AceNotes Today
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
This Week in Music
Assistant Professor of Guitar Renato Butturi will present a Faculty Recital entitled “Renato Butturi and Friends” in Wheeler Concert Hall tonight at 7:30 p.m. Butturi’s “friends” include Department of Music faculty members Carol Dallinger (viola), Linda Lister (soprano), Jennifer Wingert (cello), and Erzsébet Gaal (harp), as well as other musicians from the Evansville area. Musical selections will range from Luigi Boccherini to Franz Liszt to Chick Corea. The concert is free and open to the public.
Bible Study
Adventist Campus Ministries will be having Bible study on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in Room153, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. The topic of study will be "God's Seal and Satan's Mark." Everyone is welcome to attend.
I-House Spain on Wednesday
Come to I-House on Wednesday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in the Class of 1959 Gallery on the second floor of Ridgway University Center. The featured country will be Spain, with the program presented by Neli Devesa-Gomez! Attendance at I-House is worth .25 honors points.
MESCON 2011 Set for Saturday, March 26
The UE Community is invited to 2011 MESCON (Math, Engineering, Science Conference) on Saturday, March 26, in Koch Center. This annual conference celebrates undergraduate scientific research and engineering design from excellent colleges and universities in the Midwestern region. Starting at 8:15 am, students will give oral and poster presentations from areas ranging in biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Please come hear student presentations and see poster presentations. MESCON Committee members Cris Hochwender, Dick Blanford, John LAyer, Deborah Hwant, Chris Tweddle, John Stamm, Arlen Kaufman, Kristy Miller, Lora Becker and Vicky Hasenor thank Buehler Motor, Inc. for its sponsorship this year.
Need Honors Points?
Need Honors Points? Honors students can earn points by attending one of Lawrence W. Reed’s lectures this Wednesday!
“Witch-Hunting for Robber Barons: the Standard Oil Story: A Lecture on Entrepreneurship" - 4 p.m., March 23, Harkness Hall (Room162), Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Provides interesting insights into entrepreneurship, competition, and John D. Rockefeller
“Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy: A Lecture on Economics" - 7p.m., March 23, Smythe Lecture Hall (Room170), Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Outlines key economic and social principles that should be valuable to anyone interested in liberty and the economy
To read Larry Reed’s biography, visit http://fee.org/people/lawrence-w-reed/ .
Blackjack Tournament
Tau Kappa Epsilon is hosting a Blackjack Tournament on March 26 in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center, starting at 3 pm. Entry cost is $5 ,and all money raised will benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.If you want more information email Jake Steele at js509@evansville.edu.
Ladder Golf Tournament during the UE vs. IU Baseball Games
Want to play ladder or "hillbilly" golf?!? The AthleticTraining Club is holding a tournament on Saturday, March 26 beginning at 12:30 p.m. on the IM soccer field by the Armory. Teams of 2 people can be entered in for $5/team. There will be sign-ups in Ridgeway on March 23-25 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. or you can email sw167 to sign-up now. There will be prizes for 1st and 2nd place. The event is being held during the double header baseball game vs. IU, which begins at 1 p.m. An email with the bracket and rules will be sent out Friday, March 25.
Stumped by Citations? Attend Friday's Writing Center Workshop
If you're working on a research paper and having problems with correct APA or MLA format, don't fret - just attend the Writing Center's student writing workshop at noon this Friday, March 25. Writing Center tutors Margaret Durkovic and Kayla Brenton will present the differences in these two scholastic styles for citing sources, writing headings, formatting your paper, etc., etc. Bring your questions (and your lunch if you wish): A "Q&A" will offer ample time to help you solve a particular citation issue or answer other questions you may have. See you at the Writing Center . . . noon this Friday!
Come Watch the New Venture Creation Competition
The Schroeder Family School of Business Administration invites you to attend the 2011 Evansville New Venture Creation Competition on Friday afternoon, March 25. The contest, which will feature nine student businesses from across the US and Canada, begins at 1:15 p.m. in Smythe Lecture Hall in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Catch the entrepreneurial spirit, pick up pointers on how to present your ideas, and learn new ways to make a positive impression on future employers! Who knows – you might want to enter your own business into the competition next year. The first place winner will get a check for $10,000. Second and third places will pay $2,500 and $1,000, respectively. Winners will be announced live on Fox News at 6 p.m.
