions you might have about this system.
Please contact the Office of Human Resources at ext. 2943 with any questions.
Submitted by Lori LeDuc ll138@evansville.edu
Run, Hide, Fight Active Shooter Drill - Practice "Hide" Only!
In partnership with the Evansville Police Department, an Active Shooter Drill will take place the week of April 1-5. This drill will focus solely on the HIDE element of the exercise, regardless of whether the fictitious event affects your specific location. The drill will be announced to the campus via Ace Alerts and the active shooter audio sirens will sound signaling there is a threatening event.
During the drill: Find a location to shelter-in-place (HIDE), and lock doors or barricade within a particular space. Members of the Evansville Police Department will be stationed inside various buildings to gauge individual responses to the drill, as well as determine how quickly individuals were able to make a decision regarding the HIDE part of the drill. Once the drill is over, another AceAlert will be sent with the announcement to resume normal duties.
Note: The University invested in the purchase of interior locking mechanisms which have been installed in the majority of classrooms, enabling doors to be locked from the inside of the room. The supplier of the locking mechanisms is scheduled to deliver the rest of the locking mechanisms by the end of the spring semester to complete this project. If you are in a room that does not have the ability to be locked, you should consider other options to barricade the door as part of the “hide” element of the exercise.
The drill will be announced to the campus via Ace Alerts and the active shooter audio sirens will sound signaling there is a threatening event. Additional information about “Run, Hide, Fight” can be found at www.evansville.edu/safety.
This Week in Music: UE Opera and Student Recitals
UE Opera Presents Cosi Fan Tutte
Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30
7:30 p.m., Preston Arts Center, Henderson, KY
On March 29 and March 30, at 7:30 p.m., the University of Evansville Schmidt Opera Series comes to the Preston Arts Center in Henderson, Kentucky, with Mozart's comedy Così fan tutte: A School for Lovers. In this opera, the cynical Don Alfonso goads his two young friends into making a not-so-friendly wager. Its outcome will either defend the virtue of the women they love or expose an infidelity present in women everywhere. The battle lines have been drawn as the two men set out to test the faithfulness of their unwitting fiancées.
In this production we find our characters in a college town in southern Indiana with visiting guests from a rival Kentucky school. As we wonder who will ultimately prevail in this battle of the sexes, the musical genius of Mozart pervades the arias, ensembles, and choruses of Cosi fan tutte.
Mozart's opera is brought to life by UE students directed by Alanna Keenan, Associate Professor of Music with a professional orchestra under the baton of Dennis Malfatti, professor of music. Henderson native Adam Smith, takes on the role of the scheming Don Alfonso. He efforts are aided by his confidant, Despina, played by Madeline Cox of Gibson County. Rounding out the cast are the four lovers Darwi Sandleben, Kathryn Lee, Isaac Cooper, and Clay Steenbergen, all of Evansville, Indiana.
All are welcome to attend. Admission is a suggested donation of $10. The Henderson Arts Center is located at 2660 South Green Street, Henderson, KY 42420
Student Recitals
Saturday, March 30
Logan Tsuji, trumpet, senior recital, Wheeler Concert Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 31
Gefei Chai, viola, senior recital, Wheeler Concert Hall, 2:30 p.m.
Devyn Haas and Brittany Hildenbrand, saxophone and oboe, senior recital, Wheeler Concert Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by James Sullivan js820@evansville.edu
UE Theatre presents "The Wolves"
The University of Evansville Theatre presents Sarah DeLappe’s The Wolves. A 2017 Pulitzer Prize finalist, this whip-smart play is a scarily exhilarating look into a soccer team and the rawness of girl power and opens Monday, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the May Studio Theatre. Additional performances are at 7:30 p.m. on March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and at 2:00 p.m. on March 31.
Bailey Brandvold, a senior theatre studies major from Great Falls, Mont., directs The Wolves; Austin Kuhn, a junior from Evansville, Ind., serves as the scenic designer; Hannah Mattingly, a junior from Louisville, Ky., is the costume designer; Luke Kelly, a senior from Dubuque, Iowa, is the lighting designer; Jamey Rowland, a junior from Durham, N.C., serves as the sound designer; Shannon White, a junior from Rockwall, Texas, is the dramaturg; Michael Chaves, a sophomore from Senoia, Ga., is the stage manager, and Adam Rager serves as the technical director.
