University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Thursday, August 23, 2018

* Tickets will be waived if permit bought before today at 4

If you have received a parking ticket for parking in a UE lot without a UE parking permit, your ticket will be waived IF you purchase a permit BEFORE 4:00 p.m. TODAY - Friday, August 24. 

You must present your parking ticket and purchase your parking permit at the Office of Safety and Security before the Friday, August 24th deadline in order for your ticket to be waived. 

Parking permits are $50 and can be purchased by cash or check in the Office of Safety and Security.

Parking tickets for other violations will not be waived.

Parking tickets can be paid at the Office of Student Accounts, Monday-Friday.

* Campus visitor parking

The Office of Admission continues to enhance the visit experience for our prospective students in order to make them feel welcome and at home on our campus.  We will be continuing to use the special parking signs and purple parking spaces in front of Olmsted Administration Hall that will be personalized to welcome each arriving guest by name. In order to ensure that each visiting guest has a place to park, we’re asking for your help to keep the purple spaces open at all times.  Please help us communicate this change to all students, faculty, staff, outside guests, and others so that we may make a positive first impression on our visitors.

Thank you for continuing to be an important part of the campus visit experience. We truly appreciate the enthusiasm and cooperation from the entire campus community in making the experience special for each of our visitors.

Dr. Shane Davidson
VP for Enrollment and Marketing


What's Happening Today

* Tibetan Monks creating World Peace Sand Mandala at UE

Tibetan Monks from Tashi Kyil Monastery in Dehra Dun, India, are in Evansville through August 23 and are creating the World Peace Sand Mandala at the University of Evansville. They are working on the mandala project in the John Wesley Gallery located in the lower level of Neu Chapel. The mandala will take several days to construct and the campus community is invited to observe their work throughout the week.

You can view the Sand Mandala today, Thursday, August 23 - from 10:00 a.m.-noon. The closing ceremony and Sand Mandala deconstruction takes place at noon.

Following the closing ceremony, the monks will take the sand mandala to the Ohio River and ceremonially disperse the sand into the river to spread healing energies of the mandala throughout the world.

Feel free to observe the creation of the mandala and spend some time with the monks on Wednesday and Thursday. The monks are here to teach the Dharma and educate the public about the culture and religion of Tibet. More info at:

Submitted by Tamara Gieselman

* Neu Chapel Forum: Today at 7:00 p.m.

What was known last year as Fireside Chats are now known as the Neu Chapel Forum, which will begin today at 7:00 p.m. in the Class of 59 Gallery on the second floor of Ridgway University Center. The Neu Chapel Forum is a great opportunity to engage your faith more deeply in community. It is not about "what" to believe. It's not about projecting someone else's "truth." It's a springboard for amazing conversation about how faith intersects with everyday live. Snacks will be served! All are welcome to join!

Submitted by Keith Turner

* Coffee with the Chaplain: This afternoon at 3:00 p.m.

Grab your afternoon pick-me-up at Rademacher's Lounge and enjoy some organic, fair trade, fresh brewed conversation with Assistant Chaplain Keith Turner this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. There is no agenda. It's just a time to engage in thoughtful conversation about whatever topic(s) happen to come up. Stay for five minutes or stay for an hour! The campus community is invited and welcome to participate!

Submitted by Keith Turner 


Upcoming Events

* Neu Chapel Worship Services: 9 a.m. & 9 p.m.

The Neu Chapel community is excited to begin our new worship schedule this Sunday (August 26)! For the early risers, we will gather at 9:00 a.m. for our #GetWokeUE worship service. For the night owls, we will gather again at 9:00 p.m. for our #StillWokeUE worship service. The campus community is invited to attend!

Submitted by Keith Turner

* Catholic Mass on campus

There will be a Catholic Mass this Sunday, August 26, at 1:00 p.m. in Neu Chapel. Father Godfrey Mullen will be the celebrant. All are welcome!

