AceNotes Today
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Part-time job fair today
Looking for a part-time or summer job? Stop by the job fair today and speak with area employers.
Today 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
East Terrace (outside Ridgway University Center)
- Professional attire is not required (just stop by)
- Bring many copies of your resume
Dessert Sale Today!
The Phi Alpha Delta Dessert Sale is back again this semester! We will be selling cake pops and 4-Layer brownies (both $3.50) today in Ridgway University Center at 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. We take cash and credit/debit card. A portion of our proceeds will benefit Holly's House of Evansville -- a non-residential advocacy center for child and adult victims of intimate crimes. Pre-orders welcome, email kc203.
Calling All Dancers!
Are you interested in representing the university while supporting other students? Do you have dance experience? If so, please join us for auditions today at 4:00 pm in the large gym of the Carson Center. For necessary forms and additional information, please contact Coach Brooks via email at sr99@evansville.edu.
Spanish Club Call Out Meeting Today
¡Hola! Come and meet others interested in Spanish and the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Join us for the first Spanish Club meeting of the semester TODAY - Thursday, September 17 - at 6:00 p.m. in Hyde Hall 103. All are welcome to join the club. If you are interested in joining the Spanish Club or if you have any questions, please contact Hannah Mitchell at hm85@evansville.edu. ¡Nos vemos el jueves!
Catholic Mass Tonight at Neu Chapel!
Looking for some quiet time to spend with the Lord? Join us for the Wednesday night Catholic Mass tonight at 9:30pm in Neu Chapel. Confessions will be available beginning at 9:00pm.
Please call/text Kristel at (812) 760-8610 for more information.
Fall Cheerleading Tryouts
Come help us cheer on our Purple Aces! Fall Cheerleading tryouts for the 2015 - 2016 season will be held Sunday, September 20 at 11 a.m. in Carson Center. Women and men are welcome! Contact Brent Couch at 746-3466 or bc165@evansville.edu. Hope to see you there!
Be part of a research study!
It’s as easy as breathing! Dr. Kyle Kiesel and students in the Department of Physical Therapy are searching for individuals to participate in a research study investigating the relationship between breathing and movement. Participants should be between 20-50 years old. The testing session is a one-time commitment lasting approximately 45 minutes. Testing takes place Mondays 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Contact aw279@evansville.edu if interested to schedule your testing session.
I-House: UNICEF & International Club
This week's I-House will be a special presentation by UNICEF along with an announcement from International Club. You won't want to miss this opportunity to learn more about International Bazaar and other exciting international opportunities on campus. Come out to the 1959 Lounge (2nd Floor of Ridgway) at 7pm to learn more!
What is UNICEF?
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF's work, and other efforts in support of the world's children, through fundraising, advocacy and education in the United States. Recently, the University of Evansville joined one of the many initiatives supported by UNICEF, known as The UNICEF Campus Initiative. The organization is a growing grassroots movement rooted in a belief that college students have a vital role to play in helping the world's children survive. Gabriela Tom, the President of the organization on campus, will give a presentation about UNICEF and provide details about how people can get involved with this initiative.
Health Screenings This Week
Employee Health Screenings will be held this week September 15-17 from 7am – 11am in Eykamp Hall. Employees who are enrolled in the HRA Insurance Plan are eligible to attend and receive HRA Credits. If you participated in the June Health Screenings, there is no need to participate in the September Screenings. Individuals are only eligible to receive credit one-time each year.
Employees can only schedule their appointments for the Health Screenings on Acelink. An employee can schedule up to 2 appointments (employee+spouse) when they sign in to AceLink. An 8-hour fast is required, 12-hour fast is recommended because triglycerides are included with the blood fat/cholesterol testing. Hydration is important when fasting, water and black coffee are allowed prior to testing.
WUEV Hosts "Bach Meets Baker" Concert Sunday
WUEV will host a concert entitled "Bach Meets Baker" on Sunday, September 20 at 7 pm in Wheeler Concert Hall. The concert will feature one of the world's premiere cellists, Manuel Fischer-Dieskau, as well as Monika Herzig (piano), Jeremy Allen (bass) and Joshua Roberts (drums) playing music ranging from J.S. Bach to jazz legend David Baker and other Indiana Jazz Artists. The event is a fundraiser for WUEV, with tickets being $10, and UE students being admitted free with a valid UE I.D. Pre-order tickets can be purchased on-line at www.uealumnionline.com/WUEVConcertSeries15.
Semester's first reading series - September 18
Please join the fun folks in Creative Writing today, September 18, at 4 pm at The Slice for the Fall semester’s first #readingseries. This reading will feature fiction from Amanda Alexander and nonfiction from Camille Burger and Erin Willer. The reading will start promptly at 4 p.m., so if you’re looking to enjoy some delicious pizza while you’re there, please arrive early as The Slice can be charmingly slow. Hope to see you all there!
Humanities and Social Sciences Night tonight
Humanities and Social Sciences Night is tonight in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center.
