AceNotes Today
Monday, April 16, 2012
Design a Logo for UE's New Center for Innovation Engineering!
Design a logo for UE’s new Center for Innovation Engineering! This competition is open to all UE students! Cash prize!
The Center for Innovation Engineering (CIE) was founded in the summer of 2011 with the goal of instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in UE engineering students through the transformation of undergraduate engineering education. The CIE will aspire to enhance the skills of graduates of the College of Engineering and Computer Science and to foster direct collaboration with regional business.
This will be the visual voice of what the Center for Innovation Engineering is. It must be unique and aesthetically pleasing. Keep it simple. The center serves to encourage and support innovation and invention in all UE students. It will provide opportunities for experiential learning and the development of new ideas and the furthering of technology throughout all disciplines.
The logo must be flexible.
• Must be able to enlarge or shrink the logo
• Must work well on the web
• Must service a wide range of applications
The logo will be used for letterhead, business cards, #10 envelopes, and additional marketing pieces.
The logo must be produced as a vector image, so only Adobe Illustrator may be used to create the logo. The dominant colors should be purple and gold.
Burn your files onto a CD marked clearly with your name, e-mail address, and telephone number. Bring your CD to the Office of Publications (Sampson Hall) by 5:00 p.m. on April 20.
If you have any questions, please e-mail publications@evansville.edu.
The center serves to encourage and support innovation and invention in all UE students. It will provide opportunities for experiential learning and the development of new ideas and the furthering of technology throughout all disciplines.
Salads for Scholarships TODAY Starting at 11 AM
OSA Salad for Scholarships Sale is today (Wednesday, April 18) from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on the East Plaza in front of Ridgway University Center (Rain location will be the lobby of Olmsted Hall). You can purchase a Salad Trio, dessert and drink for $5.00. Proceeds are used for scholarships awarded to UE students by the Office Staff Association each year.
Dinner and Discussion Tonight at Newman Center
Sr. Carolyn and Sr. Mary Augustine from the Little Sisters of the Poor will be the featured guests tonight at the Newman Center. They will lead discussion on Pope Benedict's recent call for a Year of Faith in the Catholic Church to rediscover faith and renew our conversion to Christ. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. with discussion at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The Newman Center is located just across Lincoln Avenue from the Koch Center.
Win a Kindle Touch
The Crescent Magazine staff is interested in learning your general feelings and impressions about this year’s magazine. The survey will take just a few minutes to complete. It is anonymous, but by completing the survey and including your name and e-mail address at the end of the survey, you will be entered to win a Kindle Touch just for participating. One entry per UE student. Non-students and Student Publications staff are not eligible.
Sunset Tickets Still Available!
Sunset tickets are still available. If you did not reserve your ticket, you can still pick up tickets at the Carson Center ticket office Monday through Wednesday by showing a valid student ID. Students can request guest tickets while supplies last. All tickets given to students are FREE!
After Friday, tickets can be claimed at the Ford Center Will Call ticket window with your student ID.
For further questions contact Geoff Edwards at ge21@evansville.edu
Buy Your Ticket Now for SIL's What Not to Wear: ACE Your Work Wardrobe
Want to win an Ipad? Come to Students in Leadership’s What Not to Wear: ACE Your Work Wardrobe Runway Show on Monday April 16 at 7 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center. Each ticket-holder will receive a free t-shirt and a chance to win awesome and job-oriented prizes - such as an Ipad! Buy your tickets on April 12, 13, and 16 for the cost of $3.00 in Ridgway University Center during lunch. Then come and join Students in Leadership, partnering with Delta Sigma Pi, for some helpful examples of outfits you can use to ACE your interview. Proceeds will be donated to the Evansville Christian Life Center to help low-income individuals recieve outfits for job interviews.
This Week in Music - UE Orchestra, Ensembles, and Recitals
The University Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Assistant Professor and Director of Orchestral Activities Brian St. John will present a concert in Neu Chapel on Tuesday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will open with George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, with UE student Josh Kight on the piano. The concert will conclude with the orchestra’s performance of Aaron Copland’s Suite from his ballet Billy the Kid.
Dr. St. John will also lead the UE String Ensemble in a concert in Wheeler Concert Hall on Friday evening, April 20, at 6:00 p.m. The concert will open with Czech composer Leoš Janá?ek’s Suite for Strings. The ensemble will then perform a work entitled In the Midst of Life by UE student Caleb Gorrell, who will join the ensemble playing horn. The ensemble will close the concert with a performance of György Orbán’s Bálzene Suite.
