AceNotes Today
Thursday, October 11, 2018
New UE Marketing Request Form: Request Multiple Projects with One Submission!
The NEW marketing request form provides a streamlined way to request marketing services for both individual projects and several projects at once.
Need an invitation, a flyer, and an AceNotes article to promote your event? Simply choose your first item from the drop down menu, fill out the information, and select “Add Another Project to this Request” which appears at the bottom of the form.
Accessing the form:
The marketing request form is available on AceLink. Log in, choose the “Areas” link from the top navigation bar, select “Marketing and Communications” from the list of options, and choose “Marketing Request” from the list to get started.
UE Gives Back on Campus
This year’s UE Gives Back on Campus is planned for October 22, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Lunch provided
Register online by Wednesday, October 17. (Rain date: Monday, October 29)
As in the past, the 3rd Annual UE Gives Back on Campus is an opportunity for the UE family to “roll up their collective sleeves” and volunteer a day of service to one of several significant University projects while working shoulder-to-shoulder with others in the UE family. Our hope is that not only will the fruits of our collective labors will be visible across campus, but that our volunteer efforts will embody a spirit of collaborative generosity and a sense of strengthened community.
Take a look and register for a project that fit your skill set and interests! (Tools will be provided, but volunteers are encouraged to bring gloves and your favorite things!)
Sign-up online by Sunday, October 21. Questions? Contact Patti Lippert, executive assistant to the president, at 812-488-2152 or PL23@evansville.edu.
Neu Chapel Forum Discussing "Teaching the Mind to Worship"
Here at UE, we use our minds a lot. But we often think of worship in terms of the heart. However, our minds can be catalysts for worship too. All are welcome to join the Neu Chapel community as we discuss teaching our minds to worship today - Thursday, October 11 - at 7:00 p.m. in Ridgway's Class of 59 Gallery.
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
Join us for Stammtisch today
Wollen Sie auf Deutsch plaudern? Join us for Stammtisch today at 12:15- 1:15 p.m. at the big table by the window on the first floor of the library. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen!
Submitted by Lesley Pleasant lp84@evansville.edu
Movie discussion: "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"
The campus community is invited to attend a showing of the movie, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, today - Thursday, October 11 - at 6:30 p.m. in Room 170 in the Schroeder School of Business Building. Following the showing, professors Robert Shelby, Daniel Byrne, John Stamm, and Maggie Stevenson and chief diversity officer LaNeeca Williams will lead a discussion of the movie and its themes.
The movie, starring Oprah Winfrey, is an adaptation of the best-selling book of the same title by Rebecca Skloot. It tells the true story of Henrietta Lacks, whose cells were taken without her knowledge in 1951 and became integral in some of the most important medical breakthroughs in history. It is also the story of Henrietta’s children and their path to discovering the truth about their mother and the use of her cells.
This event is sponsored by the Honors Program in conjunction with the 2018 honors freshman common read of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. On Monday, October 29, two descendants of Henrietta Lacks will be visiting UE to share their story. Please join us for this movie discussion and in reading the book (copies are available in the library) in advance of the Lacks family visit.
Submitted by Jayme Williams jw504@evansville.edu
CMNH MOD Pizza Giveback Night Oct. 11
Go out for dinner at MOD Pizza on October 11 from 4:00-9:00 p.m. and give back to miracles! Just present this flyer and mention the giveback night at the register and a portion of your bill will go towards the daily miracles found at Children's Miracle Hospitals all across the country.
Submitted by Kelly Nixon kn94@evansville.edu
Medicine and Surgery as a Career
Come join the BiSci Club as we welcome back alum Josh Manghelli, DO, to talk about his career as a surgeon. His lecture is planned for today at 6:00 p.m. in Room 124, Koch Center for Engineering and Science.
Submitted by Kelly Nixon kn94@evansville.edu
Fall Fun with International Club - Sign up now!
Get into the spirit of Fall with International Club! We will be going off campus to Mayse Farm Market to enjoy a Sunday full of Fall themed activities, such as getting lost in a corn maze and going on hayrides!
Sign up by going to the International Club table in Ridgway University Center lobby (by the info desk) on October 11 and 12 at 11:00 a.m.-1:00 pm or 5:00-7:00 p.m. A $5 deposit will be required.
Submitted by Emile Moura em238@evansville.edu
Mindfulness Service in Neu Chapel: Sunday at 9:00 p.m.