The cast features junior Blake Ware, from Evansville, Ind.; sophomore Jordan Williams, from Edmonds, Wash.; first-year student Kelly Walsh, from Hollywood, Fla.; sophomore Emma Tolleson, from Temple, Texas; first-year student Delanie Kitzman, from Tomball, Texas; junior Kate Milazzo, from Carmel, Ind.; sophomore Hannah Stevens, from Arlington, Texas; sophomore Grace Maddux, from Dubuque, Iowa; first-year student Liv Campbell, from Kingwood, Texas, and sophomore Julia Veiga, from Flowery Branch, Ga.
The UE Theatre Society hosts a Pre-Play Chat 30 minutes prior to the show on Saturday, March 30. All are welcome to attend the presentation and discussion with a student designer about their process on the production.
Ticket prices are $11 for adults and $9 for senior adults, students, and UE faculty and staff. UE students may obtain one free student rush ticket beginning at noon on the day of the performance they wish to attend. Seating is limited and tickets are available by calling 812.488.2031.
Mary Stewart Adams to speak at UE's R. Wayne Perkins Lecture
The University of Evansville’s fourth annual R. Wayne Perkins Lecture Series is planned for Friday, March 29 through Monday, April 1. This year’s speaker is Mary Stewart Adams, star lore historian, storyteller, author, and global advocate for starry skies.
Adams lectures using a humanities-based approach to understanding the celestial world and the cultural influence of astronomy. She speaks about our relationship to the night sky and why it matters that we are losing direct access to the natural dark. Adams led the team that established the 9th international dark sky park in the world in 2011. She has received numerous honors including Dark Sky Advocate of the Year, Environmentalist of the Year, and Dark Sky Defender.
All of the events listed below are free and open to the public.
Friday, March 29
Room 73, Schroeder School of Business Building, University of Evansville
3:00 p.m.
History 290 class
Saturday, March 30
Koch Planetarium, Evansville Museum of Art, History, and Science
2:00 p.m.
Mary Stewart Adams to speak
Sunday, March 31
Trinity United Methodist Church, 213 SE 3rd Street, Evansville, Indiana
9:30 a.m., Sunday Service and 10:45 a.m., Wesley Advocates Class Session
Monday, April 1
Room 100, Koch Center for Engineering and Science, University of Evansville
Astronomy 101 class
The annual R. Wayne Perkins Lectures, sponsored by UE’s Office of Religious Life, bring together religion scholars, theologians, and church leaders to explore biblical and theological questions relevant to our common life together. The lectures are intended to be public in nature, engage a broad gathering of world views, and help inform the complexities of theological understanding within contemporary life. The Perkins Lectures are made possible by the generosity of private donors and the Lilly Endowment Inc., and are designed to generate and foster sustained theological reflection among UE students and alumni, clergy, and the larger community.
Delta Omega Zeta's Break the Floor
Delta Omega Zeta will be hosting Break the Floor: A 2000's Remix on March 29, at 6:00 p.m. in Room 162 in the Schroeder School of Business Building. Everyone is invited to come partake in a friendly karaoke competition. No skills required! Not comfortable singing in front of a crowd? You can be part of the audience and participate in various mini-games and win prizes that way as well! Come visit our tables in Ridgway University Center on March 25, 27, and 29 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. to learn more, or contact Delta Omega Zeta's philanthropy chair, Jessica Elmore, at je146@evansville.edu with any questions.
Submitted by Jessica Elmore je146@evansville.edu
UE Student Research and Honors Symposium
Please join us Wednesday, April 3, for the UE Student Research and Honors Symposium! Students will be presenting their research in sessions from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Rooms 253 and 254, Ridgway University Center. Those wishing to attend the symposium are welcome to participate in sessions throughout the day as they are able. A detailed schedule of presentations and symposium presenters can be found here.
Submitted by Leslie Barton lb261@evansville.edu
Mary Stewart Adams to speak in Neu Chapel Sunday Night
The campus community is invited to attend this week’s Sunday Night service at 9:00 p.m. in Neu Chapel, where we will be joined by the Perkins Theology Lecturer Mary Stewart Adams. She will lead us in a time of reflection and guided meditation. This will be an excellent opportunity to prepare for a busy week ahead! All are welcome!
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
Wallyball this weekend!
The Intramural Wallyball tournament is this Saturday, March 30, beginning at 2:00 p.m. inside the Fitness Center. Wallyball is a fun and unique style of volleyball played inside a racquetball court. Sign up your team on imleagues.com or show up with a student/faculty ID Saturday ready to play. Get out this weekend and come have some competitive fun with us!
