AceNotes Today
Monday, August 31, 2015
Enrollment and Fiscal Update Forums Planned
The University will be conducting forums on September 8 and September 9 to provide enrollment and fiscal updates to the campus community. The forums will be conducted by Jeff Wolf, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Administration, and Shane Davidson, Vice President for Enrollment Management. The sessions will be held in Eykamp Hall, Room 251 of the Ridgway University Center. The first session will be from 10:00-11:15 a.m. on September 8. For those unable to attend that session, a second session will be held from 3:00-4:15 p.m. on September 9. We encourage all faculty, staff and administrators to attend if possible.
Information on Library Services during Construction
The first and second floors of the new Bower-Suhrheinrich Library will not be open at the start of the semester due to construction delays. In the short term, until work is completed, the library will be offering the following service plan:
The Clifford Memorial Library entrance will remain open (as it has been during the summer) and most services will be offered from our temporary service desk in Room 262 (Acquisitions Department)
Hours of service will be Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The following services will be offered:
Pick up and drop off of library materials
Interlibrary loan and document delivery services
Course Reserve collection
Photocopier with scan-to-email capability
Library Instruction services will be offered as usual, but will be conducted in a course's regular classroom, or elsewhere on campus if necessary.
In addition, Research Assistance will be offered by Randy Abbott from his office in room 207. Renovations are complete in the area adjacent to his office, so students can safely enter that part of the library to meet with him.
Students (and employees) can make Research Assistance appointments using our normal sign-up page. We will also accommodate walk-in students who have research questions.
Research Assistance Program sign up: https://www.evansville.edu/libraries/rapSignup.cfm
WUEV & AcesTV Call-Out Meeting Tonight at 5 PM
91.5 FM-WUEV (UE's campus radio station) and AcesTV (UE's student-run video production group) will have a joint "Call-Out Meeting" for interested new members tonight at 5 pm outside of the WUEV/AcesTV Studios on the second floor of Ridgway.
No experience is necessary, and positions are available for both groups this fall. If unable to make it to tonight's meeting, please contact Tom Benson via email at tb39@evansville.edu if still interested in joining.
Newman Club - Catholic Campus Ministry Cookout with Bishop Thompson TODAY!
Join us at the Newman Center - Catholic Campus Ministry house on the corner of Lincoln and Frederick Avenues for burgers, dogs, pasta salad, baked beans, chips and Donut Bank cookies for dessert from 5-7 p.m. today. Look for the multi-colored pennant flags! Bishop Thompson will be joining us. All are welcome -- faculty, staff and students! Questions? Call or text Kristel at 812-760-8610.
This Week in Music: Fall Faculty Gala
The Department of Music kicks off the academic year and this year’s First Tuesday Concert Series with the annual Fall Faculty Gala in Wheeler Concert Hall in the Krannert Fine Arts building on Tuesday, September 1, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will feature selections from several works, ranging from the nineteenth century to the modern era, performed by Department of Music faculty members. The concert is free and open to the public, as are all Tuesday night faculty recitals throughout the year. For future events, consult the Concert Calendar on the Department of Music’s website.
I-House: USA
This Wednesday is our first I-House of the semester featuring St. Louis native Dominic Bolt as the presenter! He's a triple major in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science, and his favorite hobbies are golf, skiing, watching movies, and listening to music. His favorite part about UE is how friendly everyone is!
Make sure you guys come out at 7 p.m. to the 1959 Lounge on the second floor of Ridgway University Center to hear his presentation!
Student Publications Information Meeting

A Student Publications Information Meeting is planned for Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 5:15 p.m. in Eykamp Hall 253, Ridgway University Center. Attend and learn about positions available with Crescent Magazine and the LinC for the 2015–16 school year. No experience necessary and most positions receive academic credit. (An application must be submitted to be considered)
Open Crescent Magazine positions include writers and a copy editor. Also volunteer positions with the Crescent are open including social media assistants and a marketing assistant. Open LinC yearbook positions include writers and photographers.
Email Tracy Maurer at tm2@evansville.edu for more information or for the application link.
