This month, the University of Evansville’s Think Outside the Lunch Box Faculty Speaker Series will present "Sports Injuries and Your Children: Learn the Warning Signs." The event will feature Department of Physical Therapy faculty members Dr. Kyle Kiesel and Dr. Phil Plisky, who will discuss their internationally acclaimed research on injury risk identification and prevention.
Kiesel and Plisky will speak at noon on Thursday, February 2, in the Blue & Gold Room on the first floor of Old National Bank’s headquarters in Downtown Evansville. The event is free and open to the public.
“We have conducted research on professional, collegiate, and high school athletes, as well as U.S. Army soldiers, to help them prevent injuries and improve their performance,” Plisky said. “We look forward to speaking at February’s Think Outside the Lunch Box event and discussing how this research can benefit local families with active children or grandchildren.”
“Participating in sports and other physical activities can teach a child valuable lessons such as discipline and teamwork, but of course, they also bring a risk of injury,” Kiesel added. “The good news is that many sports injuries are preventable. It’s crucial that parents and other family members of active children learn to recognize the warning signs.”
Attendees are welcome to eat lunch during the event. There is a restaurant conveniently located in the Old National Bank lobby.