Submitted by Drew Hawkins ah519@evansville.edu
Medical Spanish Practice
Medical Spanish practice is designed to help students practice communication skills in Spanish for medical settings. Students may arrive and leave at any time. The next session is Monday, April 1, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in Room 64 in the Schroeder School of Business Building. Please contact associate professor of Spanish Diana Rodríguez Quevedo at dr130@evansville.edu for more details. ¡Nos vemos el miércoles!
Submitted by Diana Rodríguez Quevedo dr130@evansville.edu
Health Careers Forum 2019
The University of Evansville Exercise and Sport Science Student Organization, in collaboration with the Center for Career Development, cordially invites you to attend its annual Health Careers Forum. The event is planned for Wednesday, April 3, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center.
There will be panelists from different organizations in the health field who will come to share their experiences. This event will be a great opportunity for everyone who would like to make acquaintances with local health care professionals.
Students are expected to RSVP as soon as possible by filling out the registration form. For more information on registration, email ea97@evansville.edu.
Attendees are asked to dress business-casual. All EXSS students are advised to attend.
Submitted by Emily Armstrong ea97@evansville.edu
Drag Show 2019: Creatures in the Night
Come to PRIDE's annual Drag Show on Saturday, April 6 at 7:00 p.m.!
This year the theme is fairy-tale creatures. Enjoy a mocktail bar and professional drag and student performers!
Ticket proceeds benefit Matthew 25 and AIDS Resource Group. Tickets are $5 in advance and $7 at the door. If you are interested in a "VIP" experience, sitting at an 8-person table that includes a free drink and waiter service from the bar, then you can purchase the VIP Ticket for $6 in advance or $8 at the door (if there are still seats available).
Email uepride@gmail.com for more information or if you have any questions.
And don't forget to come to our Health Fair from 6:00-7:00 p.m. before the show, free of charge!
Submitted by Charlie Hoeg uepride@gmail.com
Newman Club Migration Solidarity Vigil
Please join the Newman Club in Neu Chapel on Wednesday, April 3, at 8:00 p.m. to pray for refugees. This multilingual candlelight service will have music, and there will be an opportunity to write letters in support of refugees at the end. Please contact Kristen Sportiello at ks491@evansville.edu if you'd like to become more involved in the Newman Club's migration initiative.
Submitted by Sam Wallisch sw265@evansville.edu
Taste of Evansville featuring trivia
Chi Omega is hosting a fundraiser event on March 30, and all proceeds will go directly to Albion Fellows Bacon Center, a shelter for victims of domestic violence here in Evansville. This event will feature food from across the Evansville area and several rounds of trivia - ranging from TV shows to Harlaxton-related questions! Ticket price is $5 with a donation of a hygiene item and $7 without a donation. Tickets can be purchased from Chi Omegas, in Ridgway University Center from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on March 27-29, or at the door at the event. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 30, and trivia will start at 6:00 p.m. We hope to see you there!
Submitted by Johnna Mitchell jm703@evansville.edu
Kurt Vonnegut and Hoosier Quality of Place to be topic of lecture
The University of Evansville’s annual Chutney Literary Conference is set for April 5-6, on UE’s campus. UE students will be presenting critical papers, and will have the opportunity to win awards for their efforts.
The conference starts with the Melvin M. Peterson Literary Forum’s Hemminger-Brown Lecture on Friday, April 5. The lecture will begin at 7:00 p.m. in Room 162 (Harkness Hall), Schroeder School of Business Building. The guest speaker will be Edward P. Comentale, professor of English, associate vice provost for arts and humanities, and director of the Arts and Humanities Council at Indiana University Bloomington. His topic will be “Kurt Vonnegut and Hoosier ‘Quality of Place.’”
“This talk introduces my work in developing “quality of place” programs with communities in southern Indiana," said Comentale, "and then explores how Vonnegut’s fiction provides ways of thinking through vexed questions about the state’s identity, culture, and politics."
Comentale added that, after "a close look at depictions of Indiana and its people in Vonnegut’s early novels as well as his autobiographical accounts of his childhood in Indianapolis, I will examine how, in his later work, he places the state’s cultural history squarely at the center of national history and makes it representative of the problems that plague the nation at large. A widening class divide, political radicalization, the collapse of civic discourse - Vonnegut’s writing locates both the causes and potential corrections to these issues in the traditions and communities he knew in the Hoosier state and then makes a case for writing and storytelling as essential to restoring the country’s democratic institutions.”
