AceNotes Today
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Environmental sustainability survey
In March, President Kazee appointed an Environmental Sustainability Task Force charged with developing concrete plans to guide the University’s actions in the coming years. Formation of the Task Force was grounded in UE’s affirmation of its desire to become more sustainable that is stated in our strategic plan, “Transforming Tomorrow: Our Students, Our University, Our World.”
The Environmental Sustainability Task Force would like your input to help ensure student, faculty, staff and administration's voices are heard. To that end, members of the Task Force invite you to complete a short survey.
The survey will remain open until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 13.
Photographer on campus
The Office of Marketing and Communication will have a photographer on campus for a photo shoot Monday, April 10, through Wednesday, April 12. UE students and faculty have always been very cooperative and accommodating during previous shoots. As a result, many great photos have been taken for UE publications. Alex Amick will try to notify faculty in advance if photos will be taken in a particular class; however, weather often can force the shoot inside, and it is possible that last minute requests will be made. If faculty members know that they will be giving a test or do not wish to have their class photographed any of these days, please inform Alex Amick at ext. 5004 and the classroom will be avoided.
Submitted by Theresa Hoffherr mh270@evansville.edu
Newman Club Dinner and Discussion - Holy Week!
All are welcome to join the Newman Club today to celebrate Holy Week during our last Dinner and Discussion of the semester. Come for as little or as much of the evening as you like – we’re always happy to see new faces! Starting at 5:00 p.m., we will enjoy a delicious homemade meal, followed by a presentation on “The Pascal Mystery and Our Faith Journey” led by Father Bernie. You can find us at the house on Lincoln Avenue with the purple banner. For more information, please contact Olivia Voegerl at ov4@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Emily Schuster es260@evansville.edu
Creative Writing Senior Reading set for today
Please join us today for the farewell reading by creative writing's graduating seniors. The students will read short excerpts of their work, and the CRW department will announce the winners of The Virginia Lowell Grabill Writing Awards in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. The reading will be held at the Melvin Peterson Gallery at 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by Lisa Nikolidakis ln43@evansville.edu
I-House: Japan
At this week’s I-House, Madoko, Kyoko and Megumi will be presenting on Japan! Their majors are communications and political science. They like watching movies, reading, hiking, shopping, and traveling. They love classes, people here at UE, and all the friends they have made. Make sure to come see them today at 7:00 p.m. upstairs in Ridgway University Center!
Submitted by Cassie Peterson cp156@evansville.edu
Baseball analytics to be topic of lecture today
Tuan Nguyen, assistant professor of mathematics, will give a talk today to the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) student chapter at 4:00 p.m. in Room 304, Koch Center for Engineering and Science.
The title of Nguyen’s lecture is "Basketball Analytics 101-A starting point for analyzing basketball statistics"
While statistics in sports have been around for a long time, it’s recently reached a new level of popularity with Michael Lewis's book Moneyball, which features the use of advanced statistics to assembling a competitive team despite a disadvantaged payroll. The success the book has changed the way professional teams value and use analytics to do business.
In this talk, Nguyen will survey the current state of basketball statistics and provide a common starting point for analyzing statistics. He will also discuss basic concepts and methods, including per-possession and per-minute statistics, four factors, and offensive and defensive ratings.
Submitted by Pengcheng Xiao px3@evansville.edu
Austin delivers final Crick Lecture of the year
Michael Austin, executive vice president for academic affairs, will deliver the final Crick Lecture of the 2016-17 school year. His topic will be “A Certain Convocation of Politic Worms: Literature and the Fear of Being Eaten.” The lecture will be today at 4:00 p.m., in Room 100 in the Koch Center for Engineering and Science.
All Crick Lectures are open to the public and aimed at a general audience. The series is jointly sponsored by the Cognitive Science and Neuroscience programs.
A short abstract of Austin's talk follows:
In this presentation, Austin will draw on his book Useful Fictions: Evolution, Anxiety, and the Origins of Literature to try to answer the question "why does a species whose survival depends on the ability to collect and use accurate information have a universal predilection for fictional narratives?"
The answer takes us far back into humanity’s evolutionary past and deep into a cognitive structure that evolved to help organisms compete for resources in an environment full of dangerous predators and perilous situations.
Derek Jones dj4@evansville.edu
Honors Program project presentations
The Honors Program invites you to attend the Honors Program Project Presentations. The Honors project is an opportunity for students to explore an area about which they are passionate, and may consist of a research project, thesis, or creative work.
