University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

* Innovation and Re-Investment Fund proposal deadline is today

Please be reminded that the due date for the next round of proposals to the Innovation and Re-Investment Fund is today, Friday, April 1. 

Application material can be found in AceLink by clicking “Areas” and then “Programs Task Force.”

Also, those proposals awarded in the first and second round are available to view. You will find the awarded proposals in the same “Programs Task Force” area on AceLink.

Should you have questions about the next round submissions, please contact Programs Task Force chair Shane Davidson, at or ext. 2477.


What's Happening Today

* GAP info session and free pizza today!

There is a GAP info session - and free pizza today – from 12:15 - 1:00 p.m., in Room 250, Schroeder School of Business Building. All majors are welcome to attend!

GAP Program is now accepting applications/nominations for the Fall semester. Put your skills to work on a real-world project, get valuable experience and build your résumé, learn to work with people from different majors, develop professional confidence, and get the coaching and guidance to succeed!

Students are invited to apply directly to the program. Faculty or administrators are encouraged to nominate students by completing a brief nomination form online.

To apply or learn more about the GAP Program and fall projects, visit the website at

* This Week in Music: A joint faculty recital

Today's evening recital will feature consortium horn instructor Emily Britton and associate professor of low brass Kenneth Steinsultz in a program of works from the modern era. Highlights will include Dutch composer Jan Koetsier’s Concertino, Op. 74, and Fred L. Clinard’s Sonata for Unaccompanied Euphonium. With the exception of that work, pianist Jaime Teichmer will accompany the duo as they play together and separately and Consortium flute instructor Cara Dailey will join Britton for a performance of French composer Georges Barboteu’s Esquisse. The recital will take place in Wheeler Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. 

* Women's HERstory Month events at UE

Several events are planned at UE for Women’s HERstory Month.

6:00-8:00 p.m.
Eykamp Hall, Room 252, Ridgway University Center

Women in... Professional Positions
Annette Parks, professor of history, will be the moderator for this panel discussion. Panelists will include several local professional women, including the executive director from the Evansville African American Museum, the CEO and director of the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library, an immigration attorney, and a morning news anchor from 44 News. After the panel discussion, there will be a question and answer session with the panelists and the audience. This event is sponsored by the UE Office of Diversity Initiatives and UE Gender and Women's Studies.

Wednesday, March 23
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Eykamp Hall, Room 252, Ridgway University Center

Film and Discussion: The Mask You Live In
The film The Mask You Live In is an exploration of American masculinity. It was created by the team that made the movie Miss Representation. This event is sponsored by the UE Office of Diversity Initiatives and UE Gender and Women's Studies

Thursday, March 24
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center

HerStory: Evansville Women in the 20th Century (Monologues)
This event commemorates the accomplishments of historic Evansville women from th 19th and 20th centuries. This event is sponsored by the Stepping Up Committee and the UE Office of Diversity Initiatives.


* Artist books exhibit!

There will be an artist book exhibit in Krannert Gallery today through March 30. The exhibit, "Findings and Bindings." The featured artist is Kimberly Jones.



Upcoming Events

* Writing Boot Camp: The Anti-Plagiarism Workshop

“But professor, this author writes so much better than I do!”

In the Writing Boot Camp: The Anti-Plagiarism Workshop, you will learn how to use quotations, paraphrasing and summarizing to support your research while at the same time giving credit to the intellectual property of your sources. We will also review the techniques of summary and paraphrasing to help effectively incorporate outside sources into your papers. Join us today at 5:00 p.m., in the Writing Center for this important session. 

* Sex on Campus

Sex on Campus, a sexual health program put on by UE nursing students and sponsored by the Office of Health Education and Wellness Programs, is planned for today. The event will start at 5:00 p.m., in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center. Students who attend will learn about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy! 

* UE Theatre Presents Shadow Hour in May Studio Theatre

The University of Evansville Department of Theatre proudly presents Ralph Tropf’s Shadow Hour, opening tonight at 7:30 p.m., in the May Studio Theatre. Additional performances are at 7:30 p.m. on March 19, 21, 23, and 24, and at 2:00 p.m. on March 20.

