AceNotes Today
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Coffee time with the seminarians!
Come to Jazzman's today from 4:30-5:00 p.m., and meet the Newman Club's seminarians! Ambrose and Tam, our international seminarians, are currently studying at St. Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad, Indiana, and they would love to meet you! Please feel free to come by, say hi, and ask them anything you want!
Please call/text Kristel at 812-760-8610 for more information!
I-House: India
Today's I-House presentation will be on India! Arjun and Ajay will be presenting. Arjun's major is sports management and he loves playing soccer, reading, and doing anything outdoors. Ajay is a communication and political science double major. Arjun loves how diverse the community at UE is, and Ajay loves Ridgway University Center food. Be sure to stop by today at 7:00 p.m. upstairs in Ridgway University Center!
Honors Program Project presentations today
The Honors Program invites you to attend the Honors Program Project Presentations on April 4-7 and April 11-14. The Honors project is an opportunity for students to explore an area about which they are passionate. The Honors project may consist of a research project, thesis, or creative work. Students may use the Honors project to launch areas of interest for graduate study or to expand résumés for employment.
We hope you will join us to hear the fascinating work that this year’s Honors students have completed. Special thanks are extended to all faculty, advisors, and others who have supported the Honors students in their educational achievements.
Below is a schedule of the presentations for April 4-7. Presentations will be held in Room 101 in Koch Center for Engineering and Science unless otherwise noted.
Today from 1:30 – 1:45 p.m.
Wheeler Concert Hall, Krannert Hall of Fine Arts
•Alexandra Billhartz, Vocal Performance - “An Afternoon in Music: A Love Story Through American Art Song”
Today from 4:00–5:00 p.m.
•Justin P. Slattery, Creative Writing / English Literature / Philosophy - “On the Moral Implications and Restrictions Surrounding Affective Computing”
•Rachel Wyatt, Creative Writing - “Kaleidoscope” (Note: content involves domestic and sexual abuse)
•Sara Cook, Literature / Psychology - “Stream of Consciousness in the Psychological Novel: An Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse”
Writing Center Boot Camp: MLA Style
Writing Center Boot Camp: MLA Style is set for today at 5:00 p.m. in the Writing Center. Everything you need to know about formatting your paper in MLA style - including in-text citations and the Works Cited page - will be presented at this 30-minute workshop.
Wednesday night Mass
Don't forget to join the Newman Club every Wednesday evening as we participate in the 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Mass at St. Benedict Cathedral. The weekly 5:30 p.m. Mass will be taking the place of our regular 9:30 p.m. Wednesday night Masses. We will meet each Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. at the Newman Center before making our way to the cathedral.
We hope to see you there! Please call/text Kristel at 812-760-8610 for more information!
Women 4 Women: Lessons for Launching Your Career
Women 4 Women: Lessons for Launching Your Career, a women's leadership and professional development seminar, will be held on Tuesday, April 12, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in Room 162, Schroeder School of Business Building. Organized by the 2016 Athena nominee finalists, these local leaders will discuss personal development, career identification, resume building and interviewing, developing a personal brand, and volunteering and networking. Also, students who attend the free seminar may sign up to shadow a businesswoman and past Athena finalist in their fields of interest. Seminar registration is available through this website.
Please contact Emily Fiedler at ef31@evansville.edu with questions.
Free paper shredding on Wednesday, April 27
Free off-site paper shredding by Piranha Mobile Shredding will return to campus once again on Wednesday, April 27 (Reading Study Day) from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. All UE students, faculty, staff, and alumni can take advantage of this free service by bringing paper to the Piranha truck in Koch Center for Engineering and Science parking lot. Paper will be shredded off-site.
So, if mounds of paper are taking over your office, home, or room, this is the time to gather those old files, receipts, cancelled checks, tax forms, etc. No need to take out the staples or paper clips. Avoid identity theft by having confidential information permanently destroyed.
Please - no telephone books, magazines, or newspapers. Also, please note that there is a 100 pound paper limit per visit (number of visits is not limited).
