AceNotes Today
Monday, May 6, 2019
SAVE THE DATE: Brand & Identity Platform Overview & Guidelines Open to Campus May 13 & 14
As you know, we launched new University of Evansville institutional and athletic logos on April 12. Now, the campus community is invited to see the next phase of the project—the branding framework and platform that will facilitate how we share the UE story with the world and differentiate ourselves in the marketplace.
Ologie, our branding partner, will offer two opportunities to see the Brand & Identity Platform Overview & Guidelines. Please join us for one of the following sessions:
• Monday, May 13 at 1:00 p.m.
• Tuesday, May 14 at 8:00 a.m.
Each 60-minute session will take place in Eykamp 251 and all University employees are welcome to attend.
Contact Amanda Campbell for more information.
Retirement reception for Terri Ames
Join us to celebrate with Terri Ames as she retires from the Office of Academic Affairs. A reception will be held on Monday, May 6 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in Dunigan Lounge in the Schroeder School of Business Building.
Submitted by Paula Heldt ph28@evansville.edu
Inspiring Your Team Workshop
Register and join us for the Inspiring Your Team workshop on May 8 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Stone Family Center for Health Sciences, Downtown Evansville.
Curiosity is a driver for innovation and solving problems. If you can spark curiosity in your employees and/or students, you can engage them to be motivated to learn and create. This curiosity rich environment is the basis of innovation and can be a key to long term happiness in the workplace. This workshop will outline the ways to inspire your team using curiosity to fuel innovation. It will be facilitated by Dr. Bethany Huebner.
To register, please visit: www.evansville.edu/centerforlearning/professional-development-register.cfm.
Submitted by Leslie Barton lb261@evansville.edu
Book Buyback at UE Bookstore
Spring semester ending Book Buyback runs Friday, May 3 through Thursday, May 9 at the UE Bookstore during finals week. The Bookstore freely quotes prices on any textbook regardless of where purchased or if used on this campus or not. You must bring your student ID to sell books but you do NOT need your original receipt. If you sell any books you'll get cash. Prices are dependent on a variety of factors including reuse on this campus, edition status, and condition of the book. Make sure workbooks are clean and complete. Bring all components that originally came with the book as it may result in a higher payout. You can sell back books as many times as you want. Look for promotions and discounts during Buyback week as well.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
Summer Hours with Extra Benefits
For the past few years, UE created a modified summer schedule, reducing business hours from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. as a benefit to our employees. We will again operate a modified summer schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Monday, May 13th through Friday, August 2nd. This year, we will add two additional benefits as a way to say thank you. First, we will reduce business hours every Friday in the summer from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Second, this year July 4th is a Thursday, and we thought you might enjoy a four-day weekend. Anticipating that you would, the University will be closed on Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th and we hope that you enjoy four days with your families and friends.
As always, the area supervisor is responsible for scheduling decisions that best meet the needs of the University and the needs of the department. A return to regular business hours will begin on Monday, August 5th.
With these benefits, please remember that our university has many constituencies, and I am confident that you will maintain our commitment and communication with students, parents, alumni, and friends of our university during the summer months. Please continue to help us grow enrollment and provide a welcoming place for our students to make powerful and enduring change.
Submitted by Patti Lippert pl23@evansville.edu
Purchasing procedures announced for May 2019
As the end of the University’s fiscal year approaches on May 31, Administrative Services and Accounting and Audit announce the following procedures related to purchases of goods and services during May.
Pcard Purchases
• Pcard purchases posting on the May statement (cycle end date is May 21) will be paid from FY 2018-2019 funds. Most shipments post on your Pcard within three to four business days. However, vendors have up to nine business days to post transactions.
• Pcard purchases posting from May 22 through May 31 will be paid from FY 2019-2020 (new year) funds, unless the item purchased exceeds $500. Purchases exceeding $500 will be paid from FY 2018-2019 funds.
Office Depot Orders
• Normally, Office Depot orders placed online by 3:00 p.m. for items in stock are delivered the next business day. Upon delivery, the transaction should post on your Pcard within three to four business days.
• Office Depot orders received by May 15 will likely post on the May 21 Pcard Cycle and be paid from FY 2018-2019 funds.