At 5:00 p.m., join fellow students for the internship showcase. Selected humanities and social sciences students will present their internship experiences to you and a panel of judges. Prizes will be awarded and pizza will be served.
Following the showcase, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., students will attend their choice of the following academic sessions, featuring panels of experienced alumni and members of the community:
Archaeology, History, Art History, Classical Studies, English: “Applying Your Humanities Skills in the Professional World”
Communication: “Careers in Communication”
Foreign Languages, International Studies, Political Science: “The Global UE Experience: The Intersection of Academics, Study Abroad, and Experiential Education”
Social Sciences: "College to Career: Opportunities in Social Sciences"
The evening will conclude with a reception for students, faculty, and panelists. Dress is business casual. This event is sponsored by the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations, the Center for Career Development, and in conjunction with ten academic departments.
Contact Career Development (488-1083) with questions.
Graduate Expo at IUPUI
Register via UE JobLink to attend a Graduate Expo at IUPUI! The event is September 24 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Representatives will attend from IUPUI and more than 40 other college and universities throughout the U.S. You may also be interested in the 50 minute breakout sessions between 10:30 and 1:30 on GRE Test Preparation, Funding for Grad School, and Using LinkedIn.
UE students and alumni should register through UE JobLink. Click Jobs Tab -> Enter 901412 in the search bar (this is the posting number).
UE will provide transportation. There is a $10.00 deposit required that will be refundable upon attendance. Reserve your seat now through Career Development.
Auction of Old Stone House Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles and Misc.
Earlier this year, the University of Evansville sold the Old Stone House to a private buyer. Many furniture pieces and other collectibles that were not included in the sale but were originally in the home will be sold through a live auction on September 17 in UE’s Carson Center, Maikranz Family Gym (small gym) beginning at 10:00 a.m. with doors opening at 9:00 a.m. This auction is for the UE Community and for the general public with proceeds going towards the Ruth and Thomas Morton Jr. Endowed Scholarship that supports students with financial need.
There will be a pre-auction preview for the UE community on Wednesday, September 16 from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
For more information about the items being auctioned, go to Curran Miller Auction/Realty, Inc.’s website at www.curranmiller.com and locate the heading titled “Contents of Old Stone House, Live Auction,” then click on the “View Auction” button.
Richard Newman Featured at the First Creative Writing Coffee Hour
The first Creative Writing Coffee Hour will take place Wednesday, September 16, at 4 p.m. in the Mel Peterson Gallery in Ridgway University Center. You are invited to join us in welcoming poet Richard Newman as our guest speaker.
Newman is the author of the poetry collections All the Wasted Beauty of the World (Able Muse Press, 2014), Domestic Fugues (Steel Toe Books, 2009), and Borrowed Towns (Word Press, 2005). His poems have appeared in Best American Poetry, Boulevard, Crab Orchard Review, Measure, New Letters, The Sun, and many other periodicals and anthologies. His work has also been featured many times on Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac, Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry, Poetry Daily, and Verse Daily.
He lives in St. Louis where he serves as editor of River Styx, co-directs the River Styx at the Tavern reading series, and plays in the junk-folk band The CharFlies.
Library Project Update
Due to ongoing delays by one of the subcontractors involved with the Library renovation project, access to the Library will continue to operate in the same fashion as it has the last several weeks. Additional steps have been taken by the general contractor, ARC Construction, to address these delays. As soon as a clearer timeline for opening the Library becomes available, we will share it with the campus community. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by these delays and thank the Library staff and all of you for your understanding as we work through this process.
Healthy Lifestyle Fall Challenge Starts Next Week
The Fall Healthy Lifestyles Challenge is September 21 – November 15. Complete rules and a weekly tally form is in AceLink>Wellness>Healthy Lifestyle Challenge. If you want to receive weekly tally forms plus additional health information, please click here to sign up. Please contact mw307@evansville.edu with questions.
Bronwyn Boswell Named MVC Offensive Player of the Week
University of Evansville women’s soccer player Bronwyn Boswell was named the Missouri Valley Conference Offensive Player of the Week on Tuesday.
Facing a one-goal deficit to IUPUI on Sunday, Boswell single-handedly took the game into her own hands. The junior midfielder tallied the equalizer in the 48th minute, ending a 181:52 scoreless stretch for the Aces. Boswell then scored again off a direct free kick in the 55th minute to create a 2-1 Evansville win. The Frisco, Texas native has a team-high three goals this season and has three multi-goal games in her UE career.
This is the first MVC Player of the Week honor for Boswell in her collegiate career. This is also the first time UE has received an MVC Player of the Week honor this season.
Evansville (2-5-1) is on the road for their next two matches at St. Louis (Sept. 17) and at Vanderbilt (Sept. 20).
The next home match is the team’s Missouri Valley Conference opener against Loyola on Sept. 26. It will be Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Night and Homecoming with kickoff set for 3:00 p.m. CDT.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.