UE students will offer three recitals on Saturday. Pianist Kaitlin Blacklock will present her Senior Recital in Wheeler Concert Hall at 1:00 .m. Soprano Jia Yu How and mezzo-soprano Jaclyn Hostettler will offer a joint Junior Recital at 2:30 p.m., and soprano Kyrstyn Burns will present her Senior Recital at 4:00 p.m.
Department ensembles will offer two concerts on Sunday. The UE Jazz Ensembles will perform in Wheeler Concert Hall at 4:00 p.m. UE Jazz Ensemble II will perform first under the direction of Assistant Professor of Guitar and Jazz Studies Renato Butturi, and Professor of Trumpet and Jazz Studies Timothy Zifer will lead UE Jazz Ensemble I during the second half of the concert. Both ensembles will perform some traditional jazz standards and a variety of more contemporary tunes. At 6:00 p.m., the UE Men’s and Women’s Choruses will perform in Neu Chapel. Director of Choral Activities Dennis Malfatti will conduct the ensembles in performances of works ranging from the Renaissance to the modern era. The Men’s Chorus will be accompanied by UE student Joshua Kight, and Professor of English William Hemminger will accompany the Women’s Chorus.
All events are free and open to the public.
ISEA Bookfair!
ISEA will be hosting a Scholastic Bookfair this week from Wednesday through Friday on the first floor of Ridgway University Center. The hours will be from 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on each day. So, if you've been wanting a new book come by and take a look!
I-House: Hungary Moved to Thursday
Join us Thursday for I-House: Hungary with sophomore cognitive science major Karolina Toth. Learn about her fascinating country and lively hometown, Budapest. Bring your friends to enjoy the final I-House presentation and a special end-of-semester surprise on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Class of 1959 Gallery upstairs in Ridgway University Center.
Bookstore Sidewalk Sale
The annual Bookstore sidewalk sale will be Wednesday, April 18 outside the Ridgway University Center on the east side. Great savings to be had on one-of-a-kinds, discontinued merchandise, odd sizes and other UE merchandise. Come early for best selection. Hours are 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., weather permitting.
Staff Recognition Dinner
Each staff employee and their guest is invited to attend the Staff Recognition Dinner at the Log Inn on Monday, April 23. The social hour (cash bar and appetizers) begins at 6 p.m. and dinner will begin at 7 p.m. Please join Dr. Kazee in the presentation of staff service awards, and for the presentation of the Staff Employee of The Year Award. Please return your RSVP to Human Resources by Tuesday, April 17.
Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Award Luncheon 2012!

All scholarship applicants must be present at the Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Luncheon on April 21, to be awarded a scholarship! It starts at 12:00 p.m. in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center. All awards will be announced during the luncheon! Sondra Matthews’77, will be the guest speaker and there will be musical selections from the Bosse High School Ensemble Free for UE students who RSVP by April 16 to alumni@evansville.edu or call 488-2586.
UE Walkers Unite for March for Babies
The University of Evansville is supporting the March of Dimes again this year by fielding a team in March for Babies.The event takes place on April 28 at Riverside Park.
"We have a great reason to walk," says Team Captain Becky Hamilton. "The money we raise will help fund research and programs that help moms have healthy pregnancies and babies start healthy lives. Every year, more than half a million babies are born too soon in the United States. Together we can change that statistic."
To register for this year’s walk or to simply make a donation to our UE team, go to http://marchforbabies.org/ue and click “join this team.”
Your participation and support will save lives.
"Financial Markets in the 21st Century"- Rick Roop Will Speak to UE Students
Rick Roop, a vice-president and portfolio manager of Donaldson Capital Management, will be talking to UE students in Room 170, Schroder Family School of Business Administration Building, at 4.00 p.m. on April 18. Donaldson Capital Management is an Evansville based money management firm which manages assets worth nearly 550 million dollars. Rick manages nearly 120 million dollars. He graciously accepted an invitation from Walayet A. Khan, professor of finance, to give a presentation titled, “Financial Markets in the 21st Century”. The event is open to the UE community and the public.