Comentale is the author of Modernism, Cultural Production, and the British Avant-Garde and Sweet Air: Modernism, Regionalism, and American Popular Song. He co-edits a scholarly book series on fan cultures for Indiana University Press, through which he has published The Year’s Work in Lebowski Studies and The Year’s Work at the Zombie Research Center.
The conference ends on Saturday, April 6, with student panels planned for 9:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m., and noon in Rooms 271 and 272 in the Schroeder School of Business Building. The Grabill and Klinger Writing Prizes will also be awarded at this time.
For more information on UE’s annual Chutney Literary Conference, call 812-488-2963.
Civil rights activist Isra Chaker to speak on Thursday
Isra Chaker, civil right activist, campaigning expert, and public speaker, will be at the University of Evansville on Thursday, April 4, to present “College Students Rise Up: Advocation in the Trump Era, Dismantling the Misconceptions of Refugees, the Muslim Ban, and Breaking down Stereotypes on National Television.” The event, which is free and open to the public, is from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall in Ridgway University Center.
Chaker serves as the refugee campaign lead at Oxfam, one of the leading international NGOs in the world. In this position, she uses her campaign expertise to manage Oxfam’s campaign, that advocates for vulnerable people such as refugees, asylees, and temporary protected status (TPS) holders. The campaign also opposes discriminatory policies such as the Muslim bans.
Being personally impacted by the Muslim ban, and not being able to reunite with her extended family in Syria, Chaker is passionate in her work in reuniting families and advocating for vulnerable people. Recently, she was a featured speaker at the national #FamiliesBelongTogether March in Washington, DC, an event which drew over 40,000 people.
One of Chaker’s infamous projects that went viral in 2017 was bringing refugees to President Trump’s childhood home in Queens, New York, to share their experiences and their “American Dream.”
Chaker has been interviewed and featured on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, NowThis, AJ+, ABC News, Al Jazeera, CNN, the Associated Press, VICE News, the Washington Post, and more.
Chaker was appointed Global Ambassador for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency USA (UNRWA) for her invaluable contributions in raising awareness and funds for their projects supporting refugee assistance.
In addition, Chaker was recently chosen as an ICON for the "We The Future" campaign by Amplifier, which recognizes 10 young activists from across the country in their leading work on current social justice issues affecting humanity. Chakra was chosen to represent the refugee and immigration justice theme, known as "We the Future, will not be Banned." She is the only Muslim in the campaign, and her art work, as well as a curriculum she designed to break down the stereotypes and misconceptions of Muslims, refugees and immigrants, will be taught in over 20,000 schools across the United States this academic year.
Event contact: LaNeeca Williams
Contemporary American Indian Artists exhibit
“First Americans: Paintings and Prints by Contemporary American Indian Artists” will be on display at the University of Evansville in the Krannert Gallery in the Krannert Hall of Art and Music from April 8-May 11. The exhibit will feature works from local art collections, curated with the assistance and expertise of Stephen and Sandra Falls of Haubstadt, Indiana. There will be a reception on April 25 at 6:30 p.m. Both the exhibit and the reception are free and open to the public.
This exhibit is part of the Emerging Contemporary Artist Lecture Series sponsored by the Efroymson Family Fund and the University of Evansville’s Department of Art.
Gallery hours are Monday through Sunday, 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., and Sunday, noon-8:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact the UE Department of Art at 812-488-2043, email art@evansville.edu, or visit the gallery’s Facebook page.
Submitted by Corliss Chastain corlisschastain@gmail.com
Fiji-A Tour
Phi Gamma Delta will be hosting its annual putt-putt philanthropy event, Fiji-A Tour on Saturday, March 30. All proceeds benefit Easterseals Rehabilitation. The event will be from noon-4:00 p.m. and will be $5 per participant.
Submitted by Corbin Neu cn86@evansville.edu
Congrats to ChangeLab winners
Congratulations to the ChangeLab presentation competition winners! The Diversity in the Arts team was named "Crowd Favorite," and Data Analytics took first place for "Outstanding Performance!"

Pitch your idea to make Evansville more fun and exciting!
The first ever Community Changemaker Challenge is underway, and EVERYONE is invited to pitch their idea on how to improve our city. Folks of all ages and walks of life are welcome to form a team. The top four teams will win $1,000 in cash and pitch their idea to a panel of community investors. A 60-second video is due on April 8 by midnight. Learn more.