The Washington Center Visit
A representative from The Washington Center will be on campus Wednesday, March 23. She will be in the Ridgway University Center lobby at the Walnut Street entrance table from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., between classroom visits. She will also conduct an information session from 3-4 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. This event is sponsored by Career Services and Cooperative Education.
UE Gives Back
UE Gives Back is April 2nd! Group Leaders, please complete sign-up sheets and send them to Taylor Shelton at ts142@evansville.edu by March 25th to ensure that enough T-shirts are ordered to accommodate all volunteers. The sooner sign-up sheets are turned in, the better.
Also, there are many volunteer opportunities available in the coming weeks. If you are in need of hours or would just like to spend some time serving your community please drop by the Volunteer Services Office in Ridgway or contact Taylor Shelton at TS142 or Julia Bynum at JB495.
Spudz Day for Easter Seals
Come to Spudz-N-Stuff on the East Side on Tuesday, March 22nd, to help raise money for Easter Seals and the Rehabilitation Center! $1 of every meal purchased that day will be donated to Easter Seals. Spudz Day starts at 10:30am and continues until 9:00pm at 815 S. Green River Road. For more information please contact David Riedford at dr77@evansville.edu
Nursing Presents Sexual Health Program
"Sex on Campus," a sexual health program put on by UE Nursing students and sponsored by the Office of Health Education and Wellness Programs, will be in Eykamp 251 on Tuesday, March 22, at 5:00 p.m. Students who attend will learn about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy!
Free Obsolete Electronics Recycling Day
This spring, the very successful free paper recycling day will be augmented by a free obsolete electronics recycling day. This University supported event is scheduled on Friday, April 29. C&I Electronics will be on the Hale loop drive from 12 to 2 pm, and on the Lagoon from 2 to 4 p.m. Students and employees (faculty, administrators, staff) can bring their personal, obsolete electronic equipment to be recycled at no cost. Accepted items include: CRT monitors, LCD displays, computers, printers, fax machines, laptops, cell phones, PDAs, cables, circuit boards, connectors, electrical equipment, audio video equipment, DVD players, stereos, radios, calculators, TVs, speakers, VCRs, and microwave ovens. Some items that C&I Electronics cannot accept are fluorescent light bulbs (including compact bulbs), lead acid batteries, loose batteries (except batteries within electronics), refrigerators, stoves, vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers, and any other items C&I Electronics deems not acceptable. Please NO electronics owned by the University. Contact Lucas Brandt (lb96 or extension 2697) with questions.
BSU Presents Mark Rust in "Songs of the Civil Rights Movement"
Mark Rust, a multi-talented singer & musician from Woodstock NY, will present “Songs of the Civil Rights Movement” in the Ridgway University Center “Rademacher’s Lounge” on Tuesday, March 22nd, at 8pm. Mark starred in the Broadway Musical Hit Pump Boys & Dinettes, has appeared in People Magazine performing with Pete Seeger and Peter Paul & Mary, and has been a guest on the Phil Donahue Show. Mark has also been nominated for a Campus Entertainer of the Year Award by the National Association of Campus Activities (NACA).
The program is a moving celebration of the songs that provided encouragement and comfort to an entire movement during one of the most important periods of social & political change in America.
Ladder Golf Tournament at UE vs. IU Baseball Game
Want to play Ladder or Hillbilly Golf? The Athletic Training Club is holding a tournament on Saturday, March 26 at 12:30 p.m. on the IM soccer field by the Armory. Teams of 2 people can be entered for $5/team. There will be sign-ups in Ridgway University Center on March 23-25 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. or email sw167 to sign-up now. There will be prizes for 1st and 2nd place. The event is being held during the double header baseball game vs. IU, which begins at 1 p.m. An email with the bracket and rules will be sent out Friday, March 25.
The Art of Doing Business in China
Learn about China’s history, culture, relationships, and communication from UE Visiting China Instructor Jie Wang from 7-8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, Room 100, Koch Center. This event is free and open to the public.
Become a Global Justice Volunteer/Summer Intern – UM Opportunities for College Students
Global Ministries needs Global Justice Volunteers and Summer Interns, young adults who can work for about two months with community organizations and faith-based partners to listen, learn, practice social justice, advocate with the disenfranchised, be in solidarity, and make a positive difference with communities connected to Global Ministries, the international mission agency of The United Methodist Church.