• Office Depot orders placed and received but posting to the Pcard between May 22 and May 31 will be paid from FY 2019-2020 funds, unless the items purchased exceed $500. Purchases exceeding $500 will be paid from FY 2018-2019 funds.
Purchase Orders
• Approved requisitions converted into purchase orders and delivered by May 31 will be paid from FY 2018-2019 funds.
• Approved Requisitions indicating FY 2019-2020 written on them in red ink will be processed with a delivery date of June 1 or later.
• Backordered Purchase Orders not delivered by May 31 will be paid from FY 2019-2020 funds.
Blanket Orders
• All FY 2018-2019 Blanket orders expire on May 31, 2019.
• Approved Requisitions for FY 2019-2020 (new year) Blanket Orders may now be submitted with June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020 effective dates.
• Backordered Blanket Purchase Order items not delivered by May 31, 2019 will be paid from FY 2019-2020 funds.
Requisitions for Check Request
• All services completed and items purchased (and on campus) by May 31 must be submitted on a WebAdvisor voucher to Accounting and Audit by Monday, June 17 to be paid from FY 2018-2019 funds. Any pre-May 31st purchases submitted for payment after this date will be charged to FY 2019-2020.
Submitted by Kim Winsett km83@evansville.edu
Federal loan repayment counseling session required for students graduating or transferring
Students who have used Federal Direct (sub/unsub) Loans and plan to graduate in the spring or summer (or transfer after the spring semester) are required to attend a loan repayment counseling session. The Office of Student Financial Services will hold the next session of the semester on Thursday, May 2, at 2:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center. The last session will be Friday, May 10, at 11:30 a.m. in Neu Chapel's Grabill Lounge.
Submitted by Amy Sowders as560@evansville.edu
Need a box?
The UE Bookstore has limited number of boxes available to students to help take things home. Students are limited to two boxes per person at this time. If interested, please stop in the Bookstore.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
Summer school books are ready
For those students taking Summer Session classes, this is a reminder to get your books at the UE Bookstore before you leave for the summer. You can order them online at https://bookstore.evansville.edu or pick them up in the store. During buyback summer books are sectioned off but just ask store staff and they'll be happy to get your book for you. Don't go home without your book!!
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
Library Hours during Finals
The Libraries hours for the remainder of the semester are:
- Sunday, April 28: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Monday, April 29: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Tuesday, April 30: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Wednesday, May 1: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Thursday, May 2: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Friday, May 3: 7:45 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.**
- Saturday, May 4: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday, May 5: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Monday, May 6: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Tuesday, May 7: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Wednesday, May 8: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Thursday, May 9: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.*
- Friday, May 10: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
* Upper floors close at 11:00 p.m.
** Upper floors close at 6:00 p.m.
Direct any questions to Meg Atwater-Singer at ext. 2487 or ma35@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Meg Atwater-Singer ma35@evansville.edu
Request for official excused absences during finals
Please note that the Dean of Students office will not grant official excused absences during finals except for extreme circumstances (i.e.: death of an immediate family member, emergency surgery, etc.). Students who feel they are unable to take a scheduled final exam should work directly with their professors to discuss other possible options.
Submitted by Carleen Barnes cb131@evansville.edu
Textbook Rental Return Reminder
This is a reminder that ALL books rented from the UE Bookstore for the Spring term must be returned no later than 5PM on Thursday, May 9th (the last day of Book Buyback). Rental books returned after the due date are subject to late fees and/or replacement fees if not returned. Please make a reminder on your phone or calendar of this important reminder. Renters will be send emails as well to remind them of which books need to be returned. If you have any questions, please contact the UE Bookstore.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
Summer Books at the UE Bookstore
Summer textbooks are available at the UE Bookstore for Summer Sessions 1 & 2. If you're taking a summer classes be sure to stop by the Bookstore and get your required materials before you leave for the summer. You can also order your books online on the UE Bookstore website at bookstore.evansville.edu or on the link at the UE homepage at the bottom. During buyback summer books may be off limit but just ask store staff and they will be happy to assist you and get the required book you desire.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
Chemistry Department Represented at Local and National Conferences
Research students from UE’s department of chemistry attended and presented at the Spring 2019 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Orlando, FL from March 31st-Apr. 4th. Phong Thai and Maegen Kincanon, who are mentored by Dr. Mike Slade, presented work on synthetic organic chemistry. Nicholas Stafford, who is mentored by Dr. Thananatthanachon, presented his inorganic chemistry research on catalytic transesterification. Research Students also presented at Butler University’s Undergraduate Research Conference in Indianapolis on April 12th. Kyle Hartke, Jackson Bolek, and Saurav Gupta, who are mentored by Dr. Sarah Wilson, presented research on chemical education. Phil Wittel and Ashton Bosler, mentored by Dr. Roslyn Lampkins, presented research on supramolecular therapeutic chemistry.