We hope you will join us to hear the fascinating work that this year’s Honors students have completed. Special thanks are extended to all faculty, advisors, and others who have supported the Honors students in their educational achievements.
Below is this week’s presentation schedule. All presentations will take place in Room 101 in Koch Center for Engineering and Science.
Wednesday, April 12
3:00 – 3:45 p.m.
Emily Westing, theatre design and technology
“It's Not About Television: Dramaturgy for The Ruby Sunrise”
Ben Phillips, theatre studies
“An In-Depth Study of the Relationship Between Technology and Theatrical Design with Respect to Sound”
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Hayley Serafino, political science/criminal justice
“Content Analysis of Media Coverage Concerning Domestic, Homegrown, and International Terrorism in the United States Since 9/11”
Jacob Trotter, political science/philosophy
“The German-Turkish Response to the Balfour Declaration”
Cindy White, music therapy
“The Perception and Importance of Feminism and Feminist Issues to UE Students”
Submitted by Jayme Williams jw504@evansville.edu
Charlas: Dinner at Los Bravos and La Campirana
Students of all levels of Spanish are invited to meet at Jazzman's in Ridgway University Center at 6:00 p.m. today, to go to La Campirana and have dinner with Belén Alemán Mansilla, a Fulbright FLTA. This is the last Charlas session of the semester, so it would be wonderful if you could join her in enjoying Mexican food while practicing some Spanish. Please contact Belén at ma360@evansville.edu to coordinate carpooling or if you have any questions. ¡Nos vemos!
Submitted by Belen Aleman Mansilla ma360@evansville.edu
Obsolete electronics recycling event on April 26
There will be an obsolete electronics recycling event on reading/study day, April 26, from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on the drive that loops around Hale Hall.
Students and employees (faculty, administrators, and staff) can bring the following personal, obsolete electronic equipment to be recycled at no cost:
LCD displays, LCD TVs and LCD monitors, computers, printers, fax machines, laptops, cell phones, PDAs, cables, circuit boards, connectors, electrical equipment, audio video equipment, DVD players, stereos, radios, calculators, speakers, and VCRs. Small quantities of batteries will be accepted.
The following items will NOT be accepted:
• CRT TVs and CRT computer monitors
• Fluorescent light bulbs (including compact bulbs), refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, stoves, vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers, leaking batteries, and any other items.
• Electronics owned by the University.
The cost of processing CRT TVs and CRT computer monitors has increased significantly, and the University is no longer able to cover these items. However, these items may be brought to C&I Electronics, located at 1700 North Lafayette Avenue in Evansville, Monday–Friday, from 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. The cost will be 35 cents per pound.
Submitted by Jan Schrader js652@evansville.edu
Aces fall in doubleheader
UT Martin picked up a pair of victories against the University of Evansville Softball team in a doubleheader at Cooper Stadium on Tuesday afternoon.
In game one, the Skyhawks (30-12) won by a final of 7-2 before taking the second matchup, 3-1.
UT Martin got on the board first as the plated four runs in the top of the third inning. Morgan Florey saw UE score its first run of the game when she homered for the fourth game in a row, hitting a solo shot in the bottom of the fourth inning.
Two more home runs in the top of the fifth frame gave the Skyhawks a 7-1 advantage. The Aces plated one in the seventh as Morgan Lambert hit a triple and came home on a hit by Michal Luckett to make it the final of 7-2. The Skyhawks scored seven runs on nine hits while the Aces had six hits on the day, two coming from Luckett.
Ashlee Kawall got UE on the board in the bottom of the second in game two. She reached via a bunt single before advancing to second on an error. Kawall reached third on a sac bunt before coming home on the second UTM error of the frame to give the Aces a 1-0 lead.
In the top of the fourth, the Skyhawks saw the tying run cross the plate on a Jodie Duncan sacrifice fly. One inning later, UTM scored the two deciding tallies as Carly Gonzales reached via an error, allowing the runners to come home. UTM would hang on by the final of 3-1.
Evansville notched five hits in the second game while UTM’s three runs scored on three hits. Morgan Florey was a perfect 2-2 in the game along with a walk.
UE looks to continue its conference momentum on Friday as they travel to Missouri State. The action in Springfield begins with a doubleheader on Friday at noon before Saturday’s finale starts at 11:00 a.m.