Monarch Tagging at Audubon State Park
You can bid farewell to the Monarch butterflies migrating south for the winter on Saturday, September 12 and September 19. There will be two programs per day 8 a.m.-noon and 1 p.m.-4 p.m. We will meet at the Audubon Museum for a 45-minute introductory indoor presentation. Next, we will carpool for some outdoor Monarch tagging. Please wear long pants and closed-toe shoes and prepare for weedy and potentially marshy conditions. Tags and nets will be provided. Staff Contact: Julie McDonald at 270-826-2247 or juliea.mcdonald@ky.gov Cost: $5 per person, and the student rate is $4.
Sign Up for Day of Caring
Each year UE supports United Way by allowing employees to volunteer during business hours on the United Way Day of Caring. This year it is Friday, September 11 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. UE employees who are interested in participating are asked to complete the volunteer form. Employees DO need supervisor approval, but are not required to take leave time to participate. UE employees will be volunteering this year at Wesselman Woods on several projects. UE has been a proud leader in Day of Caring participation in past years.
All Day of Caring workers are invited to an early morning breakfast and program at the Old National Events Plaza in downtown Evansville before you start work from 7 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Wesselman Woods and United Way greatly appreciate your time, hard work, and willingness to serve our community. Thank you!
Please fill out the volunteer form (pdf) and return it to Brian Conner in Ridgway University Center Room 229 by August 31 (if you want to be able to choose your T-shirt size) and no later than September 4 (your choice of T-shirt size cannot be guaranteed after the 22nd). Questions? Contact Brian Conner at ext. 1107 or bc32.
Cris Hochwender to Speak at September 2 Andiron Lecture
The first lecture of this year’s University of Evansville Andiron Lecture Series is set for September 2. UE professor of biology Cris Hochwender will be speaking on “Sustaining Wildlife: Enhancing Native Plant Diversity at Vectren Conservation Park, in the Native Plant Garden in Koch Courtyard, and in Your Backyard.”
All the lectures in the series are at 4 p.m. in Eykamp 252 in Ridgway University Center, preceded by a social hour with beverages at 3:45 p.m. They are free and open to the public.
Hochwender earned his bachelor’s degree in biology at Cornell College and his PhD in biology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He has carried out ecological research for 25+ years, publishing those findings in journals that include American Naturalist, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, Oecologia, Evolutionary Ecology, and Evolution. His research has explored plant defense against herbivores, plant tolerance to damage, local adaptation of plants, and structuring forces of arthropod herbivore communities. More recently, he has addressed questions that center on restoration ecology.
Healthy local ecosystems can provide ecological services of great benefit to human society, while providing a refuge for native species. While salvaging remnant habitat and restoring lost ecological communities is the work of restoration ecologists, every backyard gardener can take on similar (although smaller scale) efforts by growing native wildflowers, grasses, and trees. This lecture will explore the importance, the challenges, and approaches to sustaining biodiversity in Southwest Indiana. Weather permitting, the lecture will culminate with a walk of the native plant garden in Koch Courtyard.
The View from Neu: A Monday Reflection from UE Chaplain Tammy Gieselman
I liked the brief story New Testament scholar and preacher, Tom Long, once told: ‘When I was a child and did something that I shouldn’t have done, something that displeased my parents very much, my mother would often use a phrase that I suppose other parents have used as well. She would look me in the eye and say, “That was uncalled for!”
It’s an interesting phrase, isn’t it? “Uncalled for.” As if there’s someone out there calling for you…. One of the deepest human hungers that we have is to be called for. And one of the deepest human fears that we have is that there is no one out there who cares enough about us to call for us.’
As we live into this beautiful Monday, I wonder if you know that you have been “called?” On some level, we have been called to UE to help change lives. What an honor. I am grateful for each of you, but I don’t say thank you often enough: when you help me with the account I can’t find, when you mow the lawn in front of Neu Chapel, when you serve food at yet another campus luncheon, when I forget to submit the form and you file it on my behalf, when you take care of a student after hours, and I could go on. Thank you, everyone, for making the UE campus a home for many.
