There is an apparent fraudulent job posting circulating among college and university campuses. Please do not provide any information or cash checks for an organization in which you do not know.
The potential scam states that a student is hired for a position. It then provides a position description and asks students for personal information. Furthermore, it states that a check is being sent to them. It asks for the student to deposit the check and send a certified money order or cash to the company’s corporate office. Students then receive a check via Federal Express or other carriers. The following two company names have been utilized in this scam: Relativity Media and Brocade Communications.
Please do not provide any information or cash checks for an organization in which you do not know; this is appears to be a new version of an old scam. If you are contacted by a company or sent a check please contact: Mr. Harold Matthews, Director, Office of Safety & Security, ext 2051;
Students should be wary of any offers that provide payment prior to any work being accomplished and students should only deal with organizations and opportunities that they are familiar with. If a student has any questions about the legitimacy of a position they have found on a web-based job posting site, they should communicate with: Gene Wells, Director of the Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education, ext 1083; Although every effort is made by job posting sites to ensure that only legitimate positions are listed, it is still imperative that a job seeker exercise good judgment.