Commencement senior video: photos needed
Hey seniors! We are now collecting photos from our last few years to be included in Commencement's senior slideshow. The video will be presented prior to the ceremony on Saturday, May 6, and available to view online afterward, as well. Any and all photos that you would like to be featured - seniors only if possible! - should be uploaded by Wednesday, April 26.
Submitted by Alanna Payne ap202@evansville.edu
Get paid to help protect the environment
There is one summer work study position available in the recycling area, and the pay/hour has been increased from last summer!
Please go to WebAdvisor, click on Student Employment and select Student Employment Positions Listing, then click on Risk Management Department, and then select Recycling Assistant to find out more.
Hours are flexible within Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Please email js652@evansville.edu or call ext. 2697 if you have questions.
Submitted by Jan Schrader js652@evansville.edu
Distribution services reminder – Easter break
Since UE campus will be closed Good Friday, April 14, please note the following Distribution Services adjustments and plan accordingly. These adjustments will help to ensure there is sufficient time to complete deliveries before Easter Break.
• UE central receiving will close at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13 and re-open at 7:30 a.m. on Monday morning, April 17.
• UE mail services will close at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, and re-open at 7:30 a.m. on Monday morning, April 17.
• Offices that plan to be unstaffed earlier than Friday, April 14, are asked to notify distribution services in advance to avoid unnecessary delivery stops.
For questions, contact distribution services at ext. 1067 or e-mail distributionservices@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Kim Winsett kw83@evansville.edu
Athletic Training Club collecting T-shirts for Atlanta homeless
Have any T-shirts that you’d like to get rid of? Clean out your drawers over Easter and bring them to Ridgway University Center on Tuesday-Friday, April 18-21, from 11:00 a.m-.1:00 p.m. The Athletic Training Club will be collecting T-shirts to donate to the Atlanta Dream Center. These T-shirts will be distributed to the homeless around Atlanta in a very strategic process. For every three T-shirts you donate, you'll get a chance to win a $25 gift card!
Submitted by Megan Morris mm636@evansville.edu
Work study positions available for this summer
There are available jobs through UE work-study offered by the Office of Financial Aid for UE students. Eligibility is based on federal need as shown through the FAFSA. The student employment application may be obtained on WebAdvisor through the Student tab, under the student employment section. A listing of all available positions (student employment positions listing all positions/all departments) may also be found there. Applications should be directed to the department for which the student is applying. Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to Sean Riley at sr252@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Sean Riley sr252@evansville.edu
Student survey
The University is working with the Times Higher Education US Student Survey in order to gain student perspectives of the UE experience. Students will soon be receiving an e-mail with information about the survey and a link to it. Participation in the survey is voluntary and all responses will be anonymous.
Students who complete the nationwide survey will have an opportunity to win prizes. There will be five winners per week for eight weeks, and each of these winners will each receive a $100 Amazon gift card. One grand prize winner will receive a $30,000 scholarship that will be awarded in the form of a check.
The survey ends June 1.
If you have any questions about the survey, contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness at 812-488-2155.
Interested in studying abroad in Mexico?
A new study abroad program will be running in Mexico during the summer of 2018! Earn Spanish or education credits through this trip. Activities may include trips to Mérida, visits to local schools, museum visits, visits to local beaches/ports, local shopping, and much more!
Contact Amara Stuehling at as760@evansville.edu before the end of the semester if you're interested.
Submitted by Greta Becker gb91@evansville.edu
Benefit open enrollment until April 19
During the period of April 3-19, benefit-eligible employees may enroll or make changes in the University’s health, voluntary term life, dental, and ACES flexible spending account benefit plans.
It is the only chance for benefit-eligible employees to enroll or make changes until the next open enrollment period unless you have a qualifying change in status. You may also consider enrolling in the University’s group life and long term disability insurance plans, if you haven’t done so already.
Please review the documents in the Open Enrollment section on the HR area of AceLink - beginning with the open enrollment memo - for important announcements, reminders, and changes to the University’s benefits which will occur June 1.
We will once again utilize an on-line enrollment process, eliminating all paper enrollment forms for health, life, dental, and long term disability insurance, as well as the ACES flexible spending account. This will ensure the accuracy of your enrollment elections and maintain records electronically regarding your current and future participation.
Enrollment/changes to your TIAA and Emeriti VEBA Trust retirement plan salary deferrals will continue to be processed on paper forms available in the Office of Human Resources. Therefore, you do not need to re-enroll in the TIAA or Emeriti retirement plans.