In previous years young adults have described their short-term mission experience as "amazing," "incredibly rewarding and incredibly frustrating," "not easy but worth it," and "a wonderful, meaningful, and life-changing experience." Taking the lead from the communities where they serve, interns and volunteers become witnesses to the call to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God." (Micah 6:8)
Young people who embark on the journey to become an intern or volunteer are challenged to face the issues of our times, including: migration, economic justice, global health, and poverty.
The GJV and Summer Intern programs provide opportunities to learn, serve, and be exposed to these issues and new cultures. As part of Global Ministries' collective efforts to address the root causes of injustice, the interns and volunteers stand with the individuals, organizations, and communities where they serve. They become part of the social justice movement striving to build a world where all God's children live in peace, reconciliation, and harmony with God and one another.
Summer Interns
For ten weeks, from June 13 to August 20, Summer Interns encounter social justice as they work with communities around the US. Among other possibilities, interns may connect community members to emergency assistance and job training in Alexandria, organize children’s recreation in Appalachia, work with homeless communities in Detroit, or support advocacy for housing in San Antonio.
Global Justice Volunteers
For eight weeks over the summer, Global Justice Volunteers ( between the ages of 18 and 30 ) serve abroad with grassroots organizations alongside other young adults from around the world. The volunteers may staff an HIV and AIDS clinic in East Africa, or advocate for sustainable life in Asia. Working in teams of two to five people, volunteers support the community to which they are assigned and one another.
The volunteers and interns of the General Board of Global Ministries reflect a diversity of gender, race, class, privilege, as well as varied educational and life experiences.
For more information contact: Tamara Gieselman, University Chaplain, tg85@evansville.edu
Applications due March 31.
Last Day to Drop Spring Classes – Friday, April 1
Don’t forget that Friday, April 1, is the last day to drop a spring class. Drops will be posted with a ‘W’ grade. If you need to drop a class, fill out a yellow Add/Drop Form (available in the Registrar’s Office in Olmsted Hall room 106), get signatures from your advisor and class instructor, and return the completed form to the Registrar’s Office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 1.
Attention UE Students: Financial Aid Calendar for 2011-12
FAFSA: Please respond immediately to any requests you receive from the Office of Financial Aid to correct your FAFSA or provide verification documents. Students may still file the 2011-12 FAFSA to be considered for need-based aid, including federal student loans.
Need financial aid for summer courses? If you are seeking financial aid to help pay for summer courses at UE, please make an appointment in the Office of Financial Aid to meet with a counselor. We will help you examine your options. You may stop by to schedule an appointment (Olmsted Hall, room 116), or set up a time though the financial aid receptionist at cm98@evansville.edu.
Checking grades and credit hours earned in May: After the completion of the spring semester, we will review students’ academic records to determine if they have met the requirements known as Satisfactory Academic Progress (see Financial Aid FAQs page for details). Students who are deficient in meeting these standards are notified immediately via mail and are ineligible for any form of aid (including loans) until the deficiencies are corrected.
June: Financial Aid Notification Letters are mailed in late June to your preferred address on file. Please make sure that your preferred address is accurate in UE’s system.
The Salvation Army - War on Hunger
The War on Hunger Campaign ends today - March 22 - at noon. Help the University of Evansville buy a skid of food to help feed area families!
Please donate in one of the following ways:
1) Make a monetary pledge at this site: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HungerPledge2011
(The first 50 pledging over $3.00 will receive a coupon for a free medium coffee drink at Jazzman’s)
2) Purchase designated non-perishable food with cash or Flex to be donated directly to the War on Hunger.
Food items available at Café Court
All donations go directly to the Evansville Salvation Army Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen.
Sign Up's for Cajun Cooking Class Now Open
Do you burn water? Do you think Tapas is a Latin dance? Then sign up for our My Kitchen – You’re Cooking Culinary Classes featuring campus Executive Chef Anthony Brown! The class will cover Cajun food and will be held on Wednesday March 23 at 7 p.m. It is only open to the first 10 people and the cost is one meal swipe or $8 cash/credit/debit so sign up soon!
2011-2012 Letterhead and Envelope Orders
The Office of Publications distributed letterhead and envelope ordering information to departments earlier this week. If your department uses letterhead or envelopes during the fiscal year, this is the time to order it. Theyare able to get a substantial price break on boxes of envelopes (500 quantity) and reams of letterhead (500 quantity) due to the size of the order. Smaller orders placed later in the year will be more expensive.