Submitted by Sam Wallisch

* Native Plant Sale planned for September 8

The University of Evansville's Native Plant Garden in Koch Courtyard was used as a plant source for species for the Native Plant Sale set for Saturday, September 8 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Eykamp Scout Shelter. The sale is hosted by the Southwest Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society.

UE’s Native Plant Garden provides a venue where over 100 species of native flowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees can be viewed. This native plant diversity has great value for several reasons, including beneficial ecosystem services through improved ecosystem function, support for native insects (including insect herbivores and pollinators), and the food resources to other animals (e.g., birds via seeds and/or prey items). Unfortunately, habitat destruction has led to the loss of wetlands, prairies, and forests, resulting in reduced numbers of native plant species. As one would expect, the loss of floral diversity has caused a reduction in the number of herbivores and pollinators, and a reduction in ecosystem services. The University of Evansville’s native plant garden represents one effort to restore native plants.

Come visit the native plant garden throughout the fall. But also, go to the Native Plant Sale on Saturday, September 8, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Eykamp Scout Shelter. The native plants you grow will be valuable as host plants for butterfly larvae, as well as beneficial to native bee pollinators. Bees are of special note because native bees are in critical need of help because of habitat loss and pesticides. Moreover, bees are wonderfully diverse, partitioning their niche space based on nesting habit, tongue length, and body size/color. Just in Indiana, 416 species of bees occur, including species from 6 different families.

Contact Cris Hochwender ( if you have any questions about the native plant garden or restoration efforts at UE.

Submitted by Cris Hochwender

* Orr Fellowship recruitment - calling all seniors!

Seniors of all majors are invited to connect with recruiters for the Orr Fellowship, a two year, full-time job opportunity in Indianapolis. More details and the application instructions are available at

The Orr Fellowship will be on campus Thursday, August 30, with an information table in the Schroeder School of Business Building atrium from 10:00 a.m.-noon and an information session in Room 173 in the Schroeder School of Business Building at 12:20 p.m.

For questions about these recruitment activities, please contact Rebecca Oates at

Submitted by Rebecca Oakes


Changemaker Corner

* Openings on ChangeLab projects still available this semester

There are still a few openings on ChangeLab projects for this semester. Use your skills to make a difference in the real world! Open to students of all majors and levels.

Students – look for these courses using the CHNG prefix to register.

Advisors – consider recommending these classes for interested students.

• Designing an Anti-Bullying Board Game
CHNG 330 – 3 credits - T/Th 2:45 – 4:00
Work with an experienced game developer to create a board game that addresses bullying amongst kids. Prepare that game for license and sale in the game market.

• Global Innovation Consulting
CHNG 300 – 3 credits - T 2:00 – 5:00
Learn innovation strategies and techniques from an experienced consultant to help companies address relevant challenges. Apply these skills on a project related to the future of health care. (limited to sophomores, juniors, and seniors or by instructor approval)

• Alternative Energy – Puerto Rico
CHNG 310 – 3 credits - T/Th 11:00 – 12:15
Learn from a physics professor how to audit homes and buildings to recommend sustainable energy solutions. Develop and implement recommendations for a school in Puerto Rico.

• Rosedale Neighborhood Revitalization
CHNG 310 – 3 credits - T/Th 9:30 – 11:00
Work with community activists and property developers to create a vision and plans to beautify, strengthen, and revitalize the diverse Rosedale neighborhood adjacent to UE.

More information on these projects can be found at

Submitted by Jill Griffin 


Info You Should Know

* You're invited to Columbia Sportswear's Employee Store

The Columbia Sportswear Company has invited all University of Evansville employees to shop at their exclusive employee store August 24 -September 16.  The invitation, which is required to shop, is located on MyUE at under Documents and Information Links, Employee Discounts. The store hours and address can be found on the invitation. Happy shopping!

Submitted by Lori LeDuc 

* Reminder - UE is a tobacco free campus

Reminder - UE is a tobacco free campus. This includes all tobacco products and electronic smoking devices. To learn more about the policy as well as FREE resources to help you quit smoking go to

Submitted by Courtney Lee Horning

* Scholarship opportunity!