Staff Recognition Dinner
Each staff employee and their guest are invited to attend the Staff Appreciation Dinner at the Log Inn on Wednesday, April 20. The social hour (cash bar and appetizers) begins at 6:00 p.m. and the dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please join President Kazee in the presentation of staff service awards and for the presentation of the Staff Employee of the Year Award.
Invitations have been sent to staff employees via UE campus mail. Please RSVP to the Office of Human Resources no later than Wednesday, April 13.
ESPN3 Open House this weekend
Attention students: Are you interested in being a part of UE’s new ESPN3 initiative, Purple Aces Productions? There will be an ESPN3 Open House during the broadcasts of baseball and softball games this weekend. UE’s new ESPN3 group – composed mainly of students as well as some freelance professionals – will produce the baseball game on Friday night (6:00 p.m.), the softball doubleheader on Saturday (noon) and Sunday’s baseball game (1:00 p.m.). All students are welcome to swing by the production trailer located on the walk-way between the baseball and softball stadiums to see what is involved in an ESPN3 broadcast, and to see if they would be interested in being a part of the group next school year.
Next year Purple Aces Productions will produce UE athletic events in men’s and women’s soccer, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, and softball for ESPN3. Positions will be open for students both in front of camera as announcers and behind the scenes in terms of camera operators and production staff.
For more information, contact Tom Benson in the athletics department via e-mail at tb39@evansville.edu or by phone at ext. 3200.
Color Run in honor of Bailey George
This Saturday, April 9, the first Crazy Viking Color Dash will take place at North Posey High School. This run is being put on in honor of Bailey George, a UE cross country runner who passed away in January after a battle with melanoma. Two-thirds of the proceeds will benefit Bailey, while one-third of the proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Registration ends on April 6, so make sure to register soon if you want to participate! For more information and registration please go here.
Melvin M. Peterson Literary Forum set for Friday, April 8
Please join us for the Melvin M. Peterson Literary Forum on Friday, April 8, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Room 162 (Harkness Hall), Schroeder School of Business Building. Our guest speaker will be Matthew J. Bolton, and his lecture is titled "Eliot's iPhone: Reading The Waste Land in the Information Age."
Bolton will discuss T.S. Eliot’s seminal 1922 poem The Waste Land through the lens of today’s wired society.
As it approaches its centennial year, the poem seems only to have gained relevance, and may offer a key for better understanding a new, information-driven era. In our way of selecting and sharing what we read and experience, our building of playlists and curating of new media, and our everyday immersion in the stream of words and images that is the internet, we are somehow catching up with Eliot’s method in The Waste Land. Making a study of The Waste Land’s disparate voices and broken images can therefore tell us much about the condition of living in the Information Age.
Bolton earned his PhD in English from the City University of New York-Graduate Center. He received the T.S. Eliot Society’s Fathman Young Scholar Award for research related to his dissertation.
His many publications include chapters in the books Ernest Hemingway and the Geography of Memory and The Waste Land at 90, as well as chapters in 25 books in the Critical Insights series. Bolton has published articles and reviews in journals including the Yeats Eliot Review, Dickens Quarterly, and Victorian Studies.
Bolton has taught at the City University of New York, the College of Mount Saint Vincent, and Loyola School, and is currently the head of the Upper School at the Seven Hills School in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Opportunity to pray the Rosary!
Looking for simple new ways to come closer to your faith? Join Newman Club members Nathan Kabat and Nicolette Fonseca for 20 minutes every Friday at 11:00 a.m. in Neu Chapel as they lead us in the Rosary! We hope to see you there..Please e-mail Nicolette (nf39@evansville.edu) or Nathan (nk78@evansville.edu) for more information!