If you have not received the ordering information from the Office of Publications, please click on the electronic version of the information for letterhead or envelopes, e-mail publications@evansville.edu, or call ext. 2561.
Pick Up Commencement Announcements Today
Graduates who ordered announcements from the Bookstore on March 15 and before can pick up their announcments at the Bookstore at their earliest convenience. Don't forget to allow yourself plenty of time for mailing your announcements to guest.
UE Gives Back is April 2
UE Gives Back is April 2! Group leaders, please complete sign-up sheets and send them to Taylor Shelton at ts142@evansville.edu by March 25 to ensure that enough T-shirts are ordered for all volunteers. The sooner the sign-up sheets are turned in, the better. Also, there are many volunteer opportunities available in the coming weeks. If you are in need of hours or would just like to spend some time serving your community please drop by the Volunteer Services Office in Ridgway or contact Taylor Shelton at TS142 or Julia Bynum at JB495.
Faculty Reminder
Faculty are reminded that Summer and Fall 2011 book adoptions can be submitted to theUE Bookstore by March 31 if at all possible. ALSO any faculty member who needs regalia rented for May graduation should contact the Bookstore by March 25. If you have any questions please contact the Bookstore.
Marvin E Hartig Memorial Scholarship
Family, friends, and loved ones of Dr. Marvin E. Hartig announce the application process for the Marvin E Hartig Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded each year to a rising sophomore student with demonstrated financial need, as shown by the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Preference will be given to a student who works while being enrolled full-time.
Applications will be disbursed via UE email in early April to all rising sophomores, who have earned at least 30 credit hours. Applications should be returned to the University of Evansville Office of Financial Aid by June 1, with decision announced by Aug.1.
Send any questions to JoAnn Laugel, Director of Financial Aid, at JL25@evansville.edu or call (812) 488-2364.
This scholarship is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Marvin E Hartig, Dean of Evansville College’s Evening College in 1967, administrator for the Center for Advanced Study, director of the Evansville Chapter of the American Institute for Banking (AIB), and the international student advisor. In 1974 Dr. Hartig was appointed dean of academic services. He retired in 1984 after serving his alma mater for thirty-five years.
Ten Purple Aces Named to 2011 MVC Scholar Athlete Team
Ten University of Evansville women's swimming and diving team members were named to the Missouri Valley Conference 2011 Swimming and Diving Scholar-Athlete Team, as announced by the league office yesterday.
Evansville and Illinois State led the Valley with ten student-athlete representatives on the team
Christina Schmidgall, Valerie Jones, Annie Shackelford, Jill Enge, Alex Spata, Phoebe Hodina, Merri Schmitt, Alex Howard, Jennifer Childers and Sadie Wells were named to the 41-member team. Schmidgall was one of five student-athletes with a perfect 4.0 GPA
Scholar-Athlete honors require athletes to have completed at least one year and maintain either a 3.2 GPA and obtain all-conference honors, achieve a 3.5 GPA and finish top sixteen in an individual event at the conference championships, or maintain a 3.8 GPA and participate in the MVC championship.
Sigma Tau Delta
UE's English Honors Society is attending the 2011 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in Pittsburgh, PA, from March 23 through March 27. Junior Lacey Conley is presenting a paper on Eve's Identity, a critical essay on 16th and 17th century British Literature. Three other members, Brennan Girdler, Miranda Stinson, and Regan Campbell, are also attending. They will sit in on panel discussions, workshops, and have opportunities to hear from distinguished authors, such as Jacqueline Woodson, Lorene Cary, and Kay Ryan.
Broncos Hold Off UE
Boise State hit 27 of 32 free throws to hold off the University of Evansville Monday night in the quarterfinals of the College Basketball Invitational presented by Zebra Pen, 75-69, at Taco Bell Arena. The loss ended Evansville's season at 16-16. It was the second .500 or better season for the Aces in the last three years. It was also the final game for three Evansville seniors--Pieter van Tongeren, Clint Hopf and Kavon Lacey.
Softball Travels to SEMO
With the first weekend of Missouri Valley Conference play under its belt, the University of Evansville softball team will travel to Cape Girardeau, Mo., Wednesday for a non-conference doubleheader with Southeast Missouri State. First pitch is slated for 3 p.m. The Aces are coming off a 2-3 outing last week, taking a win from UT-Martin Thursday before notching their first Valley win with a 4-2 victory over Creighton in the second game of Saturday's doubleheader.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.