UE Senior's Work to be Featured at Ceramic Art Auction
UE senior Neeley Koester will be the featured artist at the Ceramic Art Auction planned to benefit the Evansville Children's Center on Tuesday, April 24. Other artists whose work will be auctioned include Mark Schoenbaum, David Rodenberg, Les Miley and Lenny Dowhie. The auction - which will be held at the Rapp-Owen Granary in New Harmony, Ind. - begins at 7:30 p.m. There will be a reception and viewing of the auction pieces before the auction from 6-7:30 p.m.
This event is being hosted by the University of Evansville Clay Club, Dan and Connie Koester, Jenni Koester, Jeremy and Tara Overton, Mark and Sondra Schoenbaum, and Andrew and Amanda Wilson.
If you wish to attend, please RSVP by April 18 at EPCCauction@gmail.com.
Dance Team Audition
The University of Evansville Aces Dance Team invites all eligible students to audition for the Dance Team for the 2012-2013 season. Auditions will be held on April 21 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and April 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The first day of auditions will consist of learning a short, choreographed dance and practicing technique. The second day will consist of showing examples of required technique, preforming the choreographed routine, showcasing 1 minute of original original choreography to music (this should be prepared prior to auditions), and a short interview. Auditions will be held in the Small Gym of the Carson Center.
Information about the 2012-2013 season will be provided at the call out meeting on April 16 from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Room 113 of the Carson Center.
A private or video audition may be arranged if needed and will be allowed at the discretion of the coaching staff.
There is a $20 audition fee. Please refrain from wearing baggy clothing during auditions. Footwear is required.
More information is available at gopurpleaces.com. Please contact Coach Arata at ma112@evansville.edu or 502.689.4085 with any questions or concerns.
We hope to see you at auditions!
Family Weekend Date Set for 2012: Make Plans Now!
Family Weekend is scheduled for September 28–30. The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations has started working on event planning for this weekend. If your department or organization would like to have an event during Family Weekend, please complete a newly developed “Family Weekend Event Form” by clicking on this link http://acelink.evansville.edu/Areas/Alumni/, or by e-mailing the information to: alumni@evansville.edu.
Like last year’s successful weekend, we would love to have a lot of student and department participation! If you have any questions, please contact Angela Williams, assistant director of Alumni and Parent Relations, at 488-2900 or Donna Jones, at 488-2586.
Last Chance to Register for April!!
UE strength coaches will be hosting April Sessions starting Monday for speed and agility training for Junior High and High School athletes. Please contact Joe at 488-2298 or jh464@evansville.edu to get registered. Only $10 per session and camps starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Armory on UE campus for the following dates and sessions lasts approx.. 45 minutes. Dates: Monday, April 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, and 30, and May 1 and 3.
Wanted - Students to Share UE Experiences with Prospective Students
Wanted - Students to share their University of Evansville experiences with prospective students.
The Office of Admission is looking for students to blog about their 2012-13 UE experiences. Bloggers will receive $250 per semester upon fulfilling the requirements which include:
• Complete a written blog post, photo post, or video post twice a month. Posts do not have to be long, but share portions of campus life.
• Write a short informational post which provides information about major and campus activities and involvement.
• Provide a photo for the blogging platform or have photo taken by UE staff.
Interested students should e-mail Kim McDonald (km117@evansville.edu) a sample post. For more information, contact Kim at km117@evansville.edu or ext. 2683.
Important Spring Commencement Information
Spring and summer graduates need to stop by the Registrar’s Office in Room 106 in Olmsted Hall to pick up their May commencement line cards. The cards contain important information for commencement day and should be brought to the graduation ceremony. Cords will also be distributed to students earning Latin honors.
Thank You, UE Campus!
The Honors Program and HPSAC want to thank the Student Development Fund and everyone who supported “Nerd Wars”. Through your team entry fees and monetary donations that evening, we were able to raise $478 for Albion Fellows Bacon Center.
Photographer on Campus
The Office of Admission will have a photographer on campus for a photo shoot Monday, April 16, and Tuesday, April 17. UE students and faculty have always been very cooperative and accommodating during previous shoots. As a result, many great photos have been taken for UE publications. Kim McDonald will try to notify faculty in advance if photos will be taken in a particular class; however, weather often can force the shoot inside, and it is possible that last minute requests will be made. If faculty members know that they will be giving a test or do not wish to be bothered either of these days, please inform Kim McDonald at ext. 2683 and the classroom will be avoided.