Dropping a spring class
Are you still thinking about dropping a class for this spring? This Friday April 8, is the last day to drop with a W, No exceptions! Many advisors and instructors will be busy with the first SOAR on Friday afternoon, so don’t wait until then to get signatures. Drop slips are available in the Office of the Registrar. You must have both the signature of the instructor and your advisor on the drop slip. Please note, if you are dropping below 12 credit hours, you must also obtain stamps from the Office of Financial Aid and Student Accounts. If you have any questions contact the Office of the Registrar.
Extra UE crews for sale!
College Mentors for Kids has five extra UE crewnecks ready for sell! There are two smalls, one medium, one large, and one extra-large, with each crew costing $20. The design of the crewnecks is shown in the photo with this article. To purchase a crewneck, please e-mail Taylor Wornica at tw151@evansville.edu with your name and the size you are requesting.

College Mentors for Kids is national, non-profit organization designed to connect college students with the most to give to kids who need it the most. Every crew purchased puts us one step closer towards our fundraising goal, allowing us to continue to serve underprivileged children in the Evansville area.
UE Cheer Team tryouts
The Univeristy of Evansville Cheer team will be holding spring tryouts for the 2016-17 season on Saturday, April 23 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tryouts will be held in the small gym of Carson Center. Please contact bc165@evansville.edu for further information or with any questions!
Become a columnist
Crescent Magazine is seeking interested students to fill columnist positions for the 2016–17 school year. Columns include diversity, faith and religion, sex and relationships, politics, and sports. These positions offer academic credit. For more information, e-mail tm2@evansville.edu. The magazine is also hiring reporters/writers. The application to apply is available at the Crescent's Facebook page.
Housing extended stay requests
UE Housing facilities will close at noon on Thursday, May 5; however, all students are asked to depart from housing within 24 hours of their last exam. Those students needing to stay past the posted closing date, including graduating seniors, should submit an extended stay request. The extended stay requests will be accepted up until 5:00 p.m. on Reading and Study Day, Wednesday, April 27.
Seeking camp residence director
The College of Engineering and Computer Science is seeking an overnight residence director for its 2016 OPTIONS summer camps. The high school girls’ camp will be June 12-17, and the middle school girls’ camp will be June 19-22. Expected enrollment is 24 for high school and 20 for middle school. This is a paid position that requires overnight stays with the campers on the UE campus and some meal preparation. College counselors will be available to assist the residence director. The ideal candidate will be a mature female interested in promoting the STEM fields to young women and girls in the Tri-State area and available primarily from the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. daily. Daytime involvement with the campers may be necessary, but should be minimal. Anyone interested in the position should contact Kimberly Higgins, OPTIONS coordinator, for more details at kh209@evansville.edu or 812-488-2651. Inquiries should be received by April 15.
Library after-hours: Friday and Saturday nights
The Libraries are pleased to offer additional late night hours for students. Every Friday and Saturday night, the first floor will remain open from 6:00-10:00 p.m. Limited library services will be available. Enter the library from the new door facing Ridgway University Center via card swipe after 5:50 p.m. to use the space.
After-hours are also offered Mondays-Fridays from midnight-4:00 a.m. Interruptions to this service will be posted on the UE app.
Contact Meg Atwater-Singer (ma35@evansville.edu or ext. 2487) with any questions.
Textbook adoptions are due
This is a reminder to all faculty and departments that textbook adoptions for the summer sessions and Fall 2016 are due in the UE Bookstore. If you have any questions, please contact the textbook department in the Bookstore at ext. 2679. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
May graduate reminder
May graduates who still need a cap and gown for graduation are reminded to stop by the UE Bookstore. Also, if you need graduation announcements they should be ordered promptly in the Bookstore to allow sufficient mailing time. If you have questions, please contact the Bookstore.
Beavers Appointed to NSF Panel for the National Robotics Initiative
Anthony F. Beavers, professor of philosophy and director of the Cognitive Modeling Lab, was recently appointed to be a panelist for the National Science Foundation (NSF) program, the National Robotics Initiative (NRI), to evaluate proposals that address co-robotics issues at the interface with the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. The panel will meet at the NSF Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, on Monday, May 23. Beavers has been a three time reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities. This marks his first consultancy with the NSF.
