AceNotes Today
Monday, March 12, 2012
TIAA-CREF Retirement Planning Seminar
TIAA-CREF will be conducting a Financial Education Seminar for employees on Tuesday, March 13 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall 253, Ridgway University Center.
This seminar may help you simplify your retirement by discussing:
• Potential hazards in planning for an enjoyable, comfortable retirement
• Getting to where you need to be
• Funding the financial strategy that fits your personal needs
• Keeping your retirement investing on track
• Determining if you have enough for your retirement income needs
• How TIAA-CREF financial solutions can help you plan for -- and live well in -- retirement.
For more information, please go to: http://acelink.evansville.edu/Areas/HR/Files/TIAA-CREFSeminar2012-03-13.pdf
SIGN UP TODAY: Space is limited, so please RSVP by calling Erin Robertson at 1-866-578-4221, ext 25-6209.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Human Resources at ext. 2943.
Dinner & Discussion Tonight at Newman Center
Tonight's dinner & discussion at the Newman Center will be a panel discussion on vocations, including two seminarians from St. Meinrad, a Benedictine sister, a Little Sister of the Poor, and a Daughter of Charity discussing the stories of how they found their callings. Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m., with discussion beginning at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
Graduation Announcement Pickup
Those May graduates who have placed their graduation announcement orders by the date of March 8 can pick their order up in the UE Bookstore at their earliest convenience. These are for customers who chose pick up in store for their option. Those having their orders shipped should receive their orders viva UPS by March 16. Anyone still needing graduation announcements should stop in the Bookstore as soon as possible.
Hoedown for Hoofprints - Contestants Needed!
On Sunday, March 25, in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center, Delta Sigma Pi will host "Hoedown for Hoofprints." This is a philanthropy event that benefits Hoofprints in the Sand, a therapeutic riding center. Admission will be $3 and is open to all of UE and the public. The event is a co-ed competition with four fun rounds, open to all student organizations for registration. There will be a speedy dress-up round, a nerf-gun quickdraw, lasso competition, and a judged question round. Any organization may register male or female contestants for a registration fee of $35 for the first contestant, or $50 for two. Please sign up soon, because the registration deadline is March 16. Again, ALL student organizations are invited to compete and attend. Please email ss420@evansville.edu or ca104@evansville.edu with questions.
Sign Ups for Delta Omega Zeta's Break the Floor All-Male Dance Contest
Are you a guy who likes to dance? Or do you know guys who like to dance? If so, then come participate in Delta Omega Zeta’s BREAK THE FLOOR, an all male dance competition benefiting YouthFirst. This year’s theme is ‘70s Motown! Teams from 3 to 7 guys are allowed, and entries are due March 14! One team is $25 to enter and two teams are $50 to enter. Any entries, questions, or concerns please email ml141@evansville.edu
Sign Up for UE Gives Back
UE Gives Back will be held Saturday, March 31 from 10 am-12 pm. All students, faculty and staff are welcomed to participate. The sign-up sheet for an individual or group is available at cse.evansville.edu/service. The deadline to sign up is March 16.
This year, we will coordinating a neighborhood cleanup around the University as part of Clean-up Evansville as well as sending volunteers to other community locations.
Contact the Office of Community Service Initiatives at csi@evansville.edu for any questions.
Physical Therapy Club Meeting
There will be a Physical Therapy Club Meeting on March 14 at noon in Room 104, Graves Hall. All students welcome- undergraduate and graduate. We will be discussing club requirements, events, and opportunities for the semester.