Shadow Hour is Tropf’s gripping drama surrounding the trial and conviction of a United States senator, Adam Martin. After a moment of passion, what was intended to be a platonic date between two colleagues soon becomes the center of a nationally disputed court case. The country watches as the trial attempts to discover the truth from both a defendant and plaintiff who aren’t certain of it themselves. Through intricately woven scenes of juror deliberation and suspenseful cross-examination, Tropf’s tale becomes a provocative discussion of agency, responsibility, and guilt.

Brogan Lozano, a senior from San Antonio, Texas, directs the student-led production of Shadow Hour. Tucker Steinlage, a junior from Buford, Georgia, serves as the scenic designer; Eva Porras from Kingwood, Texas, is the costume designer; Avery Reagan, a junior from Conyers, Georgia, is the lighting designer; Matt McDonald, a freshman from Indianapolis, Indiana, serves the sound designer; and Peter Orkiszewski, a senior from Cincinnati, Ohio, is the dramaturg.

Junior Chris Brumley from Louisville, Kentucky, portrays the defendant Senator Martin, while junior Hannah Connally from Arlington, Texas, plays the plaintiff Christy Connelly. Rounding out the ensemble are freshmen Kristopher Adams from Houston, Texas, Jennifer Baker from Vernon Hills, Illinois, Alexandra Curren from McKinney, Texas, Kathleen Finch from College Station, Texas, and Luke Kelly from Dubuque, Iowa; juniors Robbie Love from St. Louis, Missouri, and Kendall Reasons from Spring Hill, Tennessee; and seniors Amelya Hensley from Lexington, Kentucky, Glyne Pease from Las Vegas, Nevada, Tara Sorg from Haubstadt, Indiana, and Grace Theobald from Louisville, Kentucky.

Ticket prices are $11 for adults and $9 for senior adults, students, and UE faculty and staff. UE students may obtain one free student rush ticket beginning at noon on the day of the performance they wish to attend. Tickets may be purchased by calling 812-488-2031, Monday through Friday, noon to 5:00 p.m.

* AT-shirt for Uganda

Ever wonder what to do with the T-shirts that just sit in your drawer and never get worn? From March 21-23, you can donate them to AT Club's AT-shirt for Uganda. All of the donated T-shirts will be given to children and adults in Uganda. You can donate your T-shirts on March 23, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., and 4:00-6:00 p.m., at a table in Ridgway University Center. 

For every three T-shirts you donate, you get a chance to make a guess at how many T-shirts will be donated. The winner of that competition will get a $20 gift card!

If you have any questions, please e-mail Megan Morris ( or Hannah Bernhardt ( 

* NSLS Speaker 3 rebroadcast

The NSLS Speaker 3 rebroadcast will be today from 7:00-8:00 p.m., in Eykamp Hall, Room 253, Ridgway University Center. Those unable to attend should please e-mail Jennifer Allen at to get an e-mail invitation for the link. Remember - all members must attend three speaker broadcasts as part of the requirements to be officially inducted in April. 

* Come see exciting changes to Harlaxton!

The Harlaxton Programs Office wants to share the changes to the application process for students. Starting with Summer 2017, the application process will be completely online. Come to Room 153 (Eades Music Room), Schroeder School of Business Building on March 24 from 3:00- 5:00 p.m. for a demonstration of the system and learn how to help your advisees and interested students apply online! 


Info You Should Know

* Newman Club volunteer opportunities!

Come join the Newman Club during one of its many upcoming volunteering events to help bring Christ to the community:

On Tuesday, March 29, join the members of the Newman Club as they volunteer at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and assist in sorting donations, organizing displays, and helping with some basic cleaning! The group will meet at Newman at 2:45 p.m., and return around 5:15 p.m.

Also, join the Newman Club members on Saturday, April 2, from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. as they travel to the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana, to help move furniture, finish some paint work, assist in its garage sale, and other tasks. Lunch will be provided!

