University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Upcoming Events

* Lambda Chi Alpha Teeter-Totter-a-thon

On April 22-24, members of Lambda Chi Alpha will be hosting their annual spring philanthropy, Teeter-Totter-a-thon. For 40 hours straight they will be running their 40 foot teeter totter on Hale Hall's basketball court, off campus, and at their house. All proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. If you are interested in buying a $7 wrist band, good for riding anytime during the 40 hours, or would like to find out more information, visit Ridgway University Center from 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20, Thursday, April 21, or anytime during the event. Hope to see you all there!

* Gender and Women's Studies Brown Bag Event today

The campus is invited to participate in the GWS Brown Bag Event scheduled today in the Bernhardt Atrium, Schroeder School of Business Building. There will be two exhibits. The first, which begins at 11:00 a.m., is a museum exhibit displaying artifacts from Valerie Stein’s Bible, gender, and culture students. This project includes museum displays of biblical women in art. At 12:15 p.m., the students from Annette Parks’s Women in the Pre-Modern World course will display poster presentations outlining research projects for that class. Students will be available to present information about their projects and answer questions. Please stop by to see the student work. 

* Today is the Greek intervarsity callout

Calling all Greeks! Today from 2:00-4:00 p.m., come and meet staff from Greek Intervarsity. Visit the table on the East Terrace Lawn and consider difficult questions such as, "Can I be Greek and Christian?" or "Does the church hate Greeks?" Talk to Greek IV about the new organization coming to UE in the fall of 2016!

* Creative Writing Senior Reading Today!

Please join the University of Evansville’s Creative Writing Coffee Hour today for our annual Senior Reading. The graduating UE creative writing majors will read short excerpts of their poetry and prose, and the winners of the Virginia Grabill Writing Awards will be announced.

The magic happens on Wednesday, April 20 at 4:00 p.m. in UE’s Melvin Peterson Gallery. It is free and open to the public.

* Tree-planting/retirement reception this weekend

Please join us as we honor M. Gale Blalock and Michael Cullen at the annual Tree-Planting and Retirement Reception this Sunday, April 24, at 1:00 p.m. (William Bootz is also retiring but unable to attend this event). The tree will be planted on the lawn area on the northeast side of Neu Chapel and the reception follows immediately afterward in Dunigan Lounge, Schroeder School of Business. All are invited.

* History Department Spring Lecture Set for today

You are cordially invited to attend the Department of History's Spring Lecture today at 4:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center. Our guest speaker will be Paul Kramer, from Vanderbilt University, and his lecture topic is titled The Geopolitics of Mobility: Immigration Policy and US Global Power in the Long 20th Century.

Kramer earned his PhD in history from Princeton University and currently teaches at Vanderbilt University. His first book, The Blood of Government: Race, Empire, the United States and the Philippines, explores the imperial politics of race-making between US and Philippine societies in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The book was awarded the Organization of American Historians’ James A. Rawley Prize, the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations’ Stuart L. Bernath Book Prize, and was a finalist for the Philippines’ National Book Award in the Social Science category.

He is coeditor of Cornell University Press’s series The United States in the World: Transnational Histories, International Perspectives and was program chair for The United States in the World/The World in the United States, the 2009 annual conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. He is a member of the editorial boards of Labor: Working-Class History of the Americas, Philippine Studies, and Diplomatic History. He is currently at work on a manuscript on the geopolitics of US racial formations across the long twentieth century. 

* UE Cheer Team tryouts

The University of Evansville Cheer team will be holding spring tryouts for the 2016-17 season on Saturday, April 23 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tryouts will be held in the small gym of Carson Center. Please contact for further information or with any questions!

* UE Theatre presents Richard III

The University of Evansville’s Department of Theatre proudly presents its final production of the season, William Shakespeare’s Richard III in Shanklin Theatre. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on April 21, 22, 23 and at 2:00 p.m. on April 24.

In The Tragedy of King Richard III, the title character is such a cunning royal reprobate so deformed in body and spirit that even his mother rues the day he was born. In chilling psychopathic fashion, Richard III horrifyingly explains and executes his plans to kill his way to the English throne. Even though he rules with a tyrant’s vengeance that is both backstabbing and bloody, he is such a mesmerizing villain that one dare not turn away.