Benefits for participating in PT club include:
• The opportunity to express ideas and concerns about topics of interest to PT students
• Opportunities to hear guest lecturers
• Community service opportunities
• Information about upcoming APTA and Indiana APTA events
• Fellowship and Mentoring from upperclassmen who have "been there, done that" in the DPT and PTA curriculum
If you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting, please email President Jennifer Murphy at jm451@evansville.edu
This Week in Music - A Weekend of Concerts and Recitals
The Bend in the River Brass Band, a traditional-style British brass ensemble, will present its Spring Concert this Saturday, March 17, at 7:00 p.m. Also on Saturday, soprano Jessica Hoyer and flutist Elizabeth Stone will present a joint Senior Recital at 2:30 p.m, which will be followed by soprano Caroline Buckman’s Senior Recital at 4:00 p.m. On Sunday, trumpeter Dalton Bailey and trombonist Christina Lu’uloa will present their joint Senior Recital at 1:00 p.m., and Professor Emeritus Douglas Reed will present a recital of organ and harpsichord music at 4:00 p.m. All events are in Wheeler Concert Hall and are free and open to the public.
Social Justice—Why Should I Get Involved?
Ace Advocates, a new organization on campus, will be hosting a social justice rally on March 15 in Eykamp 252,Ridgway University, starting at 5:30 pm.
Group member Whitney Lantz explains that “the purpose of Ace Advocates is to educate students on the campus of the University of Evansville about the topics of social justice and charity. It exists to form an arsenal of advocates that work for social justice, through organizations like Congregations Advocating for Justice and Empowerment (CAJE), and charity in and throughout the City of Evansville.”
At the rally, the group will discuss topics in social justice, and announce two social justice events planned for the near future that anyone can get involved in. There will be snacks and good discussion about topics that matter! Invite your friends, and come learn why you should get involved on campus and in your community!
Save the date: March 15, 5:30 pm.
Bicentennial Birthday Party Invitation
On Tuesday, March 27, the City of Evansville will host a Bicentennial Reception in recognition of Evansville's 200th birthday! The event will be held at the Old Post Office from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The event will feature remarks from Mayor Winnecke along with other attractions and entertainment. Hors d'oeuvres and Bicentennial Birthday cake will be served. This Bicentennial event will be free and open to the public, so please invite your family, friends and colleagues! If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Shawn Storckman, Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau, at 812-421-2212 or at sstorckman@evansvillecvb.org
Personal Finance Discussion for Students
All UE students are invited to attend a personal finance discussion specifically for college students, on Wednesday, March 14 at 9:00 p.m. in Eykamp 255. Leading the discussion will be Bob Boxell from Centennial Wealth. He will discuss student loans, FICO scores, the best ways for young adults to save and invest, which insurance products to consider, and which to avoid. No registration is necessary.
Aces Speed and Strength Camp
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Joe Hermes and his Nationally Certified Strength and Conditioning staff are holding speed and agility camps for Junior High and High School Athletes. Aces Speed and Strength Camp is now taking registrations for March and April speed camp dates. This is open to all levels and open to all sports. Sessions are only $10 each and will be held at 6:30pm on selected dates in March, April and May. Please call 488-2298 for more information.
Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Luncheon
The Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Luncheon will be held Saturday, April 21, 2012 in Eykamp Hall (room 252) of the Ridgway University Center. Lunch is $14.99 per person (UE students' meals are free). Please RSVP by April 18 at 488-2900 or alumni@evansville.edu. All schoarship applicants must attend.
Secret Noh Plays to be Topic of Next Andiron Lecture
The next University of Evansville Andiron Lecture begins at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 14, in Eykamp252, Ridgway University Center. A social gathering with beverages begins at 3:45 p.m.
The speaker will be Fusae Ekida, assistant profesor of Japanese and director of the Japanese Studies Program in the Department of Foreign Languages. Her topic will be "Secret Noh Plays:History and Tradition."
Ekida earned a PhD at the University of Washington. She has a wide range of research interests, from historical linguistics to Japanese classical literature. She is coauthor of “Historical Development of the Accusative Case Marking in Japanese as Seen in Classical Literary Texts,” published in the Journal of Japanese Linguistics.