As the semester marches on, taking time for our own well-being is crucial. This Sunday's #StillWokeUE service (9:00 p.m. in Neu Chapel) will feature meditative music and time for initial, guided meditation. The service lasts about 25 minutes. All are welcome for this beautiful time of preparation for the busy week ahead.
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
University Worship asks, "Is the Bible the Word of God?"
There is no doubt that our culture gives special to the prominence, and our churches often claim that the Bible is the Word of God. But what is meant by that claim? Join the Neu Chapel community this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. as we continue our #MixedMessages sermon series and take a closer look at "The Bible is the Word of God." Join us for this exciting series and for a time of meaningful worship.
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
Newman Movie Night: Sexual Revolution
Join us on Monday, October 15, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center for a movie night! We will be watching the documentary Sexual Revolution: Fifty Years Since Humane Vitae. Come learn about the stunning fulfillment of a Pope’s prophecy of the disastrous personal and social costs of the sexual revolution, the origins of the birth control pill in the eugenics movement, and the truly revolutionary teaching of Jesus Christ through his Church concerning love, marriage, and family. All are welcome!
Submitted by Michaela Kunkler mk305@evansville.edu
Tonight! Faith in Public Life: Interfaith goes to the Voting Booth panel discussion
This timely interfaith panel discussion is this evening -Monday, October 15 - at 7:00 p.m. in Neu Chapel. Learn more about how the interfaith community understands its role at the voting booth and how people of different religious traditions will decide who gets their vote this November. Representatives from many of the world’s religious traditions and world views will be present to share their beliefs and values. Moderator for the evening is Robert Dion, PhD, department chair, Law, Politics, and Society. The public is invited.
Submitted by Tammy Gieselman tg85@evansville.edu
The Last Picture Show: The John Streetman Collection Exhibition/Sale

The University of Evansville Department of Art and the University of Evansville Friends of Art Board of Directors cordially invite you to The Last Picture Show: The John Streetman Collection Exhibition/Sale. This event is planned for today - Tuesday, October 23 - from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Melvin Peterson Gallery. John Streetman will give a Gallery Talk at 7:00 p.m. The exhibition and sale continues through Friday, October 26.
Gallery hours are Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from noon-3:00 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday from noon-6:00 p.m.
For 38 years, John Streetman served as executive director of the Evansville Museum of Art, History, and Science, leading the institution to international recognition. A 2012 article in PleinAir Magazine noted that his commitment to living realist painters "changed the status of contemporary Realism in America."
He is offering for sale the bulk of his collection with a generous portion of the proceeds benefiting the UE Art Galleries Student Assistantship.
Submitted by Brooksie Smith bs267@evansville.edu
This Week in Music: UE Opera presents Coffee Cantata and Riders to the Sea
Schmidt Opera Series
Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13
7:30 p.m., Wheeler Concert Hall
The Schmidt Opera Series returns with a double bill of Bach and Vaughan Williams. In Bach's Coffee Cantata, we have a comic telling of a father struggling to get his daughter to give up her coffee habit. The mood shifts drastically with the second opera, Vaughan Williams' Riders to the Sea. This tragic opera, based on the play by J.M. Synge, tells of an Irish mother whose last remaining son is determined to go to sea despite her pleadings for him to stay at home. The show runs both Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13 at 7:30 pm. Tickets for the opera are $10.
Submitted by James Sullivan js820@evansville.edu
Engineering Speed Networking
Attention - all students from the College of Engineering and Computer Science - RSVP in Handshake by October 15 to attend Engineering Speed Networking. The event will be held Thursday, October 18 from 6:00– 8:30 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center. Get face-to-face with employers interested in you! Space is limited, so RSVP today under Handshake's events tab.
Submitted by Alison Morris-McDonald am268@evansville.edu
Yale University historian to deliver Fiddick Lecture on Second Great War, 1917-1923
Jay Winter, the Charles J. Stille Professor of History Emeritus at Yale University, will be the speaker for the University of Evansville’s 17th annual Thomas C. Fiddick Memorial Lecture today - Friday, October 26. The lecture begins at 7:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall in Ridgway University Center. The event, hosted by UE’s Department of History, is free and open to the public.
Winter’s lecture marks the 100th anniversary of the First World War. His topic will be “The Second Great War, 1917-1923.”
The Fiddick Memorial Lecture is named for Thomas C. Fiddick, a professor of history at UE from 1963 to 2002. A dedicated teacher, productive scholar, and a tireless fighter in the cause of justice, his untimely death on the day of his retirement stunned the UE community. It was his former students’ efforts, with support of Fiddick’s friends and the University, that led to the establishment of the annual Thomas C. Fiddick Memorial Lecture.