Artistic director R. Scott Lank directs Richard III. department chair Eric Renschler serves as the scenic designer; Alison Clifton, a senior from Temple, Texas, is the costume designer; associate professor Stephen Boulmetis is the lighting designer; William Koch, a senior from Santa Claus, Indiana, serves as the sound designer; and professor Diane Brewer is the dramaturg.

The extensive 21-member cast features junior Kit Bulla as Richard; junior Sam Schanwald as Buckingham; junior David Aaron Evans as Lord Grey/Richmond; junior Rachel Woods as Queen Elizabeth; and senior Devin Fluker as Old Queen Margaret.

Ticket prices are $15 for adults and $13 for senior adults, students, and UE faculty and staff. UE students may obtain one free student rush ticket beginning at noon on the day of the performance they wish to attend. Tickets may be purchased by calling 812-488-2031, Monday through Friday, noon - 5:00 p.m.

Thanks to a grant from the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, any high school student may receive a free ticket to any of the performances, by simply showing their high school ID card at the ticket office.

* BSU hosts clothing drive for local graduating seniors from AIS

The Black Student Union (BSU) will host a clothing drive until Friday, April 21.

BSU will be collecting gently used professional business attire. What is collected will be donated to the Academy for Innovation Studies (AIS) graduating seniors. Collection tables will be in Ridgway University Center lobby from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

There will also be boxes outside the Diversity and Equity Office in Room 241, Olmsted Administration Hall for drop-offs.

Thank you in advance for all who are able to donate to help students be able to dress nicely for their high school graduation.

For more information please contact LaNeeca Williams at or 812-488-2413.

* I-House: Tea Ceremony

For the last week of I-House, we plan to do things a little differently. This week, six countries (Oman, China, Argentina, Japan, Kazakhstan, and Morocco) will provide a brief explanation about their teas before providing samples to everyone - there might even be some snacks there as well! So be sure to stop by this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of Ridgway University Center to try all kinds of teas from all around the world! 

* Eat Pizza, Help Kids!

College Mentors for Kids is a campus organization that pairs college students with the most to give with young children who need it the most. We meet every Wednesday with 40 students in grades 1-5 at Joshua Academy, providing them with a role model and education on college, diversity, and community service. These students come from very low-income households and are in need of the assistance and friendship they receive through our nationally recognized program. College Mentors for Kids runs purely on donations.

Help us keep the UE chapter thriving by using this voucher at Azzip Pizza on Green River Road on Wednesday, April 20. Get some grub and help the kids. They will greatly appreciate it.

View the voucher.

* Documentary Where to Invade Next to be shown on campus on April 20

There will be a screening of the new documentary Where to Invade Next at 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday, April 20 in Room 126, Hyde Hall. This event, which is presented by the UE Library and the UE College Democrats, is free and open to public. Invite your friends, neighbors, and coworkers to attend!

This documentary by filmmaker Michael Moore is a satirical and comedic exploration of contemporary social issues in the United States. The film shows Moore going to other countries to "invade" and "steal" their ideas for creatively solving issues such as health care, education, work, and equality.

Questions? E-mail or go here to find out more.

* Engineering Excellence Day

Observe greatness at the second annual Engineering Excellence Day!! View the concrete canoe, robotics, electronics, thermosiphon, handicap bicycle, Baja buggy, and the formula car on Friday, April 22, from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on the grassy knoll (lawn area east of Ridgway University Center). Visit with the teams and individuals that designed and built the projects in order to learn more about what inspired them. Help thank our special guests and the sponsors who made it possible to achieve these goals. This event is open to the general public, tours of the Department of Engineering and campus will be provided. Be sure and wear your purple!! 

* Obsolete electronics recycling event on April 27

There will be an obsolete electronics recycling event on April 27 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on the drive that loops around Hale Hall.

Students and employees (faculty, administrators, and staff) can bring the following personal, obsolete electronic equipment to be recycled at no cost:

• LCD displays, LCD TVs and LCD monitors, computers, printers, fax machines, laptops, cell phones, PDAs, cables, circuit boards, connectors, electrical equipment, audio video equipment, DVD players, stereos, radios, calculators, speakers, and VCRs. Small quantities of batteries will be accepted.