Submitted by Cindy Kelley ck116@evansville.edu
Propose your own ChangeLab

Want to make a difference in your community - or even the world? Start now by proposing your own ChangeLab project. Class credit and financial support is available, and your idea can help nonprofits, for-profit businesses, or civic projects.
Submit your idea for the Spring 2020 semester here by noon on Monday, April 1:
Spots are limited, apply early! For more info on ChangeLab, visit www.evansville.edu/changelab.
Submitted by Cindy Kelley ck116@evansville.edu
Tickets now available for International Food Festival
The inaugural International Food Festival, hosted by the International Club, is set for April 12. Tickets can be purchased before the event for $7, starting April 1, at the Office of Cultural Engagement and International Services on the second floor of Ridgway University Center in Student Life.
Submitted by Farrah Beidas fb33@evansville.edu
Pick up your copy of the Crescent today
The Crescent, University of Evansville's student magazine, is available for FREE to all students at magazine stands across the campus! Read about what makes UE home, Nerd Wars, Colony Collapse and more. And make sure to check out everyone's favorite section - Campus Crime. Pick up an issue on magazine racks across campus. The Crescent is a student magazine - by and for the students of the University of Evansville - that is published six times during the academic year. The Crescent serves as an open forum for the UE community. Copies are free to students and the goal is to present relevant content in a fair, accurate, and unbiased manner.
Submitted by Tim Young ty32@evansville.edu
Grads - get your cap and gowns
Spring graduates are reminded to come to the UE Bookstore and purchase their cap and gown soon, as some sizes are running low. Getting your cap and gown early is important so that you make sure everything fits. Masters and doctoral graduates should have already placed their custom orders for cap, gown and hood as it takes longer for them to come in. If you're a masters or doctoral graduate and have NOT placed your order stop in the UE Bookstore immediately! Graduation announcements are also available for those wanting them.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
A Salute to Women's History: Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama was born Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois.
Michelle was raised in a small bungalow on Chicago's South Side. Her father, Fraser Robinson, was a city-pump operator and a Democratic precinct captain. Her mother, Marian, was a secretary at Spiegel's but later stayed home to raise Michelle and her older brother, Craig. They were a close-knit family, typically sharing meals, reading and playing games together.
Craig and Michelle, 21 months apart in age, were often mistaken for twins. The siblings also shared close quarters, sleeping in the living room with a sheet serving as a makeshift room divider. They were raised with an emphasis on education and had learned to read at home by age four. Both skipped the second grade.
By the sixth grade, Michelle was taking classes in her school's gifted program, where she learned French and completed accelerated courses in biology. She went on to attend Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, the city's first magnet high school for gifted children, where, among other activities, she served as the student government treasurer. In 1981, Michelle graduated from the school as class salutatorian.
Following in her older brother's footsteps, Michelle then attended Princeton University, graduating cum laude in 1985 with a B.A. in Sociology. She went on to study law at Harvard Law School, where she took part in demonstrations calling for the enrollment and hiring of more minority students and professors. She was awarded her J.D. in 1988.
After law school, Michelle worked as an associate in the Chicago branch of the firm Sidley Austin, in the area of marketing and intellectual property. It was there, in 1989, that she met her future husband, Barack Obama, a summer intern to whom she was assigned as an adviser.
Initially, she refused to date Barack, believing that their work relationship would make the romance improper. She eventually relented, however, and the couple soon fell in love. After two years of dating, Barack proposed, and the couple married at Trinity United Church of Christ on October 3, 1992. Their daughters, Malia and Sasha, were born in 1998 and 2001, respectively.
In 1991, Michelle decided to leave corporate law and pursue a career in public service, working as an assistant to Mayor Richard Daley and then as the assistant commissioner of planning and development for the City of Chicago.
In 1993, she became executive director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a nonprofit leadership-training program that helped young adults develop skills for future careers in the public sector.
In 1996, Michelle joined the University of Chicago as associate dean of student services, developing the school’s first community-service program. Beginning in 2002, she worked for the University of Chicago Hospitals, as executive director of community relations and external affairs.
In May 2005, Michelle was appointed vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center, where she continued to work part-time until shortly before her husband's inauguration as president. She also served as a board member for the prestigious Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Michelle Obama first caught the eye of a national audience while at her husband's side when he delivered a high-profile speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Barack Obama was elected as U.S. Senator from Illinois that November.