“The Fiddick Lecture is one of the best events of the year, as we celebrate the career of a truly outstanding University of Evansville faculty member,” said James MacLeod, UE professor of history and director of the Fiddick Memorial Lecture Series. “Tom Fiddick was a brilliant scholar and an incredible teacher who made a life-transforming impact on generations of students.”
During Winter’s lecture, he will argue that a crisis in 1917 separates the first three years of the war from the years that followed, largely the result of powerful economic and demographic pressures which destabilized all the combatants, but more so the Central powers than the Allies. The critical event of this rupture was the 1917 Russian revolution. Hatred, hunger, and class conflict were radicalizing elements in the post-Imperial world. Winter suggests that the passage from wartime crisis to post-war and post-imperial violence was seamless, and part of one complex, distinctive phase of European history, starting in 1917 and ending more or less in 1923.
Fiddick’s book, Russia's Retreat from Poland, 1920: From Permanent Revolution to Peaceful Coexistence, deals with one of the conflicts to be discussed during Winter’s lecture.
Winter is one of the world’s leading scholars of World War I and its impact on the 20th century. He was educated at Columbia University and the University of Cambridge. In 2001 he joined the faculty of Yale. Winter is the author or co-author of 25 books, including Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History; The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century; Rene Cassin and the Rights of Man, and most recently, War beyond Words: Languages of Remembrance from the Great War to the Present. In addition, he has edited or co-edited 30 books and contributed 130 book chapters to edited volumes.
Winter was also co-producer, co-writer, and chief historian for the PBS/BBC series The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century, which won an Emmy Award, a Peabody Award and a Producers Guild of America Award for best television documentary in 1997.
MacLeod noted that Winter “is as distinguished a scholar on World War I as there is anywhere in the world. It is an enormous privilege to bring him to the University of Evansville to deliver the 2018 Fiddick Lecture and interact with students in class,”
MacLeod added that on the 100th anniversary of “what we think of as the end of the First World War, it is important to reflect on the significant ways in which that war did not really end in 1918. Some conflicts that emerged between 1917 and 1923 we are still dealing with today. It is especially appropriate given Tom Fiddick’s lifelong passion for many of the issues discussed by Jay Winter, and the fact that one of Tom’s most important scholarly legacies is a book that deals with this very subject.”
For more information, please contact the Department of History at 812-488-2963.
Lecture on "Higher Education: America's Troubled Dream Machine"
Retired University of Southern Indiana president Linda Bennett, PhD, will give the Stephens-Otterson Lecture at Trinity United Methodist Church on October 14 at 2:00 p.m. She will be discussing “Higher Education: America’s Troubled Dream Machine.” All those interested in this topic are invited to attend. The church is located at 216 SE Third Street in Evansville.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Bartelt, UE associate professor emerita, at kb4@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Kathryn R. Bartelt kb4@evansville.edu
Trailblazing Astronaut Eileen Collins to Speak at UE's Snyder Lecture on October 17
Trailblazing astronaut Eileen Collins, the first woman to pilot and command an American spacecraft, will be the guest speaker for the University of Evansville’s Patricia H. Snyder Lecture in October. The lecture is planned for Wednesday, October 17, at 7:00 p.m., in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center, on UE’s campus. The event is free and open to the public thanks to the generosity of the Snyder family.
One of America’s most admired women, Col. Collins became the first female to pilot a US spacecraft with the Discovery shuttle flight in 1995, and the first female commander on the 1999 Columbia shuttle flight. In 2005, NASA tapped her to command the space shuttle Discovery’s historic “Return to Flight” mission, NASA’s first manned flight following the loss of space shuttle Columbia in 2003. While logging 872 hours in space, Collins earned a reputation for coolness under pressure.
Collins will discuss how her career as an astronaut took shape, from her early years in the US Air Force to her ground-breaking experience with NASA. Drawing from her career experiences, she will share valuable insights learned from both her successes and her failures. She will also provide insight into the future of space travel as the world turns to exciting new space frontiers.
The Patricia H. Snyder Concert and Lecture Series was made possible in 1997 through an endowment from the late Patricia H. Snyder, trustee and longtime friend of the University, to bring speakers or performers of renown to Evansville at no cost to the public.
Reservations are encouraged, but a ticket is not required to enter. Save your seat online here.
Catholic Mass on campus
There will be a Catholic Mass this Sunday, November 11, at 1:00 p.m. in Neu Chapel. Father Godfrey Mullen will be the celebrant. All are welcome!