Call for UExplore Research Proposals
Students, please consider participating in the UExplore undergraduate research program this semester. The deadline for the Fall Semester student-generated proposals is Thursday, September 10, 2015. Ten copies of your proposal are due in the Office of Academic Affairs before the end of the business day of the proposal deadline. Information about the UExplore program and the proposal template can be found from the UExplore website (http://undergraduateresearch.evansville.edu). You can request up to $1000 for hardware and services to support your proposed research project. Proposals from nearly every department on campus have been funded.
Reminder for First Year Students: IDEALS Survey Coming Soon
First year students will be receiving the Interfaith Diversity Experiences & Attitudes Longitudinal Survey (IDEALS) in a few shorts days! Thank you for being willing to participate in this important research! Students who take the survey will be provided $5.00 in cash!!
IDEALS is a national survey that will be used to identify high-impact practices associated with positive interaction across religious and spiritual diversity. According to Interfaith Youth Core, UE will be able to leverage these high-impact practices to create a healthy campus environment, introduce effective programming/experiences, and learn more about the religious climate on campus. This study is the first of its kind. Previous studies have provided a foundational understanding of interfaith interaction, but few tools fully explore the ways in which we can leverage campus experiences to promote effective interfaith work. IDEALS is designed as a longitudinal study that explores the way in which the UE campus can better understand what programmatic experiences are effective and helpful for students.
Attention Indiana 21st Century Scholars and FOC Recipients
Students who receive financial aid from the state of Indiana must earn a minimum number of credit-hours each year to renew grants from the state of Indiana. Students who don’t earn these hours become INELIGIBLE for the 21st Century Scholar Award at all Indiana colleges.
21st Century Scholars Award and maximum value of Freedom of Choice Award (FOC):
• 30 credit hours at the end of first year
• 60 credit hours by the end of second year
• 90 credit hours by the end of their third year
Students who don’t earn the hours above might be eligible for the Frank O’Bannon Freedom of Choice Award of a lower value. Students must also meet the state’s EFC eligibility criteria and file the FAFSA by March 10. The minimum credits required to receive any funds from the program are:
• 24 credit hours by the end of first year of college
• 48 credit hours by the end of second year
• 72 credit hours by the end of their third year
CORRECTING DEFICIENCIES: Students may take courses during Winter Intersession or the summer (at their own expense) to make up credit hour deficiencies to regain or increase state aid eligibility before fall. Dual credits from high school may also be counted.
QUESTIONS: Please see a counselor in the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions about maintaining your eligibility for state of Indiana grants.
Interested in Working for the Office of Admission?
The Office of Admission is looking for several students to work in the office this year. We are looking for energetic, friendly, customer service oriented students to call prospective students and assist the admission counselors with student interaction. Hours will primarily be in the evening with some later afternoon hours. An application and interview is required for this position. An interview will be scheduled once your application is reviewed. If you are interested in applying, please download, print, and complete the Admission Student Caller Application. You can contact Catie Taylor (ct37@evansville.edu) in the Office of Admission with questions or for additional information.
UE's Environmental Policy
This is the first in a series of communications about UE’s Environmental Management System (EMS). It is important for you to be aware of the EMS and to understand your role in supporting it and helping to implement it where appropriate. The item covered in this memo is UE’s Environmental Policy.
UE’s Environmental Policy, which was approved by President Thomas Kazee, is the foundation for UE’s EMS. The entire Policy can be summarized by the following slogan:
Ride the “C R E S T”
C = Continuous Improvement:
To enhance the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System by evaluating, correcting, and providing periodic executive review.
R = Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
To employ processes, practices, materials or products that produce less waste and/or avoid and reduce pollution. This may include process changes, efficient use of resources, material substitutions and recycling.
E = Environmental Compliance:
The foundation of the University’s Environmental Policy and the Environmental Management System is to meet and maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
S = Sustainability:
To simultaneously meet current environmental and community needs, and to ensure that the needs of future generations are considered.