ALL benefit eligible employees (including those who do not want to make any changes to their current coverage) must enter their elections by April 19.
Please review the open enrollment memo and on-line benefit enrollment documents on the HR area of AceLink, which should answer many of the questions you might have about this system.
Please contact the Office of Human Resources at ext. 2943 with any questions.
Submitted by Lori LeDuc ll138@evansville.edu
Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship applications
Family, friends, and loved ones of the late Marvin E. Hartig are pleased to announce the application process for the Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is dedicated to the loving memory of Hartig, dean of Evansville College’s Evening College in 1967, and administrator for the Center for Advanced Study, director of the Evansville chapter of the American Institute of Banking (AIB), and the international student advisor. In 1974, Hartig was appointed dean of academic services. He retired in 1984 after serving his alma mater for 35 years and passed away in 2007.
This scholarship will be awarded each year to a deserving sophomore student with demonstrated financial need as shown by the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Preference will be given to a student working while being enrolled as a full-time student.
International students are encouraged to apply. Please include in your essay your particular financial need, since international students do not have FAFSA forms on file.
Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- Completed application
- In a one page, single spaced, 12 point Verdana font essay, please answer all of these questions:
- What have you learned about yourself as a UE student?
- What do you do for fun when not studying or working?
- Name a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart.
- You have done a lot in your short life. In what areas do you think you can improve?
- What are your scholastic and career goals?
- How did you finance your freshman year and how will you finance your sophomore year?
- Why are you a good candidate to receive this scholarship?
- What have you learned about Dr. Hartig, how does he influence or inspire you, and how will you preserve his legacy as recipient of this scholarship?
Please return all materials to the Office of Financial Aid by June 1. Decision will be announced by August 1.
If you have questions, contact Trisha Hawkes, administrative assistant to the Office of Financial Aid, at financialaid@evansville.edu or 812-488-2364.
Submitted by Trisha Hawkes th187@evansville.edu
PTA alumnus and adjunct professor receives national award
The American Physical Therapy Association recently released its annual honors and awards list and Sean Bagbey, PTA, MHA, and ATC, was named national Outstanding Physical Therapist Assistant for 2017.
Bagbey is chief operations officer of Rehabilitation & Performance Institute, PSC. The institute is a physical therapy and healthcare services organization with offices in Owensboro and Hawesville, Kentucky; Mt. Vernon, Indiana; and Albion, Illinois. Bagbey works at RPI offices throughout the region and primarily focuses on the company’s workplace health initiatives. He also serves as an adjunct professor in the physical therapist assistant program at UE.
Bagbey is a graduate of UE’s physical therapist assistant and athletic trainer programs and the University of Southern Indiana’s master of health administration program.
Submitted by Jennifer Simon js698@evansville.edu
Aces take sixth and Tyler Gray finishes second at TSU
After finishing the first day in a tie for the lead, University of Evansville golfer Tyler Gray came home in second place as the Purple Aces took sixth at the Tennessee State Big Blue Invitational at Hermitage Golf Club.
Gray totaled a 141 on Monday with scores of 71 and 70 before finishing the event with a 74 on Tuesday. His 215 was two off of the pace of 213, set by UT Martin’s Hunter Richardson. Richardson carded a 69 in the final round.
Joining Gray in the top ten was Wil Pahud. A 78 in the last trip around gave Pahud a 223 for the tournament, tying for 10th place. Matthew Ladd was third on the team. He had his best round of the event, notching a 76 to tie for 53rd with a 236.
Jon Pick also registered a 236. His final round tally checked in with a 77, also his lowest score of the weekend. Finishing five behind Pick and Ladd was Zac Turi with a 241.
One of UE’s top round of the day came from Noah Reese. He was the top individual finisher with a 225. Reese shot an even 72 in the last round of play. Robert Waggoner also played as an individual, totaling a 3-round final of 257.
UT Martin took top team honors as their 880 bested the competition by seven strokes. Detroit came home in second place. The Aces wrapped up the tournament in sixth place, four out of the top five.
Evansville is off this weekend before heading to the MVC Championship on April 24-25 at Cog Hill Golf Club in Lemont, Illinois.
School of Education recognizes outstanding future educators
The School of Education recognized three seniors, class of 2016-17, with the Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Outstanding Future Educators Award. These students were recognized at a ceremony in Indianapolis on Friday, April 7, with others from across Indiana. Congratulations to Anna Loef (special education major), Michelle Huff (secondary education major-math), and Brittney Sullivan (elementary education).