Submitted by Sam Wallisch sw265@evansville.edu
UE's first Changee Awards ceremony
Join us for UE’s first ever Changee Awards! (Think the Emmys, but for Changemaking!) On Sunday, October 28, come watch your fellow students, staff, and faculty be recognized for their changemaking efforts at the first ever Changees!
RSVP is required, and seating is extremely limited: only the first 30 students to RSVP get to attend! (RSVP to LR155@evansville.edu by October 14). Dinner is included and attire is semi-formal to formal. Doors open and red carpet will be ready at 5:30 p.m., dinner starts at 6:00 p.m.
So get dressed up, rent that tux or suit, and come celebrate how UE makes an impact!
Submitted by Erin Lewis EL131@evansville.edu
Join us for Ace Race 5 K to Benefit UE's Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic
Ace Race, a 5K run benefiting Ace CARE, the University of Evansville’s pro bono physical therapy clinic, is planned for Saturday, October 27, at 9:00 a.m. on UE’s campus. This year’s Ace Race is Halloween themed, so wear your costumes! The event includes a dog station with treats, music, food, and prizes. The event is open to the public and is part of the University’s homecoming celebration.

The participation fee for the general public is $25 before October 12 or $30 after October 12. Those registering before October 12 will receive a dri-fit long sleeve T-shirt. To register, go to www.uealumnionline.com/acerace2018.
Submitted by Jennifer Simon js698@evansville.edu
Join Venturing Crew for UE Gives Back!
Join Venturing Crew for UE Gives Back!
The group will be spending that day outdoors in Howell Wetlands hiking and picking up trash to help keep this area beautiful.
This is a free event, and transportation will be provided! Sign up at Ridgway tables on Tuesday, October 16, Wednesday, October 17, and Thursday, October 18 OR RSVP to ef111@evansville.edu.

Submitted by Margaret Wolf mw346@evansville.edu
Sign up for Corn Maze, Hayride and Extreme S'mores!
Join Venturing Crew for day of fun-filled fall activities at Cate's Farm!
We will be navigating a corn maze, going for a hayride, and sitting around the campfire to construct some EXTREME s'mores. You will also get to pick out and bring home your own pumpkin if you join us on this trip!
This trip is ONLY $10!
Sign up at Ridgway tables on Wednesday, October 17 and Thursday, October 18.
Submitted by Margaret Wolf mw346@evansville.edu
Learn Photoshop with AMG!
Today - Thursday, October 11 - Aces Media Group will host its second informational workshop in media production. This week's topic: Adobe Photoshop!
The workshop will meet at 5:00 p.m. in Room 72 (Mac Lab) in the Schroeder School of Business Building. We will cover basic principles of the Photoshop program. Equipment will be provided.
All majors and experience levels are welcome - you don't have to be a member of AMG to participate! Questions? Contact es260@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Emily Schuster es260@evansville.edu
In need of Ace Purple volunteer
I am in need of an Ace Purple volunteer for October 23! You will only be needed from 9:00-10:00 a.m. at a nearby elementary school. I am organizing a kick-off event for a fundraiser and I would love for all the nearby mascots to be there to get the children excited!
Submitted by Jessica O’Shaughnessy Jo94@evansville.edu
Looking for ways to reduce stress and improve well-being?
The Awakened Life Program is a 7-week course for students who would like to improve well-being with a focus on mindfulness, connection and relationships. The sessions are October 15-November 26 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Grabill Lounge in Neu Chapel.
It's designed to support students who feel the life/academic pressures by providing tools for improved wholeness using meditation, journaling and conversations.
The course is limited to 20 students!
This is FREE to UE students, but you MUST register.
Contact Stacey Shanks at ss581@evansville.edu or 812-488-2606.
Submitted by Stacey Shanks ss581@evansville.edu
Now accepting faculty-led study abroad proposal applications
Calling all faculty! Did you know that you have the opportunity here at UE to create and lead your own short term program abroad? If you are interested in taking your class global, make sure to fill out a proposal to set up a faculty-led program! Proposal forms can be found on the faculty-led programs page of the study abroad website or in the Study Abroad area on AceLink. We are currently accepting proposals for the 2019-20 academic year.
Proposal are required whether you’ve run a program multiple times or are hoping to set up something brand new. Applications are due by November 1 and decisions on proposals will be given by the beginning of December. Completed proposals can be e-mailed to studyabroad@evansville.edu. If you have any questions about the proposal application, please contact Greta Becker at gb91@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Greta Becker gb91@evansville.edu
Mark your calendars, UE Gives Back Fall is October 20!