The following items will not be accepted:

• CRT TVs and CRT computer monitors
• Fluorescent light bulbs (including compact bulbs), refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, stoves, vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers, leaking batteries and any other items.
• Electronics owned by the University.

Note – the cost of processing CRT TVs and CRT computer monitors has increased significantly, and the University is no longer able to cover these items. However, these items may be brought to C&I Electronics, located at 1700 North Lafayette Avenue in Evansville, on Monday–Friday, from 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. The cost will be 35 cents per pound.

For more information or questions contact Jan Schrader at or ext. 2697.

* Walk A Mile in Her Shoes sexual assault awareness campaign and donation drive

NSLS is partnering with the Albion Fellows Bacon Center for a Walk A Mile in Her Shoes sexual assault awareness campaign and donation drive. You can make a donation to the drive in Ridgway University Center lobby 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., on April 20-22. All donations go to Albion Fellows Bacon Center. 

Donations needed include:

  • TJ Maxx Bags (or something similar)
  • Shampoo/conditioner
  • Body wash or bar soap
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Brush or wide tooth comb
  • Small pack of Kleenex
  • Razors
  • Lotion
  • Tampons
  • Hair ties
  • Sweat pants – plain (all sizes)
  • T-shirt – plain (all sizes)
  • Bath towel/washcloth
  • Walmart gift cards
  • Pajamas (all sizes)
  • Slippers (all sizes)
  • Diapers (sizes 3 and 4)
  • Underwear and bras (all sizes)
  • Bedding (XL twin sheets and blankets, pillows and pillow cases)

If you donate, you can enter to win a $10 Jazzman’s gift card!

If we reach our goal of 20 donations, you will get a chance to see President Kazee and Geoffrey Edwards, director for the Center of Student Engagement, in high heels!


Info You Should Know

* BIOL 107 to be offered Summer I online

Exercise science majors, pre-Doctor of Physical Therapy students, and other science majors may be interested in taking BIOL 107 D01 – General Biology online during Summer I (May 16 to June 17). Please contact Noah Gordon ( for more details.

* University of Evansville Theatre Honoring 400th Anniversary of William Shakespeare's Death with Free Tickets to Richard III

In honor of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, the University of Evansville Theatre is giving away 400 free tickets to their production of Richard III. The production closes the 2015–16 Shanklin Theatre season this weekend with performances at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, Friday, April 22, and Saturday, April 23, and at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 24.

“We are thrilled to offer this rare opportunity to our community and invite them to join us in honoring the world’s most-produced playwright,” said Sharla Cowden, UE Theatre Managing Director.

In The Tragedy of King Richard III, the title character is such a cunning royal reprobate so deformed in body and spirit that even his mother rues the day he was born. In chilling psychopathic fashion, Richard III horrifyingly explains and executes his plans to kill his way to the English throne. Though he rules with a tyrant’s vengeance that is both backstabbing and bloody, we dare not turn away as his mesmerizing plot unfolds before us.

UE Theatre artistic director R. Scott Lank directed the production. “Shakespeare is still so relevant today because he writes about universal truths we all have in common: love, death, ambition, greed, and even the capacity for forgiveness,” said Lank. “We all can recognize ourselves in Shakespeare’s characters even 400 years later.”

Only 400 tickets will be available for the three remaining performances. To reserve a seat, call the ticket office at 812-488-2031 and use the code Shakespeare 400. Regular tickets are also still available at $15 for adults and $13 for senior adults and students. Thanks to a grant from the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, all area high school students can also see the show for free.

* Certified lifeguards for summer open swim needed

The Student Fitness Center is looking for certified lifeguards for open swim Hours 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday this summer. E-mail or stop by the Fitness Center office.

* Senior photos wanted

The University Ceremonies Committee is looking for high quality photos of the Class of 2016 to use in a slideshow at Commencement. For example, the photos could be formal conference presentations, informal group shots, community service project, etc. The deadline for submission is Friday, April 22. Send photos and or questions to Abbi Hanson (, Sarah Cheatham (, or Allison Frazer ( 

* Lesley Pleasant, PhD, publishes article

"Dogeared Hate: Yilmaz Arslan’s Brudermord/Fratricide (2005), a new type of Heimatfilm,” an article by Lesley Pleasant, associate professor of German, has been published in the April/May 2016 volume of the German Studies journal, Pandaemonium Germanicum. This paper focuses on the Heimat (home) metaphor of the Pit Bull in Yilmaz Arslan’s Brudermord/Fratricide (2005), a film about Turkish migrants in Germany. Updating the genre for a world of fluid boundaries, Arslan’s film self-reflexively posits transnational Heimatfilm as a possible bridge between “Others," as a means to facilitate conversations that might decrease the violence of the present dog-eat-dog world of the margin the film portrays.