The Balanced Man Scholarship is presented to an outstanding male freshman. Prizes include $1,000, $500, and $250 to the top three applicants. Scholarship winners are men that exemplify Sigma Phi Epsilon's values of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love. Apply online at our website, or at our table in Ridgway University Center from August 22-24!

Submitted by Joshua Isaacs

* Great on-campus job!

The Office of Annual Giving is looking for student callers for the fall Phonathon campaign. This is a paid position with flexible hours, mostly evening. Hourly pay starts at $8.25. Freshman are encouraged to apply and it is not considered work study! If you are interested, please email Erika Johnson at

Submitted by Erika Johnson

* August Pcard Cycle ending

The August Pcard Cycle which began on July24 ends on August 21. As of August 23, cardholders may schedule and run the August Cycle report. August transactions may be reconciled in SDG2 until August 28. On August 28, the general ledger Pcard file will be uploaded and cardholders will be locked out of (unable to make changes) posted transactions for the August Cycle.

Submitted by Kim Winsett

* Special invite for UE seniors!

We would like to extend an invitation for our current seniors to join one of our most important giving societies, the President’s Club. Seniors can make a gift of $100 and receive membership. PC members are invited to special events, receive preferred seating at public engagements, and are also given a parking decal that will allow for unrestricted parking privileges anywhere on UE’s campus with the exception of UE Admission’s purple-curbed locations on the Sesquicentennial Oval and handicapped locations.

Tuition to the University of Evansville does not cover the entire cost to run the University, which is why private donations are so crucial. Gifts can be conveniently made online at If you have any questions at all about the process of giving or a President’s Club membership, please feel free to get in touch with Erika Johnson at!

Submitted by Erika Johnson

* Need a little extra money? Become a referee!

The intramural department is hiring a few new officials for the 2018 fall IM season. First sport's will be flag-football and soccer. Training and equipment will be provided, additional officiating and training/licensing opportunities also available. Great way to make a little extra money while gaining valuable life skills! If interested, please fill out the Officials Interest Form at or send an e-mail to Drew Hawkins at

Submitted by Drew Hawkins

* IM flag football and sand volleyball registration open

Registration is now open for the 2018 intramural Flag football and sand volleyball leagues. Flag football will consist of men, women, and corec. divisions. Sand volleyball is corec. only. To sign up, visit and register your team or refer any questions you have to Drew Hawkins at

Submitted by Drew Hawkins

* Introducing: Purple Friday Patrol!

Purple Friday Patrol: Wear Purple—Get Prizes!

Be on the lookout for the Purple Friday Patrol every week and sign up here to pass out the purple praise

On Fridays, we wear purple, and each week, the PFP will reward students to promote school spirit both on campus and online through the use of the hashtag, #UEPurpleFriday.

Purple Friday Patrol: Who are we?
Purple Friday Patrol Teams are made up of members of the campus community including faculty, administrators, and other interested parties, usually from the same department or group.

PFP Teams will sign up for one or more Fridays per semester and the Office of University Relations will supply Purple Swag Packs to the designated PFP Team for the week. PFP Teams are invited to add a personal touch to the swag packs, if desired. (ex. departmental swag, promo for an upcoming event, etc.) 

Purple Friday Patrol Teams: What’s my responsibility? 
1. Sign up for at least one Friday per semester.
2. Visit the office of University Relations in Sampson Hall during the week of your assigned Friday to pick up your Purple Swag Packs
3. Pass out the purple praise. The distribution format is up to you. You can pass out swag packs to the first few purple people you see, or you can stagger the rewards throughout the day. If you’d prefer to reward online participants, you’re free to promote on official UE social media accounts. 
4. Pics or it didn’t happen. Remember, we’re trying to promote school spirit both on campus and online through the use of the hashtag, #UEPurpleFriday, so be sure to snap a picture with your purple people. You can either share them online through an official UE social media account if you run one, or send them to Amanda Campbell at to post on the main UE social media accounts.