Submitted by Sharon Gieselmann sg78@evansville.edu
International Honor Society of Nursing induction ceremony

The University of Evansville's School of Nursing inducted new members into the Eta Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing on April 9. Nursing students inducted included Kayla Cantrell, Courtney Coverdale, Ryan Lane, Kasey Rein, Nicole Simmons, Mikayla Sullivan, Olivia Williams, and Sarah Vanderhoff.
Sigma Theta Tau International recognizes superior academic achievement and leadership qualities.
Kristen Nussel and Annalise Moll, graduating seniors and current members of the Honor Society, assisted with the ceremony.
Jerrilee LaMar, chair and associate professor of nursing, delivered the keynote address, sharing her experiences with medical mission trips to Jamaica.
Lambert and Hay earn weekly MVC honors
Morgan Lambert and Brittany Hay earned weekly Missouri Valley Conference awards on Monday in an announcement by the league.
Lambert was named the league’s Player of the Week while Hay garnered Newcomer of the Week accolades.
“Morgan had some clutch hits for us this week driving in runs; she has been one of our best hitters over the last three seasons and this is a great honor for her,” UE head coach Mat Mundell said. “Brittany had one of the best conference offensive series that I have ever seen. When she goes, our offense goes.”
An amazing week of play saw UE senior Morgan Lambert bat .500, going 9-18 with two home runs, 9 RBI and four runs scored. She reached base 52.6% of the time while slugging .944. She got off to a quick start against Austin Peay on Wednesday, going 2-4 with a home run and four RBI. She also scored two runs in a 10-7 victory.
In the doubleheader finale, she went 1-3. Lambert went 1-4 in the first game at Drake before registering a perfect 3-3 performance from the plate in game two. That effort included a double and home run. On Sunday, she helped the Aces pick up the sweep with a 2-4 offensive day with three RBI, a walk and a run scored. She notched her second double of the week.
Aces junior Brittany Hay batted .474 as she went 9-19 with a home run, three RBI and four doubles against Austin Peay and Drake. One of the top run producers in the MVC got the job done once again, scoring nine times over the last week of play. All of her damage came against the Bulldogs in an unbelievable performance that saw UE pick up the road sweep. In game one versus the Bulldogs, she went 3-4 with three runs scored and a walk as UE picked up an 8-2 victory.
Hay came right back in game two with a 2-3 day at the plate with three RBI and three runs scored as she belted a home run and a double. Sunday’s 13-5 win saw Hay erupt for a career-high four hits in five plate appearances. She crossed the plate three more times.
Students present research at national conference

Thirteen University of Evansville students were among over 3000 students who presented their research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, on April 6-8. Posters and oral presentations were given of their research in the areas of biology, women studies, physiology, archeology, kinesiology and exercise science, history, and mechanical engineering.
Those who presented included (front row from left) Lydia Crain, Megan Owens, Maggie Sullivan, Paul Schwartz, Patrick Heaston, Baylee Wildman, Hanna Carter, (back row from left) Stacey Chen, Mandy Feagans, Austin Cibulka, Nasib Al-Haffar, Josh Baty, and Jelena Merseli.
Strobel receives Franklin Research Grant
Heidi Strobel, associate professor of art history, has received an American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant. She will use this grant to complete her research on Mary Linwood, about whom she is writing a book.
DPT student performing clinical in Taiwan

Adam Barga, DPT ’17, is performing his final clinical at Cheng-Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Cheng-Hsin General Hospital is the first rehabilitation hospital in Taiwan and currently has more than 33 physical therapists on staff. This clinical experience is made possible through collaboration with National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan. Professor Tzurei Chen recently visited Adam during his clinical and gave a presentation regarding UE’s physical therapy program and physical therapy as a career in the United States.
Submitted by Jennifer Simon js698@evansville.edu
UE alumnus recognized for research in drug discovery
The Science Magazine recently featured drug discovery research developed by J. B. Brown, a University of Evansville graduate. Brown, PhD, doubled majored in mathematics and computer science at UE. He then earned advanced degrees from Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan. Currently, Brown is a junior associate professor at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine.
The Science Magazine can be viewed here.
An article about his achievement can be viewed here.
Brown's biography can be viewed here.
Submitted by Clark Kimberling ck6@evansville.edu
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.