* Join UE's UNICEF Campus Initiative Executive Board

Are you interested in becoming more active on campus? Do you wish to make an impact in the world? Join the UNICEF Executive Board at UE! The deadline to apply is this Friday, April 22. If you have any questions please contact Marcela Pineda ( or Cesar Herculano (

You can find the positions available as well as the application in the link bellow! 

* Summer housing

Are you staying in Evansville over the summer? If so, Residence Life is offering summer housing in Powell Residence Hall. You can find more information about summer housing online here.

Stop by the Office of Residence Life to pick up your summer housing application. Applications are due April 22

* Ellen Ott Marshall to speak at Trinity UM Church

Ellen Ott Marshall will be speaking at Trinity United Methodist Church in Evansville, at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 24, A reception will follow in Trinity's Craig Hall. Marshall grew up in Evansville, and is the daughter of Phil and Karen Ott, who taught at UE several years ago. They will be attending her lecture.

During her talk, Marshall will discuss the topic of her book, Christians in the Public Square: Faith that Transforms Politics. This book describes how faith can transform politics when Christian believers refuse to engage in typical political argument. 

Marshall is an associate professor of Christian ethics and conflict transformation at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. She is particularly interested in issues of violence and peace building, theologies of conflict transformation and nonviolence, and the dynamic relationship among faith, history, and ethics.


* Housing extended stay requests

UE Housing facilities will close at noon on Thursday, May 5; however, all students are asked to depart from housing within 24 hours of their last exam. Those students needing to stay past the posted closing date, including graduating seniors, should submit an extended stay request. The extended stay requests will be accepted up until 5:00 p.m. on Reading and Study Day, Wednesday, April 27.



* Senior Joy Grace Chen wins prestigious writing award

Please join the creative writing faculty in congratulating senior Joy Grace Chen on winning the Norton Writer's Prize, a national competition that is awarded annually for an outstanding essay written by an undergraduate. Chen's essay Fermentation took first place, and the judges admired her "use of form, tone, attention to sensory language, dialogue, and pacing." One judge wrote, “Each vignette adds to the author’s ability to finally see the truth of her parents’ world—and her own truth—for what they are.” This is an incredibly competitive award, which comes with a cash prize, publication, and serious bragging rights. Way to go, Joy Grace!

* Faculty member receives national recognition

Lisa Kretz, assistant professor of philosophy has been selected as an NEH Summer Scholar from a national applicant pool to attend one of 23 seminars and institutes supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The endowment is a federal agency that, each summer, supports these enrichment opportunities at colleges, universities, and cultural institutions, so that faculty can work in collaboration and study with experts in humanities disciplines.

* Mathematics article published

Clark Kimberling, prrofessor of mathematics, has a research article in the current issue of the INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory. Entitled "Beatty Sequences and Trigonometric Functions," the article proves some newly discovered relations between complementary integer sequences on one hand and the sine and tangent functions on the other. To access the journal and scroll to the article, click here.

* Department of English selects Grabill and Klinger writing award winners

At its annual literary conference Chutney, the Department of English presented the 2016 Virginia Lowell Grabill and George Klinger Writing Awards.

  • The third-place Grabill Award went to Sydney Blessinger for her paper, “A Dynamic Eve: Milton’s Female Perception in Paradise Lost.”
  • The second-place Grabill Award went to Alex Gallo for her paper, “The Role of Nature in King Lear.”
  • The first-place Grabill Award went to Danielle Gillespie for her paper, “The Mabinogion in Modern Literary Fantasy.”
  • The George Klinger Award for an outstanding academic research paper went to Peter Orkiszewski for his essay, “A Feminist Account of Caryll Churchill’s Vinegar Tom.”