Housing Extended Stay Requests
All UE residential facilities officially close at noon on the Thursday, May 3. However, students must officially check out of housing within 24 hours following their last exam. If you need to stay later, an Online Extended Request Form must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Reading & Study Day. These forms are available on the Residence Life Web site. There may be a $35 per night fee depending on the reason for staying. Graduating seniors and those participating in graduation may remain in housing until noon the day following commencement (but still must submit an extended stay request).
Summer Sessions Online Classes
Consider taking a UE online course this summer. Check out these online courses to meet your needs. Visiting students can contact the Center for Adult Education Department (812-488-2981) for registration assistance. For a detailed listing of ALL summer course offerings at UE, please visit http://www.evansville.edu/summersessions/
Summer I Online Courses:
ART 105 – Introduction to Visual Arts
ARTH 209 – Survey of Art II
BUS 380 – Leadership
CHEM 108 – Elementary Chemistry
COMM 380 – Intercultural Communication
EDUC 100 – History & Found of Amer Educ
EDUC 320 – Teach Strategies in K-12 Schools
EDUC 322 – Spec Need Stud K-12
EXSS 190 – Intro to Public Health
MATH 105 – College Algebra
MATH 221 – Calculus I
MATH 222 – Calculus II
MGT 280 – Leadership
MGT 311 – Mgmt Information Systems
MGT 377 – Organizational Behavior
MKT 325 – Principles of Marketing
PSCI 100 – World Politics
QM 227 – Introduction to Statistics
REL 150 – Intro New Testament
SOC 105 – Intro to Sociology
Summer II Online Courses:
ACCT 211 – Principles of Accounting II
ART 105 – Introduction to Visual Arts
BUS 380 – Social Media Strategy
COMM 130 – Intro to Communication
EDUC 320 – Teach Strategies in K-12 Schools
EDUC 516 – Adv Educ Technol & Application
EXSS 195 – Global Health Issues
HSA 414/514 – Health Care Mgmt & HR
HIST 111 – World History to 1500
MGT 310 – Production/Operations Mgmt
NUTR 280 – Nutrition in Health & Disease
PSCI 100 – World Politics
PSYC 416 – Human Sexuality
REL 130 – Christian Thought
SOC 230 – Social Problems Modern World
Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship
Family, friends and loved ones of Dr. Marvin E. Hartig are pleased to announce the application process for the Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Hartig, Dean of Evansville College’s Evening College in 1967, and administrator for the Center for Advanced Study, director of the Evansville chapter of the American Institute of Banking (AIB), and the international student advisor. In 1974, Dr. Hartig was appointed Dean of Academic Services. He retired in 1984 after serving his alma mater for thirty-five years and passed away in 2007.
Applicants must be sophomores in 2012-13 and must show demonstrated financial need on the 2012-13 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Preference will be given to a student working while being enrolled as a full-time student.
International students are also encouraged to apply and should include in their essay any particular factors impacting their financial need and how the scholarship money will benefit them since international students do not have FAFSA forms on file.
Applicants must submit the completed application and a typed statement (not to exceed one page), describing themselves, their scholastic and career goals, why they need this scholarship, and how the scholarship proceeds might be used.
Completed applications are to be sent to the Office of Financial Aid by June 1. Decisions will be announced by August 1.
Applications may be emailed to financialaid@evansville.edu; or JL25@evansville.edu
UE Summer Housing
Students, will you be taking classes in Evansville or staying during the summer to work? If you need summer housing, come by the Office of Residence Life to pick up a summer housing application. UE summer housing will be located in Schroeder Hall. For more information about on-campus summer housing ask the Residence Life staff or visit the summer housing website. Applications for summer housing are due April 20.
Procedures for Summer Travel Expenses & Membership Dues Paid with Pcard
Traveling this summer on UE business with a return date after May 31, 2012? Paying membership dues for next fiscal year prior to May 31? If you use your Pcard prior to May 31 to pay for some of those travel expenses or membership dues, you will need to e-mail Lori Harriss (lh177@evansville.edu) in Accounting and Audit with the following information:
• Vendor name
• Date of purchase on Pcard
• Dollar amount charged to Pcard
• Description and purpose of purchase
• Account number charged for purchase
These expenses will be charged to your 2012-13 budget funds.