* UE Wind Ensemble auditions

The 2018-19 UE Wind Ensemble auditions are this week. The audition schedule is:

  • Wednesday, August 22, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, August 22, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, August 23, 3:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Auditions are held in Room 103 in the Krannert Hall of Art and Music. Please sign up for an audition on the UE Bands bulletin board, across from FA 103.

For further information, please contact associate professor of music and director of bands Kenneth Steinsultz at

Excerpts will be available at:

The audition will consist of prepared excerpts, scales, and sight-reading.

Submitted by Kenneth Steinsultz

* Join UE Orchestras

Students, staff, faculty, and administrators are invited to play in the University Symphony Orchestra and String Chamber Ensemble. The University Symphony Orchestra meets on Monday at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. The String Chamber Ensemble meets on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in the Krannert Hall of Art and Music. If you play a string instrument, join us!

E-mail Chun-Ming Chen, director of orchestral activities, at for more information.

Submitted by Chun-Ming Chen

* Fitness Center Fall Hours

The Fitness Center Fall hours will start on Wednesday, August 22. The schedule will be:

  • Monday-Friday:  6:30 am-10:00 pm
  • Saturday: 11:30 am-5:30 pm
  • Sunday:  11:30 am-9:00 pm

Fall Fitness Classes will start on Tuesday, September 4.

Submitted by Lori Adams

* Health screening sign-ups

Earn HRA credits! Sign-up for your health screening today. Screenings will be held in the Employee Health Center on Sept. 11-14 from 7:00-11:00 am. Please fast for 8-12 hours. Sign-ups are posted on the main page of AceLink. Please do not schedule your screening through the health clinic. Please contact with questions.

Submitted by Ashley Chipps

* UE Library introduces Flipster

University of Evansville students, staff, and faculty can now access their favorite digital magazines using Flipster®. Flipster is a next-generation magazine service that allows people to browse digital versions of the latest issues of popular magazines, courtesy of the library.

UE Library has subscribed to Flipster magazines such as The New Yorker, New Republic, The Atlantic and more so patrons have the option of accessing the content at the library or remotely. Magazines can be downloaded to Android™ phones and tablets, Apple® phones and tables, and Kindle Fire tablets for offline reading anytime, anywhere.

Flipster offers an easy, browse-able reading experience. Users can browse magazines by category as well as perform searches for specific periodicals. An online newsstand provides a carousel of the most recent issues, as well as a carousel of all issues allowing for quick access to magazines. The table of contents contains links for quick access to articles of interest and hotlinks within magazines are hyperlinked, opening in separate tabs when clicked. In addition, there is an option to zoom in and out for better readability.

Contact Danielle Williams ( or visit the libraries website to learn more about accessing the library’s digital magazines through Flipster.

Submitted by Danielle Williams



* Mousa presents at American Accounting Association Annual Conference

Rania Mousa, associate professor of accounting, has presented a new pedagogical approach to demonstrate the use of XBRL technology in filing annual financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (mandated since 2009). A step-by-step filing demonstration was created by Mousa due to the lack of coverage of such methods in accounting textbooks. The filing process can be easily integrated into the instructor materials. The presentation was delivered during the American Accounting Association Annual Conference held in National Harbor, Maryland.

* Yazdanparast was track chair and presenter for 2018 AMA Summer Educators' Conference

Atefeh Yazdanparast, associate professor of marketing, served as a track chair for the higher education and marketing track at the 2018 AMA Summer Conference recently held in Boston. She also presented two research projects, one examining morality violations and brand evaluation in the political context, and the other focusing on the dark side of digital technology and victimization of the 21st century consumers. This is the fourth year that Yazdanparast has served as the chair of the marketing for higher education special interest group at the AMA.

* Department of Theatre chair Eric Renschler named Arts Educator of the Year

Department of Theatre chair Eric Renschler was named the 2018 Arts Educator of the Year at the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana's Mayor's Arts Awards, on August 16.