Thank You

* Thank you to all who helped make the 53rd Bike Race a success

The 53rd Bike Race was a huge success! In part due to a beautiful day, good food, and help from many people including: grounds, maintenance, physical plant, Student Life staff, security, Evansville Police Department, fitness center work-study students, interns, and intramural supervisors. Thank you!



* Aces softball sweeps doubleheader at SIU

Fresh off a pair of Missouri Valley Conference series wins, the University of Evansville softball team made it three in a row, sweeping Southern Illinois in a doubleheader on Tuesday afternoon.

Morgan Florey picked up the win in both games for the Purple Aces (20-20, 8-9 MVC) and now has 13 victories on the season. Kristin Koepke had the deciding home run in the first game while fellow freshman Tess Hupe scored the game-winner in game two. Southern Illinois (25-16, 8-8 MVC) makes the trip to Evansville next Tuesday for the final game of the series.

“We preach to play the game pitch-by-pitch and you saw that in game one, it came down to a great swing by Kristin and that was the difference. It was a true pitcher’s duel with two of the best freshmen battling it out in the circle,” UE head coach Mat Mundell said. “In game two, we jumped out early and SIU fought back. Courtney laid down the perfect squeeze to score Tess the winning run. I love the fight out of this group!”

Game one was an all-out pitcher’s duel as Morgan Florey and SIU’s Brianna Jones duked it out. In the end, it was a Kristin Koepke home run that made the difference as the freshman hit one out of the park for the second time in three games. Courtney Land recorded the other hit for the Purple Aces.

Both pitchers went the distance as Florey gave up just one hit while Jones allowed two. Koepke’s homer came in the top of the sixth and Florey handled it from there. She sat the final seven SIU batters down in order to earn her 12th win of her freshman season. Florey also matched her career mark with nine strikeouts.

Following a defensive struggle in the first game, Evansville looked to change that early in the second contest, posting two runs on three hits in the top of the first in. Chandra Parr opened the game up with a leadoff single and advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by Land. After designated player Florey reached on an error, Hayli Scott came to the plate with two outs and delivered an RBI double. Michal Luckett followed that up with an RBI single to give UE a 2-0 lead.

Southern Illinois rebounded with single runs in the bottom of the first and second frames and the score would stay that way until the top of the sixth. A few familiar foes came into the circle once again as Jones and Florey squared off following their duel in game one and Evansville was able to get the job done against Jones once again. Susan Norris led the sixth off with a single and was pinch run for by Tess Hupe.

With two outs, Hupe moved to third after Parr reached on an error. That brought Land to the plate, who laid down a perfect bunt on the squeeze to plate Hupe and score what would be the winning run. The Aces finished game two with seven hits while holding the Salukis to four. Scott had two hits and an RBI in the win.

Evansville remains on the road this weekend, heading to Terre Haute for a 3-game set at Indiana State. Next Tuesday, UE welcomes SIU to Cooper Stadium for the final contest in the 3-game series. 

* Baseball set to welcome WKU [GAME MOVED TO 5:00 P.M.]

On the heels of a second consecutive Missouri Valley Conference series victory, the University of Evansville baseball team will engage in another non-conference showdown tonight as the Purple Aces will square off against Western Kentucky at 5:00 p.m. at Charles H. Braun Stadium.

The Aces, who are 20-14 on the season, will be looking to exact a bit of revenge against the Hilltoppers, who came away with a 6-5 win in Bowling Green earlier this month. UE stranded 12 runners in the contest, and WKU made the most of a five-run fourth inning before ultimately holding off the comeback attempts from the Aces lineup late.

Five different players recorded multiple hits for UE, with Korbin Williams and Jonathan Ramon leading the way after combining to go 5-for-8 with three runs and two walks.

The UE lineup has been a strength for the team this season, and the team enters the weekend with a .283 team batting average. Trey Hair, who is the second leading hitter in the MVC, tops the team with .386 mark at the plate, but it’s Boomer Synek who is coming off the bigger week. The senior catcher hit .500 over four games last week, highlighted by a ninth-inning game-winning home run at Murray State last Tuesday.

Williams also starred last week, leaving the park three times against Bradley to help take UE’s impressive home run total up to 37, which is the best single season total for an Aces squad since the 2010 season.

Meanwhile, UE will turn to Austin Allinger on the mound. The freshman right-hander is coming off his best career outing a week ago, tossing eight one-run innings in the Murray State win while striking out a career-best seven hitters in the process.