Dennis Malfatti
Dennis Malfatti, associate professor of music and director of choral activities, has been appointed to a second term on the Executive Board of the Indiana Choral Directors Association (ICDA.) As a board member, Malfatti holds the position of Repertoire and Standards Chair for College and University Choirs. In this capacity, he leads choral music reading sessions at the annual ICDA Conference, provides articles for quarterly ICDA publications, and serves as a resource to college level choral directors throughout the state on issues related to repertoire selection.
Wichita State Takes Game Three, 1-0
The University of Evansville softball team fell 1-0 in today’s the series finale against Wichita State. The loss drops the Aces to 11-26 on the season, falling to 4-11 in the Missouri Valley Conference.
Sophomore Katie Sears led the Aces at the plate, accounting for half of the Aces’ hits with a 3-for-4 performance in the batter’s box. Freshman Victoria Dellorto and seniors Amy Gaertner and Maggie Little each ended the day with a hit as well.
Junior Sarah Patterson (6-13) took the loss in the circle, scattering five hits and striking out three batters in the complete-game effort.
The Aces will return to action on Tuesday, traveling to Carbondale, Ill., for a midweek league doubleheader against Southern Illinois.
The Aces threatened in the bottom of the second, as Gaertner led off the inning with a single to left center before junior Kendall Kautz reached base on a Shocker fielding error. Sophomore Niki Rahming moved the runners to second and third with an infield groundout before freshman Lauren Lum worked a full-count walk to load the bases. With one out on the board, freshman pinch-hitter Alli Nolan blasted a frozen rope right at the second baseman, but the line drive was caught and Lum was picked off in the double play, ending the inning with the game still tied at 0-0.
The Aces put pressure on Wichita State again in the bottom of the third, as Dellorto and Sears led off the bottom of the third with back-to-back doubles before moving to second and third on a sacrifice bunt by junior Tamara Robey. A strikeout brought Gaertner to the plate with two outs on the board, but Wichita State easily fielded a groundball to make the play at first and end the threat.
Wichita State took a 1-0 lead in the top of the fifth, as Brianne Bond led off the inning with a double down the left field line. Holly Eckert, who entered as a pinch runner for Bond, advanced to third on a sacrifice bunt before scoring on a long sac fly by Danika Miller.
A hit and a pair of walks gave the Shockers bases loaded with one out in the top of the sixth, but UE’s defense got out of the jam unharmed as starter Sarah Patterson forced a pair of infield flyouts to end the inning.
A two-out single by Sears in the bottom of the seventh looked like it could spark a comeback rally, but Wichita State reliever Sloan Anderson secured the win and notched her second save of the weekend with a flyout to end the game.
Women's Golf Takes 14th At IU
After a single round of 18 holes, the University of Evansville women’s golf team placed 14th at the IU Golf Course on Sunday afternoon.
Lauren Ellerman tied for 44th place after shooting an 80. Two strokes behind her were Sydney Skiles and Cathy Doyle, who each shot an 82 to tie for 57th.
Dana Hayden came in a tie for 69th with an 84 while Alyssa Key carded an 87. Two Aces shot as singles including Kelly Lamarche, who notched an 84 and Chelsea Zusan who finished with a 91.
Host Indiana finished with a 298 en route to a seven-shot win over Ball State, who notched a 305. Eastern Michigan was third with a 306 while Kansas State was just behind with a 307.
Kristtini Cain of IU took medalist honors following a three-hole playoff.
Next Monday and Tuesday, UE will wrap up the season in Terre Haute at the MVC Championships.
Wichita State Tops Aces, 14-9, In Sunday Slugfest
Combining for 25 runs, 28 hits, eight doubles, and five home runs, the visiting Wichita State Shockers prevented a series sweep, as the University of Evansville baseball team fell, 14-9, Sunday afternoon in a slugfest at Braun Stadium. The Aces finished the weekend with a 2-1 series win over the Shockers, 22-14 overall record and 6-6 mark in the Missouri Valley Conference.
In a back-and-forth game, consisting of four lead changes and two mid-game tied scores, Wichita State (22-17, 5-4 MVC) strung together 10 of their 20 hits in the final three innings for 10 unanswered runs. The Shockers scored five runs in both the seventh and eighth innings after trailing, 9-4, to capture the win.