T = Training and Education:
To provide appropriate training to all employees and students to promote awareness of and competent participation in our environmental programs and procedures, an understanding of the environmental impacts of their work and activities, knowledge of their roles and responsibilities in support of our Environmental Management System, and the potential consequences of departure from specified procedures.
For additional information, or if you’ve got any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Jan Schrader, Manager Risk and Environmental Management at js652 or 2697.
You can find additional information in AceLink/Areas/Environmental Management, and on Facebook – UE Department of Environmental Management
Wanted: Phonathon Student Callers
The Office of Development is hiring students for the fall Phonathon campaign. Donor calls are made from campus on evenings and weekends. Training and scripts are provided. Good customer service and a friendly speaking voice are a must. For more information please contact Jennifer Jacobs at (812) 488-2021 or jj130@evansville.edu. Calling will begin the week of Sept. 28th.
Fitness Center Classes Start Sept. 7th
UE Fitness Center classes start on Monday, September 7.
The class schedule is:
Monday through Friday from 6:30-7:30 a.m.: Insanity
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.: Open Swim
Monday and Wednesday from 12 p.m.-1 p.m.: ACE Fit
Tuesday and Thursday from 12 p.m.-1 p.m.: Butts & Guts
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12 p.m.-1 p.m.: ACE Hoops
Tuesday from 5-6 p.m.: Zumba Step
Wednesday from 5-6 p.m.: Cardio Dance
Thursday from 5-6 p.m.: Cycling
Monday and Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Yoga
Monday from 6-7 p.m.: Line Dancing
Monday from 7-8 p.m., and Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7 p.m.: Zumba
For more information, please contact the Fitness Center at 488-2397 or check www.imleagues.com (Fitness/Classes) and follow UE Fitness Center on Facebook!
Neu Chapel Staff Participate in Sacred Music and Interfaith Research
Tammy Gieselman, University Chaplain; Douglas Reed, University Organist Emeritus; and Patrick Ritsch, Neu Chapel Organist, travelled to Boston on July 20 to participate in an intensive research expedition sponsored by the Neu Chapel Society. The 5-day mission allowed the Staff to visit several historic organs in the Boston area and to conduct site-visits at university campuses with robust interfaith programs, which include sacred worship space for all students. Of primary interest were university chapels at Wellesley College, Brandeis University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Tufts University.
Their work also included a concentrated visit to the C.B. Fisk, Inc. organ building shop in Gloucester, where Patrick Ritsch participated in a mini-apprenticeship. Fisk president, Steven Dieck, also led the group through the intricate mechanical workings of the new Fisk organ completed in 2013 for Harvard Memorial Chapel. The group’s research included visits to several other Fisk organs including (Old West United Methodist Church and All Saints Church, Ashmont) and historic organs at Holy Cross Cathedral (E. & G.G. Hook & Hastings), MIT Chapel (Holtkamp), and Methuen Music Hall (E. F. Walcker).
Oberman Hired as Senior Horticulturist
Biology major Nikki Oberman (Class of 2015) has been hired as a senior horticulturist for the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Oberman will be responsible for the overall aesthetic maintenance of the property’s grounds, landscaping, gardens, trees and aquatic life.
Development and Alumni Relations Receive 2015 CASE Educational Fundraising Award
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations! The DAR Office has been awarded a 2015 Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Educational Fundraising Award. This award honors superior fundraising programs at CASE member institutions across the country. UE was selected to receive an Overall Improvement award based on the judges’ analysis of three years of fundraising data. CASE is quoted as saying “Your institution has not only demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism and best practice in its fundraising efforts, it has contributed to the betterment of educational advancement worldwide.” The success of these efforts is due to the University’s generous donors who help us support the ongoing tradition of philanthropy that has made such a meaningful impact on our students now and in the future.
Harlaxton Semester Begins
Congratulations to the Fall 2015 Harlaxton Semester students who arrived at the Manor on August 27 and will start classes on August 31.