Noh plays, a popular form of Japanese entertainment originating in the thirteenth century, are today revered as theatrical art. Ekida’s presentation will provide the history and tradition of the Noh plays in addition to the secret plays, which are some of the most highly ranked plays in the modern Noh repertoire.
For further information, call the series coordinator M. Christine Mohn at 812-488-2585 or the College of Arts and Sciences at 812-488-2589.
Celebrate Evolution
The 14th Annual Darwin Day lecture will be held on Thursday, March 15. Dr. Eric McCloud, an associate professor of biology at the University of Southern Indiana, will give a guest lecture at 4:00 p.m. in Room 100, Koch Center. McCloud’s lecture “Move, Adapt, or Die” discusses how anthropogenic climate change potentially will alter the survival, reproductive success, and ultimately the overall distribution and abundance of plants and animals on our planet. The lecture should be of interest to faculty and students across disciplines.
McCloud earned his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His research addresses the ecology, evolution, and physiology of inducible plant defenses against herbivores. McCloud teaches a broad array of courses at USI, including botany, zoology, entomology, plant physiology, and environmental conservation.
For more information contact Dale Edwards (de3@evansville.edu) in the University’s Biology department.
Lunch & Learn Spring Session – Tax Tips to Put Money Back in Your Pocket
Come join us on March 14 to hear about tax tips that can put money back in your pocket. UE faculty, staff, students, and community are invited to attend the free (bring your lunch) Lunch & Learn session on Wednesday, March 14, from noon–12:50 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. The session will be presented by Centennial Wealth Advisory. Please contact Judy Caldwell at jc313@evansville.edu if you have questions. This event is sponsored by the Center for Adult Education.
Pi Gamma Mu Collecting New and Used Shoes
Pi Gamma Mu, the Honor Society for the Social Sciences, will be collecting new and used shoes for Soles4Souls, a charity dedicated to providing shoes to those in need around the world. Shoes of all styles and sizes are welcome! Collection boxes will be located in Ridgway University Center, Koch Center, Graves Hall, Carson Center, and the Department of Law, Politics, and Society in Room 50, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Collection will run from Wednesday, Feb 29 through Friday, March 16. Our goal is to collect 100 pairs! If you have any questions, contact Mari Plikuhn at mp168@evansville.edu
UE Summer Housing
Students, will you be taking classes in Evansville or staying during the summer to work? If you need summer housing, come by the Office of Residence Life to pick up a summer housing application. UE summer housing will be located in Schroeder Hall. For more information about on-campus summer housing ask the Residence Life staff or visit the summer housing website. Applications for summer housing are due April 20.
Photo Contest!
The Department of Foreign Languages would like to invite students who studied abroad on a language immersion program for their major/minor requirement to submit photos to enter the Annual Foreign Language Department Photo Contest. If you participated in a foreign language study abroad program for your major/minor requirement in Spring 2011, Summer 2011 or Fall 2011, you may submit up to three photos from your study abroad experience for the contest. Printed photos should be no larger than 4 x 6, or photos may be submitted by email to foreignlanguages@evansville.edu. The first place photo will be enlarged, framed and displayed in the Foreign Language Office. Please note that all photos may be shared and/or published with the Office of Study Abroad and University Relations. Feel free to stop by OH 350 and see the winners from the past, if you like. You should submit your photos to Foreign Languages at OH 350 by WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st , and put your name and the place on the back of the photo or on a separate sheet. We would love to display all of them on one of our bulletin boards. If you have any questions, please contact Kimberly at kh209@evansville.edu.
ONB Scholarship Opportunity
Old National Bank is accepting applications for its $1,000 Community Matters Scholarship for post-secondary education. To qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a graduating high school senior or current college student with a Kid$ Start Savings account or ONBU Checking account.
- Demonstrate a commitment to community service and provide documentation of this service - including at least one letter of recommendation from organizations served.
For full eligibility information, click here, or contact Old National Bank at 1925 Lincoln Avenue in Evansville at 812-469-7830. The application deadline is March 19.