In 2007, Michelle scaled back her own professional work to attend to family and campaign obligations during Barack's run for the Democratic presidential nomination. When they were out on the trail, they would leave their daughters with their grandmother Marian, Michelle's mother.
Barack Obama eventually won the nomination and was elected the 44th President of the United States. Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
When her husband sought reelection in 2012, facing a challenging race against Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Michelle Obama diligently campaigned on his behalf. She traveled the country, giving talks and making public appearances.
In September of that year, Michelle delivered a noteworthy speech at the Democratic National Convention. "Every day, the people I meet inspire me, every day they make me proud, every day they remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on earth," she said. "Serving as your first lady is an honor and a privilege."
She went on to praise the Latino community for supporting President Obama, and stated that her husband—"the same man [she] fell in love with all those years ago"—understands the American Dream, as well as the everyday struggles of American families, and cares deeply about making a difference in people's lives. Michelle won both public and critical praise for her narrative, called a "shining moment" by the Washington Post.
On November 6, 2012, Barack Obama was re-elected for a second term as U.S. president. After Mitt Romney conceded defeat, Michelle Obama accompanied her husband with their two daughters, Malia and Sasha, onto the stage at McCormick Place in Chicago, where President Obama delivered his victory speech.
As first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama focused her attention on issues such as the support of military families, helping working women balance career and family and encouraging national service.
During the first year of the Obama presidency, Michelle and her husband volunteered at homeless shelters and soup kitchens in the Washington, D.C. area. Michelle also made appearances at public schools, stressing the importance of education and volunteer work.
Ever conscious of her family's diet and health, Michelle supported the organic-food movement, instructing the White House kitchens to prepare organic food for guests and her family. In March 2009, Michelle worked with 23 fifth graders from a local school in Washington D.C. to plant an 1,100-square-foot garden of fresh vegetables and install beehives on the South Lawn of the White House. She also put efforts to fight childhood obesity near the top of her agenda.
Michelle Obama remained committed to her health-and-wellness causes. In 2012, she announced a new fitness program for kids as part of her Let's Move initiative. Along with the U.S. Olympic team and other sports organizations, she worked to get young people to try out a new sport or activity.
"This year, 1.7 million young people will be participating in Olympic and Paralympic sports in their communities — many of them for the very first time. And that is so important, because sometimes all it takes is that first lesson, or clinic, or class to get a child excited about a new sport," she said in a statement.
Putting her message in print, Michelle released a book as part of her mission to promote healthy eating. American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America (2012) explores her own experience creating a vegetable garden as well as the work of community gardens elsewhere.
She told Reuters that she saw the book as an opportunity to help readers understand "where their food was coming from" and "to talk about the work that we're doing with childhood obesity and childhood health."
After leaving the White House, Obama remained highly sought after for her words of wisdom. In November 2017, during a conversation with poet Elizabeth Alexander at the Obama Foundation's inaugural youth leadership summit in Chicago, she spoke about the problems with impulsively firing off thoughts on social media.
"When you have a voice, you can't just use it any kind of way, you know?" she said. "You don't just say what's on your mind. You don't tweet every thought. Most of your first initial thoughts are not worthy of the light of day." It was believed to be a rebuke of President Trump, a notorious Twitter devotee, though Obama clarified that she was "talking about all of us."
The former first lady also addressed the topic of protecting women from sexual harassment, a hot-button issue stemming from recent accusations made against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and others in position of power.
"When we think about women in particular we ask them to speak up. We ask them to speak their mind. We ask them to just say no, to speak out against sexual harassment," Obama said. "But if we don't teach our young girls to speak at an early age, that doesn't just happen. It takes practice to have a voice. You have to use it again, and again, and again before you can say 'no.' Or 'stop.' 'Don't touch me.'"
On February 12, 2018, the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery unveiled its official portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama. Rendered by African-American artists, the colorful portraits were noticeably different from the more traditional efforts of past years: Kehinde Wiley's work featured Barack in a chair surrounded by greenery and symbolic flowers, while Amy Sherald depicted the former first lady in a flowing dress, gazing back at viewers from a sea of blue.