Bianca Leggett publishes book
Dr. Bianca Leggett (teaching fellow in British Studies at Harlaxton College) is the editor of new collection, entitled Twenty-Fist Century British Fiction, which is to be published by Gylphi Press on August 25.
Since the turn of the millennium British fiction has evolved in new and unpredictable directions. Its mercurial nature makes the study of contemporary British fiction both dynamic and challenging. New voices, forms and themes sometimes require the discarding of old critical frameworks and the creation of new ones. The volume not only maps the journey of British fiction in the 21st century, but also hints at the path ahead.
Gonzalez, Matic Score in UE Men's Soccer Season-Opening Loss at Milwaukee
The University of Evansville men’s soccer team (0-1-0) was defeated 5-2 in the season-opening match at Milwaukee (1-0-0) on Friday night. Senior forward Mark Anthony Gonzalez tallied one goal and one assist as freshman forward Mikey Matic recorded his first career goal. Evansville’s next match will be at home on Sept. 4 for the opening round of the ProRehab Soccer Classic and Military Appreciation Night vs. Air Force.
“We got beat by the better team tonight,” said Evansville head men’s soccer coach Marshall Ray. “It was not for a lack of effort, but effort alone does not win you games. We were a bit naïve in our defending from the front to the back and they put us under pressure in order to take their chances.”
Milwaukee took the early lead with goals in the 11th and 23rd minutes.
Down 2-0, UE drew closer with a 37th minute goal by Gonzalez. Sophomore midfielder Ian McGrath sent a thru ball into the box for Gonzalez who scored his first goal of the season (21st career).
The score stayed 2-1 until the Panthers added to the lead with goals in the 65th and 72nd minutes.
Trailing by three, Matic scored for UE on a 75th minute strike from just outside the 18 yard box, making the score 4-2.
Milwaukee tallied one more goal on the night in the 5-2 Aces loss.
Senior forward Nate Opperman had a team-high three shots, including two on goal. Sophomore goalkeeper Matthew Keller notched 12 saves.
“We have a lot of video to watch as a group and individually,” added Ray. “We will get back to work on Sunday and prepare for our upcoming tournament.”
UE hosts the annual ProRehab Aces Classic next weekend (Sept. 4-6) with Air Force, Belmont and Drake visiting Arad McCutchan Stadium. All current or retired military members receive free admission on Sept. 4. The match will begin at 7:30 p.m. CDT.
INFO: For all of the latest information on University of Evansville athletics, log on to the sport page on GoPurpleAces.com or follow the program on Twitter via @UEAthletics.
DONATE: For information on giving to UE Athletics or its individual athletics programs, visit the DONATE tab on the top of GoPurpleAces.com.
TICKETS: To purchase tickets for University of Evansville athletics events, log on to GoPurpleAces.com and click on the TICKETS tab on top of the page.
Cerino named to All-Tournament Team as Aces finish weekend
Senior Stephanie Cerino was named to the All-Tournament Team as the University of Evansville volleyball team wrapped up its first weekend of the season with a 2-1 record after falling to Wright State by a 3-0 final in the last game of the Holiday Inn Classic.
Cerino finished the weekend with 32 kills while hitting .221. Also having a stellar first weekend was Genesis Miranda. The sophomore from Puerto Rico tallied 52 kills, an average of 4.33 per set. She also tied Rocio Fortuny for the team-best four service aces over the weekend.
“We learned a lot about our team throughout the tournament,” head coach Manolo Concepcion said. “Although the result of the last match was not what we hoped for, the girls fought until the end. This is just the beginning. Now it is about studying ourselves and getting back to the gym and continue to emphasize on the process. We have 11 more preseason matches to work with.”
In the finale for the weekend, it was Miranda leading the way once again with a game-hgih 18 kills. Cerino finished with eight. Leading the Raiders was Megan Hopkins, who totaled 13 tallies on the day.
The opening frame was close in the early going, but with the score tied at 6-6, WSU scored seven of the next ten to open up a 13-9 lead. Lorena Marquez helped the Purple Aces fight back. With her serving, the Aces were able to fight back and tie the game up at 16-16. From that point, it was all Raiders as they finished the frame on a 9-3 stretch to take the win.