Eastman Kodak
Has your area purchased Eastman Kodak products and/or equipment within the last year? If so, please contact the Office of Administrative Services at ext. 2941 by March 15, for some important information.
Fitness Center Hours for Spring Break 2012
Friday, March 2 - 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. (no evening swim)
Saturda,y March 3 and Sunday, March 4 – Closed
Monday, March 5 through Friday, March 9 -8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
(No fitness classes and pool will be open depending on guard availability only )
Saturday, March 10 and Sunday, March 11- Closed
Monday, March 12 –normal hours resume at 6:30 a.m.
Dr. Kazee and Professors Paul Bone and Margaret McMullan
Along with UE President Tom Kazee, Department of Creative Writing faculty Paul Bone, Rob Griffith, and Margaret McMullan traveled to Indianapolis on February 27 and 28 to address representatives from North Central Indiana Private Schools at Breubeuf Jesuit Preparatory School. There, they announced the launch of the Harlaxton Summer Writing Program for High School Juniors and Seniors in 2013, where talented student writers will enjoy personal conferences with notable British and American writers, discussions with editors and authors about publishing, and excursions into the countryside and urban centers of England to explore this nation's rich architecture and literary history. For more information about the summer program visit http://hswp.evansville.edu/
Reminder To Aces Season Ticket Holders
Season ticket holders for the University of Evansville men’s basketball team are reminded of the upcoming deadlines for the Aces’ postseason game on Tuesday.
The deadline for season ticket holders to purchase their seats from the season is Sunday at 5 p.m. After that deadline, all tickets will be released for sale to the general public. Season ticket holders can purchase their tickets only through the UE ticket office in the Carson Center or by calling 812-488-ACES.
All tickets are $15 and all seats not utilized by season ticket holders are on sale now through Tuesday at the Carson Center or by calling 812-488-ACES.
Tickets will also go on sale at the Ford Center and through Ticketmaster.com beginning at 10 a.m. Monday.
Fans who purchase their tickets from now through Sunday can begin to pick them up at the Carson Center beginning on Monday at 9 a.m. Tickets will not be available before that time.
The ticket office at the Carson Center will have special hours until gameday. It will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. and will have hours on Monday from 9 a.m. through 7 p.m.
Information regarding the tournament along with the opponent will be released as soon as it becomes available, presumably either late Sunday evening or early Monday morning. The game is set for Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the Ford Center.
Six-Run Third Inning Leads Aces To 11-6 Win Over George Washington
The University of Evansville softball team (6-8) wrapped up the War Eagle Classic with an 11-6 victory over George Washington Sunday morning.
As a team, the Aces tallied 12 hits in the win, led by senior Amy Gaertner, junior Tamara Robey and freshmen Victoria Delloto and Kayla Fortner, all of whom notched two hits on the day. Gaertner hit her third home run of the weekend to finish the game with five RBI. Fortner went 2-for-4 at the plate to keep her 14-game hitting streak alive.
Relief pitcher Taylor Perry was credited with her first win of the season, scattering three hits and allowing just one run in 3.2 innings of work.
Evansville will return home for a pair of mid-week double headers, hosting Western Illinois on Wednesday before bringing in SEMO on Thursday. Both days are set to begin at 3:00 p.m.
Finding themselves down 2-0 in the bottom of the third inning, the Aces started a six-run rally, sparked by a leadoff single by Robey. A George Washington error would put two runners in scoring position for Dellorto, who came through with a single up the middle to score the Aces’ first run. Sophomore Niki Rahming followed the RBI with a walk, bringing Fortner to the plate with bases loaded. Fortner delivered a single up the middle, bringing in two runs to give UE the 3-2 lead. Gaertner later followed with a double to left field to bring home both Fortner and Rahming. After advancing to third on an illegal pitch, Gaertner crossed the plate on a passed ball to score the final run of the inning.