WKU, which hosts Belmont on Tuesday night, is 18-17 on the year. After starting Conference USA play with series wins over Middle Tennessee and UAB, the Hilltoppers will be looking to bounce back from a three-game sweep at the hands of Rice this past weekend.

First pitch from Braun Stadium is slated for 5:00 p.m. this evening.

Today will mark the 46th meeting between UE and WKU since 1978. The Aces are 20-23-1 versus the Hilltoppers over that timespan. Last season, UE took home two victories in a three-game set that was played in Emerson, Ga. UE and WKU have played in four of the last five seasons. Since 1978, the Aces are 113-86-2 against teams that hail from the state of Kentucky.

* MAC announces Distinguished Scholar-Athletes from winter sports

The Mid-American Conference announced today the Distinguished Scholar Athletes from the eight winter sports during this 2015-16 academic season as 202 students were voted by faculty athletic representatives at MAC institutions representing the "best of the best" from each sports Academic All-MAC Teams.

Earning the recognition from the University of Evansville was men’s swimmer Everett Plocek.  The sophomore from Nazdietschweiler, Germany, has a 3.934 GPA in exercise science/physical therapy.

“It is a great honor for Everett to be part this all distinguished academic team,” Purple Aces head swimming and diving coach Rickey Perkins said.  “It is a huge testament to his effort and dedication to both his athletics and academics. I am very happy for him.”

Leading the way were 58 MAC women’s indoor track and field students named as Distinguished Scholar Athletes.  MAC women’s swimming and diving students had 37 selections and men’s swimming and diving provided 34 honorees, while women’s gymnastics had 19 selections and women’s basketball and men’s indoor track and field each had 18 honorees.  MAC wrestling witnessed 12 selections and men’s basketball added six students honored as Distinguished Scholar Athletes.

The Distinguished Scholar Athlete is a second-year award given to students who have excelled in athletics and academics.  Following each season from the winter sports schedule, any student with a 3.20 GPA and participation in at least 50 percent of the contests was automatically named to the previously announced Academic All-MAC Team from each sport.  Also, first-year students, junior college, and graduate school transfers in their first year of residence were not eligible for the award.

From the Academic All-MAC Teams, the faculty athletic representatives selected the ‘best of the best’ of our Academic All-MAC Teams to be honored with Distinguished Scholar Athlete Award for the 2015-16 season.  The number of Distinguished Scholar Athletes from each sport were equivalent to the number of first-team selections or 33% of nominees, whichever was greater.

* Aces match best MVC finish as Katterhenry takes second

Junior Kayla Katterhenry took second place while the University of Evansville Women’s Golf team matches its best-ever finish as the final round of the 2016 MVC Championship finished on Tuesday at Harborside International Golf Center (Port Course).

“I am so proud of our team, they played very well for the whole tournament,” head coach Jim Hamilton said. “They battled through some tough conditions today and did a great job of moving up to seventh. I am also proud of what Kayla was able to accomplish. Scoring a 72 on a day like today was very impressive.”

Katterhenry carded an even 72 on Tuesday to finish with a 215, just one behind medalist Taryn Torgerson of Wichita State. Torgerson carded a 1-under 71 in the final round to finish with a 214. For Katterhenry, it marked the best finish for a UE player in the MVC Championship and third berth on the All-Tournament Team. Prior to her arrival, the squad had just one All-Conference representative – Andrea Werner in 2003.

The Purple Aces came home in seventh as a team, tying the top finish since joining the Valley. It marked a great feat for the squad, who was voted tenth in the pre-championship poll.

Second for the Aces was Maria Pickens. The freshman had a great effort throughout the 3-day event and finished with a 234, tying for twenty-fifth. One behind her was Maggie Camp. Scored of 78, 79, and 78 saw her complete the 54 holes with a 235. She tied for twenty-eighth.

Giulia Mallmann had her best day on Tuesday, recording an 82 to take forty-seventh with a 253. Freshman Madison Chaney was one behind her with a score of 254.

Wichita State took the team championship. Their score of 884 was 13 ahead of Indiana State. Bradley took third place with a 902. Evansville matched its best-ever finish of seventh place. The Aces finished with a 934, five behind 6th-place Loyola.


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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