Submitted by Roslyn Lampkins rl106@evansville.edu
Sullivan Receives Dissertation Award
UE Assistant Professor of Music James Sullivan was recently a co-recipient of the Alfred Mann Dissertation Award from the Eastman School of Music for his dissertation, "Meter, Melodic Parallelism, and Metric Manipulation in Post-Tonal Music." The award is given once every two years for an outstanding dissertation in music theory.
Submitted by James Sullivan js820@evansville.edu
Paige Hignite Receives Honors Program Outstanding Senior Award
Congratulations to Paige Hignite for receiving the 2019 Honors Program Outstanding Senior Award! Paige was presented with the award at last week’s Honors Program senior banquet. In addition to completing all the academic requirements of the Honors Program, Paige has served as a representative on the Honors Activity Board (HAB) since her freshman year. In this role, Paige has helped shape the Honors Program community through her work on various projects, such as Nerd Wars and the common read. The Honors Program is grateful for her enthusiasm, leadership, and commitment to improving the program, and we wish her all the best in her graduate studies at the University of Virginia.
Submitted by: Jayme Williams jw504@evansville.edu
Jessie Lofton receives Dean's Teaching Award in College of Engineering and Computer Science
The College of Engineering and Computer Science congratulates Dr. Jessica Lofton on receiving the Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award for 2019. Dr. Lofton is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and serves as the UE chapter advisor for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). She is also the Girls’ Camp Director for UE’s Engineering OPTIONS summer camps.
Submitted by Kimberly Higgins kh209@evansville.edu.
Honors Program Holds Annual Senior Banquet
The Honors Program held its annual senior banquet on Wednesday, May 1 at Biaggi’s Italian Restaurant, where students received special Honors Program cords and a medallion to be worn at graduation.
Congratulations to the twenty graduating seniors who completed the Honors Program requirements:
Bailey Brandvold, Alexandra Curren, Gina DeLise, Macy Dimmett, Madeline Easley, Paige Hignite, Julia Kalmer, Adam Lonnberg, Sierra Noelle Miller, Mark Mozina, Laci Rowe, Sean Paul Russell, Aimee Savoie, Emily Schmitt, Amanda Suggs, Margaret Sullivan, Julia Toney, Becca Updyke, Grace Vavra, and Kathryn Wolfinger.
Mike Zimmer has article published
Mike Zimmer, Professor Emeritus of Economics, has a paper published in the current issue of Cogent Economics and Finance. The paper, coauthored with Robert Nakosteen of the University of Massachusetts, is entitled "Latent Earning Capacity and the Race Marriage Gap". Mike thanks the University of Evansville for a research sabbatical in 2014 that allowed him to complete the foundation work for this research.
Baer publishes "Formal Salutations: New & Selected Poems"
William Baer, University of Evansville creative writing professor emeritus, has published a new collection, Formal Salutations: New & Selected Poems. The book has been published by Measure Press and is available on Amazon.
Formal Salutations is Baer’s twenty-fifth book, and includes work praised by Richard Wilbur, Anthony Hecht, Maxine Kumin, X.J. Kennedy, and others.
MVC Softball Championship Bracket Announced
With the regular season in the books, it is now time for the University of Evansville softball team to shift its focus to the 2019 Missouri Valley Conference Softball Championship.
The Purple Aces enter the tournament as the #7 seed and begin their trek to a conference championship on Wednesday against #10 Valparaiso. Game time is 6:30 p.m. at Peterson Hotels Field in Peoria, Ill. With a win in Wednesday’s opening round, UE would advance to face Illinois State on Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
Evansville earned a 3-game sweep over the Crusaders in the final weekend of home play at Cooper Stadium.
For full information on the 2019 MVC Softball Championship, visit the championship page.
Submitted by Bob Pristash rp113@evansville.edu.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.