We hope that you will join us for these wonderful opportunities! Please call/text Kristel at 812-760-8610 for more information!

* Join University of Evansville's College Mentor's staff!

Are you looking for a leadership position, love kids, and are ready to make a difference in the community? Then College Mentors is the organization for you! We are an organization partnered with Joshua Academy, an elementary school in Evansville, working with grades 1 through 5 to "connect college students with the most to give to kids who need it most."

We are currently looking for dedicated college students to join our staff for Fall 2016 - Spring 2017. Our activities are on Wednesdays from 3:15-5:00 p.m.

Visit our site to learn more about the organization and to fill out a staff application! In addition to being a great leadership opportunity and impacting a child's life, it is also a way to get volunteer hours for another organization.

Can't apply and still want to be a part of our mission to connect college students with the most to give to kids who need it most? You can by donating to our chapter fundraising page, which can be found on our website. Your change can make a change!

* Fitness Center hours for Thursday and Easter Break

The Fitness Center will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 24. There will be a Zumba Class from 6:00-7:00 p.m. 

The Fitness Center will be closed on Friday, March 25, Saturday, March 26, and Sunday, March 27.


* May graduates

May graduates are reminded that if they need a cap and gown and/or graduation announcements they should visit the UE Bookstore as soon as possible. This is especially important for master's or doctoral graduates as their items take additional time to order and receive. If you have any questions, please contact the UE Bookstore 

* Faculty rental regalia

Faculty members that need regalia rented for May's graduation should contact the UE Bookstore by March 28 to make arrangements to rent regalia. The deadline for sending in the rental order is quickly approaching. If you have questions please contact the UE Bookstore as well. 

* Nominations now being accepted for the Outstanding Senior Service Awards

Do you know a senior deserving of the highest award given by UE? Ten finalists will be honored at a luncheon in May and one male and one female will be given this award at Commencement. Selection is based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and future contribution to society.

The Guthrie May and Mabel Dillingham Nenneker Outstanding Senior Service Awards nominations will be accepted March 15-April 6.  The nomination application is available here.

Please print it out and share copies with students whom you would like to nominate so they can complete the requirements and submit their applications.  Copies are also available in the Office of the Dean of Students.  

Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students by April 6. 

Questions can be referred to Karen Martin at or 812-488-2500. 

* Nominations due tomorrow for Dean of Students Leadership Awards

Nominations for consideration of the Howard S. Rosenblatt Dean of Students Leadership Awards are due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30.

These awards will be presented at the 21st Annual Leadership Awards Reception scheduled for April 21 at 7:00 p.m.  Awards are presented in the following categories:

  • Student Organization Advisor of the Year
  • Student Organization of the Year
  • Student Leader of the Year

More than 80 percent of UE students participate in at least one student organization or program. These organizations are successful because of the commitment of the student leaders and the advisors who give freely of their time and support. The recipients of these awards are selected based on their commitment to the University of Evansville as well as the development and success of their efforts within their chosen student organization.

The deadline for nominations is March 30. Please click here to download a nomination form or stop by Room 230 in Ridgway University Center to pick up a nomination form from the Office of the Dean of Students. 

If you have any questions, please contact the vice president for student affairs/dean of students at ext. 2500 or by e-mail at

Thank you in advance for celebrating our student leaders’ achievements.  

* March 2016 Pcard Cycle Ending

The March Pcard cycle which began February 23 ends on March 21, at midnight. As of March 23, cardholders may schedule and run the March Cycle report. March transactions may be reconciled in SDG2 until March 28. On March 28, the general ledger Pcard file will be uploaded and cardholders will be locked out of (unable to make changes) posted transactions for the March Cycle. 



* Stevenson and students present research and win research awards at professional psychology conferences

UE psychology majors Emily Denne, Breigh House, Evan McCracken (alumnus), Tyler Plogher (alumnus), and Taylor Wornica, and associate professor Margaret Stevenson recently attended several professional psychology conferences where they presented a total of four talks and six poster research presentations and won several research awards.