Baines gives paper at Notre Dame conference
Robert Baines, assistant professor of English, gave a paper at the recent annual national American Conference for Irish Studies at Notre Dame University. The national ACIS conference is America's largest Irish studies conference. Baines's paper was titled "'Let us be tolerant of antipathies': Opposing opposition in Finnegans Wake I.6."
Heidi Strobel participates in American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies
Heidi Strobel, associate professor of art history, participated in the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies last week in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While there, she presented a paper entitled "'A mere copier of nature can never produce anything great': Mary Linwood, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and the art of making copies."
David Green publishes article
David Green, senior lecturer in British studies at Harlaxton College, has published an article in the Journal of the Church Monuments Society (2015) entitled 'The tomb of Edward the Black Prince (1330-76): Contexts and incongruities'. This explores the exequies and funerary monument of the Black Prince. It explains the choice of materials for the effigy and its unusual location (at Canterbury Cathedral, not the Plantagenet mausoleum at Westminster Abbey). The memorial reflects a range of socio-political and religious trends evident in the later years of the fourteenth century.
Successful UEVETS Spare Change for Warriors Bowling Tournament was fun for all!
UEVETS would like to thank the campus community for supporting its second annual Spare Change for Warriors Bowling Tournament at River City Recreation. The event benefited the VFW 1114 Chaplain's Relief Fund, UEVETS, and the charity of choice of the winning team. The event raised $1,290. Teams from AOII, SAE, FIJI, Department of History, UEVETS, and Sodexo played for the highest average of three games to win $430 for their charity of choice. UEVETS squeaked out a win averaging slightly over the Department of History. UEVETS will donate their team winnings to the VFW 1114 Chaplain's Relief Fund, as well, totaling $860 for the charity! A special thanks to our event sponsors: Office of Veterans Affairs, Department of History, Department of Foreign Languages, Office of Academic Advising, School of Business, Office of Diversity Initiatives, Black Student Union, Sodexo, WUEV, FIJI, SAE, Shine On Express Carwash, Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel & Shoulders, LLP Attorneys at Law, VFW 1114, and American Legion Post 44.

Today's softball doubleheader cancelled
Due to the impending weather coming into the Evansville area later today, the Purple Aces’ softball doubleheader against Austin Peay has been cancelled.
Better weather is on the horizon for the weekend as the University of Evansville welcomes Wichita State to Cooper Stadium in a big Missouri Valley Conference series.
The teams open the series up on Saturday with a noon doubleheader with a single game starting on Sunday at noon. Following the second game on Saturday, an alumni cookout will take place outside the stadium.
MVC Women's Swimming and Diving Scholar-Athlete Team announced
Nine members of the University of Evansville Women’s Swimming and Diving team were named to the Missouri Valley Conference Scholar-Athlete Team on Tuesday.
Representing the Purple Aces were: Abby Smith (3.95), Kasey Rein (3.93), Amy Smith (3.74). Mackenzie Harris (3.72), Jessica Hildebrand (3.68), Courtney Coverdale (3.63), Maja Magnusson (3.60), Michaela Kent (3.58), and Kristen Myers (3.24).
“It is an honor for these ladies to be named to the 2016 MVC Swimming and Diving Scholar-Athlete Team,” Purple Aces head coach Rickey Perkins said. “They did an outstanding job of balancing their academics and athletics. I am very proud of each of them.”
Scholar-Athlete honors require athletes to have completed at least one year and maintain either a 3.2 grade-point average and obtain all-conference honors, achieve a 3.5 grade-point average and finish top-16 in an individual event at the conference championships, or maintain a 3.8 grade-point average and participate in the MVC championship.
The Missouri Valley Conference had an outstanding number of student-athletes on the scholar-athlete team this season for swimming and diving, topping out at 73. In the 2015-16 season, 32 of these scholar-athletes had an impressive GPA at or above a 3.8 and eight of those had a 4.0 GPA.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.