Submitted by Darrion Culler dc199@evansville.edu
CSML internship opportunity: inference and prediction in linear and non-linear systems
The Cognitive Science Modeling Lab (CSML) is looking for two, possibly three, energetic and self-motivated students to work on a universal vector-processing prediction engine during the 2019-20 academic year. At least one member of the team must have a reasonable mathematics background (at least up through MATH 370) and computer programming skills (at least up through CS 290). Familiarity with artificial intelligence techniques (including neural networks), complex systems, data analytics, infometrics, and/or predictive statistics will be considered a plus for all applicants.
Highly qualified applicants will not only possess technical skills, they must also have a record of reliable commitment and focus, good communication skills, cooperative abilities in working with others on a team, demonstrated responsiveness to following directions, and an ability to deal with unexpected contingencies. (In other words, since this is an open-ended research project it is highly likely that directions and deadlines will change as new discoveries are made.)
Students selected for this internship experience are expected to work on the project for two semesters by enrolling in COGS 492, taking either two or three credit hours in each of the two semesters.
Interested students should email Anthony Beavers, professor of philosophy and director of CSML, at tb2@evansville.edu, with a cover letter, resume, and the names of three UE faculty references to apply. The deadline for applications is April 1. Interviews will be conducted during the first two weeks of April and decisions will be announced on or before April 15.
Please contact Dr. Beavers if you have any questions.
Submitted by Anthony Beavers tb2@evansville.edu
Premiere of Habitat for Humanity documentary
Come to see the premiere of a student crafted documentary following the 2018 Habitat for Humanity Build in Guatemala. This build had students from a variety of majors and levels building smokeless stoves, latrines, and a house. Follow the team through the week-long adventure as they work to make a change in the world!
The premiere starts at 7:30 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center, followed by a talk back from students who were on the build. All welcome.
Submitted by Holly Carter hc110@evansville.edu
File the 2019-20 FAFSA by April 15th
File the 2019-20 FAFSA by April 15 at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
Continuing students should file the 2019-20 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for federal, state and University need-based financial aid, including all federal student loans. UE's FAFSA code is 001795.
Filing by April 15 is essential for Indiana residents to receive state aid, and highly recommended for all.
Questions regarding the FAFSA should be directed to the Student Financial Services (Olmsted Administration Hall, Room 106) at 812-488-2364.
Submitted by Trisha Hawkes th187@evansville.edu
Anything ACES Sale at UE Bookstore
Now through the end of March! Get 33% OFF all merchandise in the UE Bookstore that has either the ACES logo or the Shooting A logo on it in any form. The logos that qualify are displayed below.

The discount is off the original price of the merchandise and cannot be combined with any other discount. Also check out clearance and other items specially priced for a spring clearance. Items are sure to go fast, so hurry to the UE Bookstore and check out the savings.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
BIOL 100 Online
Are you interested in taking a non-majors biology course with a lab this summer to fulfill one of your scientific literacy general education requirements (Outcome 8)? Then take BIOL 100 D01 – Fundamentals of Biology during Summer I (May 20 to June 21). Please contact Dale Edwards (de3@evansville.edu) for more details.
Submitted by Dale Edwards de3@evansville.edu
Financial aid for summer courses
If you are seeking financial aid for summer courses at UE, please complete a summer financial aid application, and return to the Office of Student Financial Services (Olmsted 106). The application will allow our office to determine the types of aid for which you may be eligible.
On-campus jobs are available for continuing UE students during the summer. You do not need to be eligible for need-based Federal Work-Study during the academic year in order to apply. You may also apply regardless of your enrollment in summer courses. Applications are available within the Student Employment area of WebAdvisor.
Submitted by Amy Sowders as560@evansville.edu
Crescent Magazine is hiring
The Crescent - UE's student-ran magazine - is looking for writers, editors, photographers, and designers for the 2019-20 school year. Become a part of our award-winning publication and earn college credit! No experience is necessary. Compensation is available for leadership positions. Contact Tim Young, student media adviser, at ty32@evansville.edu or 488.2725.
Submitted by Tim Young ty32@evansville.edu
2019-20 Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship
Family, friends and loved ones of the late Dr. Marvin E. Hartig are pleased to announce the application process for the Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Hartig, Dean of Evansville College’s Evening College in 1967, and administrator for the Center for Advanced Study, director of the Evansville chapter of the American Institute of Banking (AIB), and the international student advisor. In 1974, Dr. Hartig was appointed Dean of Academic Services. He retired in 1984 after serving his alma mater for thirty-five years and passed away in 2007.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving sophomore student. Preference will be given to a student working while being enrolled as a full-time student. International students are encouraged to apply.