Eric holding awardIn 2015, Renschler was named the chair of the UE Department of Theatre, after joining the faculty in 2006 as the scenic designer. He returned to his alma mater after nearly twenty years of working on Broadway, Off-Broadway, and on regional and international productions.

His Broadway designs include scenery for Mamaloshen and As Long As You Both Shall Laugh (including a subsequent national tour and PBS special). His Off-Broadway credits include designs at the New York Shakespeare Festival, Circle Repertory Company, Pan-Asian Repertory Theatre, Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre, and The Juilliard School. His regional design credits include Cincinnati Playhouse, Chautauqua Opera, Barrington Stage Company, Merrimack Repertory Theatre, Adirondack Theater Festival, Hangar Theatre, and Seattle Repertory Theatre.

As an associate designer, he worked on over 40 Broadway shows, national tours, and international productions, including The Color Purple, Doubt, Chicago, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Footloose, Proof, Wonderful Town, The Redwood Curtain, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

The UE Center for Innovation and Change named Renschler a 2011 Global Scholar Award-winner. He used his award to expand his experience in the international design arena with a year-long comparative study of national design aesthetics as exhibited through theatrical scenography. He is a former board member for the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, a member of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission, and a frequent grant reviewer for the Indiana Arts Commission.

He holds an MFA in Theatre Design from the University of Michigan and is a member of IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) and USA (United Scenic Artists).

* Chemistry department presents at Eli Lilly and Company

Roslyn Lampkins, assistant professor of chemistry, and rising sophomore Phil Wittel presented a poster of their research titled “Purine Scaffolds Toward a New Class of Antibacterial Agents Against Gram-Negative Drug Resistant Bacteria” at the recent 2018 Lilly Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rising sophomore Timmy Miller was a co-author on this poster. The symposium serves as a forum for undergraduate institutions across the state of Indiana to share their research with each other and with medicinal and drug discovery scientists at Eli Lilly. Eli Lilly and Company, and UExplore funded this research project.



* UE volleyball opens 2018 season on Friday

Following a 2017 season that saw the University of Evansville volleyball team double its win total from 2016, the Purple Aces are ready for 2018. For the second season in a row, Evansville opens the year in Macomb, Ill. at the Leatherneck Invitational hosted by Western Illinois.

“We are looking forward to finally see all the girls in action. After a successful introduction of systems and organizational culture this past training camp, we look forward to implementation and experimentation,” UE head coach Manolo Concepcion said. “The team is eager to play together and start building with the blocks that they have established a base from during the past two weeks. We have high respect for every opponent that we are facing in Macomb (and the rest of pre-season adversaries), but preparation and focus will begin from within.”

“The goal is to solidify on the things that we can control, by competing with a growth mindset and taking advantage of every learning opportunity.”

Four starters and nine players overall return from the 2017 squad including senior Mildrelis Rodriguez and junior Rachel Tam. Rodriguez has consistently been one of the Aces top players in her college career and last year was no different. Rodriguez assisted UE in all facets of the game, ranking second on the team with 2.44 kills per set while posting 3.50 digs per frame, also second on the squad.

Rachel Tam took a large step forward in 2017, leading the way for the UE offense with 2.78 kills per set. Her top career match came at Southern Illinois last year when she set career marks with 27 kills and 79 attempts; her 27 kills was the most for a UE player since 2015.

Senior Rocio Fortuny looks to finish her career on a high note following a junior season that saw her finish with 2.11 kills per set along with a total of 47 block assists. Fortuny looks forward to the Western Illinois trip as she earned a spot on the All-Tournament Team at the event last season. In three matches in the event, she registered a total of 29 kills including 11 in a 5-set win over the host Leathernecks.


In The News

* Dion interviewed by 44 News about President's visit to Evansville

Robert Dion, department chair for Law, Politics, and Society, was interviewed by 44 News for a story about President Trump’s upcoming visit to Evansville. You can view the interview here on the 44 News website


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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