With the Aces’ leading 6-2 lead in the top of the fourth, George Washington was able to put up two more runs off starter Sarah Patterson before head coach Mark Redburn brought Perry in from the bullpen. With one out on the board and bases loaded for George Washington, Perry was able to shut down the rally, but not before one more run crossed the plate on a passed ball as the Aces’ lead was cut to 6-5.
Singles by Dellorto, Fortner and junior Alicia Betancur in the bottom of the fourth, as well as another George Washington fielding error, were enough for the Aces to produce two more runs to regain some cushion as they increased their lead to 8-5 going into the fifth.
Gaertner added three more runs to that cushion in the bottom of the sixth, cranking her third home run of the weekend with a three-run shot to centerfield.
With Evansville leading 11-5 in the top of the seventh, George Washington managed back-to-back doubles to score one more run, but Perry was able to retire the final two batters to secure the 11-6 win.
Aces Baseball Slips 10-2 At Tennessee Tech
After clinching the series yesterday, the University of Evansville baseball team looked to capture the sweep and extend its win-steak to six games Sunday afternoon, but the hosting Tennessee Tech University Golden Eagles bounced back with a 10-2 win over the Aces. UE now owns a 9-6 overall record, while TTU improved to 5-10.
“We accomplished our goal of coming down here and winning two out of three,” said head coach Wes Carroll. “I feel like we are still playing good baseball; we just had a little hiccup today. Hopefully we’ll get it going again this week.”
Freshman Kyle Freeland took the loss (1-2), giving up nine runs, eight earned, eight hits, while striking out one in 3.1 innings of work. Senior Zach Taylor tossed 3.2 frames, allowing one run, one hit, and struck out two. Sophomore James Kohler threw a hitless eighth with one strikeout.
Eric Stamets (2-for- 5), Jason Hockemeyer (2-for-3 ) and Kyle Pollock (2-for-3) led the Aces’ offense that recorded eight hits as a squad, scoring two runs. Tech produced just one more hit than UE, but capitalized, scoring 10 runs off nine hits.
Evansville took the initial lead in the first, scoring one run when Jake Mahon singled to left, advanced on a wild pitch and scored on Pollock’s single through the left side.
However, the Golden Eagles took over from there with a two-run home run the bottom of the first. TTU also scored one run in the second and two more in the third inning for a 5-1 lead.
Tech doubled their output in the fourth, taking full advantage of UE’s miscues. After a hit batter and fielding error with one out, the Golden Eagles strung together an RBI single and double, knocking Freeland out of the game. Taylor’s first batter of the afternoon, Evan Frazier, slugged a three-run home run over the right-centerfield wall to put TTU up 10-1.
From there, the UE pitching staff settled down and did not allow a hit the rest of the way. Offensively, Evansville got one run back in the eighth when Trentt Copeland led off with a walk, advanced on Pollock’s single, and scored on Kevin Kaczmarski’s two-out double down the right field line.
Tech reliever David Hess (1-1) earned the win on the mound as he gave up one run in six innings, while striking out four.
The Aces play two midweek games this week, hosting UT Martin Tuesday and then travel to Austin Peay Wednesday before welcoming Western Michigan to Braun Stadium for a three-game series Friday through Sunday.
Men's Basketball To Face Princeton In CBI
For the second-straight year, the University of Evansville men’s basketball team has accepted an invitation to play in the 2012 College Basketball Invitational presented by Zebra Pen.
Evansville will face off against Princeton at 7 p.m. inside the Ford Center. The Tigers were 19-11 this season while going 10-4 in Ivy League play.
Tickets will be on sale beginning at 9 a.m. at the Carson Center ticket office or by calling 812-488-ACES. All seats for the game are $15. The ticket office will have special hours on Monday, staying open until 7 p.m.
Beginning at 10 a.m. on Monday, you can also purchase tickets at the Ford Center and online at www.Ticketmaster.com
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.