The application can be found here.
Deadline: Please return all materials to the Office of Student Financial Services by April 26.
The decision will be announced by July 1.
Questions: Trisha Hawkes, administrative assistant to the Office of Student Financial Services, at th187@evansville.edu or 812-488-2364
Submitted by Trisha Hawkes th187@evansville.edu
2019-20 Margery Florence Kahn Scholarship
2019-20 Margery Florence Kahn Scholarship applications are now available.
It was the desire of the donor, Margery Florence Kahn, that her scholarship be awarded to "dedicated and conscientious students who exhibit a true passion for their chosen fields of study, and who, in the opinion of the members of the University of Evansville faculty, are likely to bring the same enthusiasm into the performance of their jobs or the practice of the professions which they will pursue following graduation."
All University of Evansville full-time undergraduate students who will be juniors or seniors in 2019-20 may apply. An essay of about 300 words must accompany the application, along with two to five faculty recommendation letters.
Applications and recommendation letters are available from the Student Financial Services in Room 106 in Olmsted Hall and should be returned by APRIL 15.
You may also request application materials by emailing th187@evansville.edu.
Questions may be sent via email or call 812-488-2364.
Submitted by Trisha Hawkes th187@evansville.edu
Sign Up for Barn Blitz (BB2)
Barn Blitz 2 is happening! We are building backyard barns for Habitat for Humanity! There are several build dates.
- February 2: Cutting components (ONLY)
- February 9: Cutting components and building components
- February 16: Cutting components and building components
- February 23: Cutting components and building components
- March 2: Cutting components and building components
- March 23: Building components (ONLY)
- March 30: Building components (ONLY)
- April 6: Barn Blitz Day!
Please sign up to participate here: http://signup.com/go/odygOXP.
If you would like to claim a barn for your team or if you would like to be placed on a team for April 6, e-mail Karyssa Vasquez at kv54@evansville.edu. If claiming a barn for your team, please include a team name for your barn in your email.
Submitted by Karyssa Vasquez kv54@evansville.edu
Professor Tamara Wandel receives 1 for All First Amendment PR grant
University of Evansville associate professor of communications Tamara Wandel has received a 1 for All First Amendment public relations grant. She was one of 10 professors from across the country who received this grant from 1 for All, a nonpartisan educational program based at Middle Tennessee State University’s Free Speech Center.
These $2,000 grants are used to build awareness and increase understanding of the First Amendment. The grants support college public relations and strategic communications professors in giving their students hands-on PR campaign experience while building awareness and understanding of the First Amendment.
Wandel will use her grant in the fall to work with students on a PR campaign concerning the first amendment, sports, and politics.
“We’re very pleased to recognize some of the most creative professors in public relations and strategic media education, all with a commitment to ensuring that today’s college students have a clear understanding of the importance of the First Amendment to our democracy,” said Ken Paulson, director of the Free Speech Center and founder of the 1 for All educational program.
The campus PR effort is a project of 1 for All and the Free Speech Center at MTSU. The effort is completely nonpartisan and educational.
School of Education promotes education profession at Indiana Statehouse
School of Education Ambassadors Megan Hawkins and Heather Dougan, along with department chair Sharon Gieselmann, recently advocated for the education profession at the Indiana Statehouse. There they spoke with local and state officials including State School Superintendent, Jennifer McCormick, Senator Vanita Becker, and Representative Shane Lindauer. Board of Trustees member Sally Rideout also participated in the event. This annual event is sponsored by the Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Lunch with the Aces to feature Marcus Wilson on April 12
Lunch with the Aces returns to the University of Evansville campus on Friday, April 12, and will feature one of the all-time greats in UE men’s basketball history – Marcus Wilson.
The 1999 Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year is the keynote speaker at the event. He led the Purple Aces to the 1999 NCAA Tournament along with the MVC Regular Season Championship.
Running from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., the event features lunch, a video presentation, half pot, auction items and a UE student-athlete at each table.
Early registration is currently ongoing and is $40 per person. It runs until 5:00 p.m. on April 5. Cost after that date will be $45. Spots may also be purchased at the door on the 12th. Corporate tables are available for $350 and are for eight seats. They include a table at the front of the room, company logo in the event program, logo on the video screen, recognition by the emcee and two student-athletes per table.
Contact Jake Hill at 812-488-2283 or jh690@evansville.edu with any questions.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.