UE Gives Back Fall, a student campus wide day of volunteering, will take place on Saturday October 20. If you want to give back to the Evansville community, you can sign up for a volunteer activity on Get Connected. You can sign up as a team or individual, and the deadline to sign up is October 18. And, you get a free T-shirt!
Any questions can be directed to Karyssa Vasquez at kv54@evansville.edu or 812.488.2214.
Submitted by Karyssa Vasquez kv54@evansville.edu
Honors Program students helping our community
On Saturday, September 29, a group of students from HACER, the Honors Program’s community service initiative, volunteered their time at Ronald McDonald House and United Caring Services. The students helped with cleaning and preparing food for these organizations. In addition, they presented each organization with a $100 donation made possible through proceeds from Nerd Wars, the annual Honors Program philanthropic trivia competition.

Flu shots are available!
Flu shots will be given on October 10 and 11 from 2:00-6:00 p.m. in the Employee Health Clinic. All covered on the UE Medical Plan can receive the shot free of charge. Those not covered under the plan can still receive the shot for $20; cash only please. Schedule under AceLink.
Submitted by Ashley Chipps ac375@evansville.edu
DoD STEM scholarship opportunity
The Department of Defense (DoD) SMART Scholarship Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate degree in STEM disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be gainfully employed by the Department of Defense upon degree completion.
SMART Scholars will receive:
• A full tuition scholarship while in school
• An annual stipend
• Summer research internships
• A job after graduating in their STEM field at a cutting edge Department of Defense Facility
Applicants must:
• Be a citizen of the United States and 18 years of age or older
• Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
• Be pursuing a technical undergraduate in one of the 21 specified STEM disciplines
Tell your STEM students to visit smartscholarship.org to learn more and apply today!
Deadline to apply is December 1, 2018.
Submitted by Cathleen Wright cw259@evansville.edu
Apply to be an RA!
The Office of Residence Life is currently accepting applications for resident assistants for the Spring 2019 semester. You can find RA applications on UEngage under Forms or by using this link. Applications are due by October 23 at 11:59 p.m. and applicant interviews will take place October 29-November 1.
Please contact Megan King at mk225@evansville.edu, Karyssa Vasquez at kv54@evansville.edu, or Darrion Culler at dc199@evansville.edu with any questions you may have.
Submitted by Megan King mk225@evansville.edu
Petrosillo gives paper at Medieval Studies conference
Sara Petrosillo, assistant professor of English, presented research on manuscripts at the 2018 Medieval Association of the Midwest Conference "Exploring Space in the Middle Ages." The conference took place from October 4-6 Purdue University. Petrosillo's paper was titled, "Manuscript Space: Narrative Diminishment in Yonec and the Harley 978 Hawking Treatise."
Carter earns Certificate in Leadership Excellence
Holly Carter, director of Harlaxton college programs and education abroad, earned a Certificate of Leadership Excellence from the Executive Development Institute at Vanderbilt University. Carter completed training in executive leadership, leading change, leadership coaching, and strategic change. The certificate was given by the Owen Graduate School of Management.
Sydney Anderson named MVC Women's Golfer of the Week
Fresh off of her championship at the Chi-Town/Ted Rhodes Fall Invite, University of Evansville senior Sydney Anderson was named the Missouri Valley Conference Women’s Golfer of the Week on Wednesday.
Anderson started the event with a 79 on Monday, but in the final round, she lowered her score to an even 72, which was the lowest score of the tournament, to take the win by one stroke. She defeated Katie Warpinski of Green Bay by one shot.
Her efforts also helped the Aces capture the team championship, defeating the Phoenix by eight strokes. UE finished with a 620 in the two rounds of play.
Evansville wraps up the fall season with the annual Charles Braun Intercollegiate, which will take place at Oak Meadow Country Club on October 22-23.
Robert Dion interviewed by Radio Canada about Brett Kavanaugh
Last week’s Senate vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next associate justice of the Supreme Court attracted loads of national and international media attention, including from our neighbors to the north. Robert Dion, chair of the Department of Law, Politics, and Society, was the subject of a lengthy live interview in French on a national radio broadcast Sunday morning. The reporting looked at the likely political repercussions of Kavanaugh’s accession to the court.
The Radio Canada public affairs program, Desautels le dimanche, can be accessed here:
Since the school year began, Professor Dion has been interviewed repeatedly by the Indianapolis Star and the Associated Press, among others, about the upcoming midterm elections, and he has appeared on the news broadcasts of all three local television stations
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.