Junior reliever Josh Biggs (2-1) took the loss for Evansville, allowing five runs, five hits, and struck out two in one and a third innings. Starter Kyle Freeland pitched into the seventh inning, being credited to eight runs, 12 hits, two walks, and five strikeouts, before Jake Naumann and Biggs came out of the bullpen in the inning. Zach Taylor tossed a scoreless ninth, allowing one hit in his 82nd career appearance, which moves him into second place all-time at UE.
With a strong wind blowing out to left field the entire game, Wichita State scored two quick runs on back-to-back first-pitch home runs by Casey Gillaspie and Micah Green in the second inning. However Evansville quickly responded with four runs in the bottom half of the frame on Trentt Copeland’s grand slam over the left field wall.
Scoring one run in both the fourth and fifth innings, the Shockers tied the score, 4-4, before the Aces exploded for four more runs in the bottom of the fifth. Kevin Kaczmarski and Chris Pearson led off the inning with back-to-back singles, and Kaczmarski crossed the plate on reliever A.J. Ladwig’s wild pitch. With two outs, Andy Lasher drove home Pearson, and the inning continued when the Shockers overthrew first on a dropped third strike that would have ended the side, resulting in a run. Eric Stamets capped the inning with an RBI single, giving UE an 8-4 lead.
Freshman Kyle Pollock’s leadoff home run in the sixth made it 9-4, but UE was not in the clear, as Wichita States’ bats’ came alive in the seventh and eighth innings.
T.J. McGreevy (1-2) earned the win, throwing the final three and a third innings, allowing just one hit. Starter Albert Minnis made it through three frames before being relieved, allowing four runs, one hit, three walks, and struck out one.
Leading UE’s offense, Pollock and Copeland both went 2-for-5 on the day as the Aces combined for eight hits total. Copeland’s four RBI on his second home run of the season marked a team-high.
The Aces will step out of Valley play for five straight games, welcoming SIU Edwardsville to Braun Stadium Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. UE will also host Dayton for three games next weekend and Murray State in the following midweek matchup.
UE Tennis Falls In Hard-Fought Match
A hard-fought match ended Sunday night with Drake picking up a 5-2 victory over the University of Evansville women’s tennis team at the Tri-State Athletic Club.
For the fourth time in five MVC matches, Evansville (11-7, 2-3 MVC) took doubles as Dora Kotsiou and Natasha James and Aleks Dzakula along with Jessica Raatz each took 8-6 victories. Emily Richardson and Kelsey Costales fell by an 8-6 margin in their doubles effort.
Singles proved to be a tougher task for UE as Dzakula was the lone winner, taking down Klavdija Rebol, 6-4, 5-7, 6-1. Two tough points went Drake’s (20-5, 4-1 MVC) way as Gabriela Demos and Ali Patterson took three-set points. Demos topped James, 6-2, 2-6, 7-6, while Patterson defeated Gaby Fifer, 6-4, 6-7, 6-4.
Manca Krizman earned the win in flight one over Kotsiou, 6-1, 6-0 while Mina Milovic fell in the four slot to Nell Boyd, 6-2, 6-2. At the sixth spot, Costales was defeated by Amanda Aragon, 6-2, 6-3.
Evansville will wrap up the regular season over the next week, playing at USI on Wednesday before traveling to Bradley next Saturday and Illinois State on Sunday.
Drake 5, Evansville 2
Singles competition
1. Krizman, Manca (DU) def. Dora Kotsiou (EVAN) 6-1, 6-0
2. Aleks Dzakula (EVAN) def. Rebol, Klavdija (DU) 6-4, 5-7, 6-1
3. Demos, Gabriela (DU) def. Natasha James (EVAN) 6-2, 2-6, 7-6
4. Boyd, Nell (DU) def. Mina Milovic (EVAN) 6-2, 6-2
5. Patterson, Ali (DU) def. Gaby Fifer (EVAN) 6-4, 6-7, 6-4
6. Aragon, Amanda (DU) def. Kelsey Costales (EVAN) 6-2, 6-3
Doubles competition
1. Dora Kotsiou/Natasha James (EVAN) def. Krizman, Manca/Demos, Gabriela (DU) 8-6
2. Rebol, Klavdija/Aguilera, Jessica (DU) def. Emily Richardson/Kelsey Costales (EVAN) 8-6
3. Aleks Dzakula/Jessica Raatz (EVAN) def. Boyd, Nell/Aragon, Amanda (DU) 8-6
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.