House was honored at the APLS Minority Affairs Banquet for winning a competitive APPLE (Access Path to Psychology and Law Experience) grant for research through Division 41 of the American Psychological Association.

A poster presentation, spearheaded by House, and co-authored by Stevenson, McCracken, and Plogher was awarded the “APLS Student Research Award.” The presentation was titled “Racially Diverse Juries Make White Jurors Feel Less Comfortable and More Self-Focused.”

Plogher’s senior thesis research, titled “My Husband is a Sex Offender: Stereotyping and Implications for Discrimination” was honored as an invited presentation at the annual American Psychology and Law Society (AP-LS) conference for being awarded third place for the “APLS Best Undergraduate Research Paper.”

At the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference in San Diego in February, Denne and Wornica presented a poster, co-authored with Stevenson, titled “Effects of Decision-Maker Gender on Child Custodial Decisions in Cases Involving Child Abuse.”

At the annual American Psychology and Law Society (AP-LS) Conference in San Diego, California in March, Stevenson chaired two symposia sessions titled “Predictors of Child Custodial Case Outcomes: Implications from Experimental and Archival Research,” and “Moral Disengagement as a Predictor and Mediator of Legal Judgments” and presented a talk within the former symposium titled “Dehumanizing Children Increases Child Physical Punishment: Applications of Stereotype Content Model.”

McCracken also presented a talk within this symposium session, co-authored with Plogher and Stevenson, titled “Just Like Your Father: Sex Offenders’ Sons are Dehumanized and Ostracized.”

Wornica and Denne presented invited talks at APLS, titled “Effects of a Mother’s History of Mental Illness on Child Custodial Decisions” and “Understanding Child Custodial Decisions: Implications from Stereotype Content Model,” respectively.

Finally, House, Buechler, and Stevenson will be presenting two research presentations at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) Conference in Chicago this May.

These research projects were funded by multiple UE undergraduate research grants, an ARSAF grant, and grants through the American Psychology and Law Society. Travel for the students was funded in part by UE’s student government and by competitive grants from Division 41 of the American Psychology and Law Society.

* Reed to teach at Notre Dame University

Douglas Reed, university organist emeritus/professor emeritus of music, has accepted an invitation to serve as adjunct professor of music at Notre Dame University during the 2016-17 academic year. Reed will teach the masters and doctoral students of Notre Dame organ professor Craig Cramer, who will be on sabbatical leave. Reed will teach and perform a faculty recital on the Fritts organ in the DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts. 

* D-1 powerhouses collaborate to save endangered frogs

Six UE biology majors, one biology alumnus, and assistant professor of biology Noah Gordon recently participated in a collaboration with biologists from Purdue, Indiana State, and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to collect data on the state endangered crawfish frog. Their goal was to assess the genetics of this species for reestablishing populations.

Students Kane Stratman, Andrew Nunn, Beth Andrews, Tyler Wintermute, Christina Schilling, and Aisha Tijjani spent many nights over spring break searching for the elusive frog. Despite being assigned what all acknowledge to be the most challenging population in the state to survey, the Purple Aces frog team managed to sample seven frogs. Go Aces! 



* Softball heads west to Kansas for Tuesday DH

With a weekend of conference play in the books, the University of Evansville softball team has its sights set on a big non-conference doubleheader as the Purple Aces head to Lawrence, Kansas, to face Kansas on Tuesday.

Game one is set for an 11:00 a.m. start on Tuesday with game two set to follow at approximately 1:00 p.m.

Evansville stands at 11-12 after the MVC-opening series. The Aces hosted Drake over the weekend, losing three games by a total of four runs. The Bulldogs defeated the Aces by a 4-2 final in the first game on Saturday before taking a 4-3 triumph in the second game. Sunday’s series finale saw Drake hang on for a 3-2 victory.

