UPDATE: Water has been turned back on and is operating as normal now.


Water Outage Notice for Schroeder School of Business (See Impact Below)

Questions or Concerns Regarding this Work: Please contact the Facilities Management office at 812-488-2775.

Description of Work:

A water line break has occurred on campus. It will be necessary to temporarily turn water off for the Schroeder School of Business.

Affected Dates and Buildings:

Effective immediately (January 22, 2023) for the Schroeder School of Business until repair can be completed.

Impact for Occupants:

During the repair the building will experience a water outage. Once service is restored, there may be some water discoloration that should resolve as clean water runs through the lines.

Action(s) Required:

If you experience any water discoloration, please allow water to flow through the faucet to clear the lines.

Thank you for your patience as we maintain our beautiful campus.

To report a facilities emergency, call (812) 488-2775.