A much-improved UE pitching staff has performed admirably thus far. The Aces have pitched their way to a 3.05 ERA, which ranks fourth in the Valley. That is more than three runs under last year’s final tally of 6.61. True freshman Morgan Florey currently stands at a 1.48 ERA, the lowest in the MVC. She has pitched out 91 batters in 61 2/3 innings of work.

Amanda Blankenship has also done well, standing with a 3.56 ERA while going 59 innings.

Michal Luckett continues to lead the squad, batting .360. She has notched a team-high 27 hits and is second in runs scored (13) and RBIs (11).

Kansas enters Tuesday’s matchup with a 17-10 mark. The Jayhawks have won three of their last four games, including a 9-0 win over Saint Louis on Sunday. Chaley Brickley leads the KU offense, batting .410. She has notched 32 hits in 78 at-bats and has scored 26 runs on the season. She also ranks second on the squad with six home runs.

The Jayhawks have several threats at the top of the lineup with four batters hitting .369 or higher. KU has a team ERA of 2.84 and are led by Andie Formby, who has notched a 1.76 ERA in 75 2/3 innings.

* Men's Golf moves up in second day at Bobby Nichols

Tyler Gray shot the low round of the day for the University of Evansville Men’s Golf team as they wrapped up the second day of the Bobby Nichols Intercollegiate at Sevierville Golf Club.

Gray posted a 74 on Monday, improving by three strokes from round one. He stands in a tie for thirty-sixth with a 151. Three ahead of him is Will Knights. He followed up his opening total of 73 with a 75 on Monday and goes into Tuesday’s round with a 148.

Third for the Aces is Rick Voyvodic. He carded a 76 on the day and his 2-day total comes in at a 156. Next up is Joseph Addante. The freshman jumped his score by eight strokes to a 76 and stands at a 160. Wil Pahud recorded an 86 in the second round.

Individual Jon Pick notched an 81 on Monday and enters the final day with a 159 while Noah Reese finished with an 86. He is tied with Pahud with a total of 166.

Evansville improved to eleventh place on the team side, jumping past Tennessee State. The Aces stand with a 611 following a 301 on Monday while the Tigers are eight behind with a 619. UE’s 301 was tied for the third-lowest score of the day amongst the 12 teams.

Murray State extended its lead to 10 shots. The Racers sit with 575 strokes and lead Western Kentucky, who stands at 585. The Racers also have the top two golfers. Jared Gosser posted a 67 on Monday and leads teammate Preston French by six strokes. Gosser has a 136 with rounds of 67 and 69.

The squads have one more round of 18 holes on Tuesday.

* Camp leads Aces women in day two

Maggie Camp was the low scorer of the day for the University of Evansville women’s golf team as her 80 led the team in the second day of the Bobby Nichols Intercollegiate at Sevierville Golf Club.

Camp jumped her score by three strokes from her opening round total. She moved into a tie for twenty-third place with a 163. She is just two strokes behind the Aces’ leader – Kayla Katterhenry. The junior stands with a 161 with her 81 in round two. Her efforts have her in a tie for sixteenth place.

Third on the squad is Madison Chaney. After carding an 82 on Sunday, Chaney checked in with an 87 on Monday. She is tied for fortieth. Next up for UE is Giulia Mallmann. Mallmann improved by five strokes on Monday, posting an 84 to enter the final day with a 173. Maria Pickens rounds out the team with a 181. She finished Monday’s action with a 93.

Carly Waggoner and Rachel Marchi registered scores of 96 and 102, respectively, on Monday as individuals. Waggoner stands with a 183 while March’s score is a 191.

Evansville goes into Tuesday’s final round in eighth place with a 665. They are just four behind Florida Atlantic, who is seventh. Southern Mississippi added to its team lead on Monday. The Golden Eagles posted a 306 and begin the final round with a 13-shot lead over Tennessee Tech. Pacing the individuals is Emily Dixon of Youngstown State. She has a 149 and is one ahead of USM’s Valentina Haupt.

The squads have one more round of 18 holes on Tuesday.


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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