It was all Raiders in the second set as they opened up a 9-2 lead and never relented, taking a 25-18 victory and a commanding 2-0 lead in the match.
Evansville did its best to fight back in the third game as the jumped out to a 7-4 advantage. Gabriela Roman started the set off with a kill to set UE on the run. The Raiders came right back with a 4-1 stretch to knot the game at 8-8. Their run continued as they led by four at 24-20. Evansville never gave up. The Aces scored the next four points to tie it up. Miranda had three kills in the stretch. WSU scored to go up 25-24, but an error saw UE tie it right back up. The rally was not meant to be, though, as a pair of Raider kills clinched the match.
The Aces stay on the road on Tuesday as the travel to Austin Peay for a 6 p.m. tilt.
- INFO: For all of the latest information on University of Evansville volleyball, log on to the sport page on GoPurpleAces.com or follow the program on Twitter via @UEAthletics_VB.
- DONATE: For information on giving to UE Athletics or its individual athletics programs, visit the DONATE tab on the top of GoPurpleAces.com.
- TICKETS: To purchase tickets for University of Evansville athletics events, log on to GoPurpleAces.com and click on the TICKETS tab on top of the page.
UE Women's Soccer Wins 2-1 vs. Miami (Ohio)
The University of Evansville women’s soccer team (1-3-0) scored twice in the first 20 minutes, and held off a late Miami University (2-2-0) comeback for a 2-1 win on Sunday afternoon. Freshman forward Sara Osinski and sophomore defender Olivia Shafer each scored in the contest as UE claimed their first victory of the season.
“I am happy that we were able to put two complete halves together today,” said Evansville head women’s soccer coach Krista McKendree. “Our energy and intensity was the best it has been (this season). We put emphasis on that yesterday and the girls responded well.”
Evansville went ahead in the 13th minute when Osinski collected a shot off the crossbar from junior midfielder Bronwyn Boswell and scored over the top.
Ahead 1-0, the Aces increased the lead in the 18th minute. Freshman midfielder Molly Lear sent a corner kick from the far sideline in to the six yard box where Shafer headed the ball into the lower right corner. The goal pushed UE up 2-0. Neither team scored again in the remainder of the first half as UE outshot Miami (Ohio) 11-6 early on.
After halftime, the Redhawks brought the deficit to one with a goal in the 69th minute. Clinging to a 2-1 lead, UE goalkeeper Simone Busby recorded three saves in the remainder of regulation to preserve the Purple Aces win.
“We came out strong today,” added Shafer. “We were able to not drop our effort after giving up the goal.”
The goals for Osinski and Shafer were the second for each student-athlete this season. Boswell and Lear also tallied their second assists this year. Lear led all Purple Aces with five shots (one on goal). Osinski also recorded four shots (three on goal). Busby secured seven saves in the match.
UE is on the road for their next two matches at Purdue (Sept. 4) and at Butler (Sept. 6) The Aces are back at home on Sept. 11 against Belmont for their Military Appreciation / Wounded Warrior Night. The match will be held at Arad McCutchan Stadium and begin at 7:00 p.m. CDT.
INFO: For all of the latest information on University of Evansville athletics, log on to the sport page on GoPurpleAces.com or follow the program on Twitter via @UEAthletics.
DONATE: For information on giving to UE Athletics or its individual athletics programs, visit the DONATE tab on the top of GoPurpleAces.com.
TICKETS: To purchase tickets for University of Evansville athletics events, log on to GoPurpleAces.com and click on the TICKETS tab on top of the page.
Evansville Men's Basketball Season Tickets go on sale Monday
The 2015-16 season is just two months away for the reigning CollegeInsider.com Tournament Champion University of Evansville men’s basketball team. Fans can take the first step of coming out to support the defending champions on Monday as season tickets will be available to the general public.
Sales begin on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. at the Carson Center Ticket Office on the UE campus. There are great locations still available and your seat locations can be picked out the same day your tickets are purchased.
A family of four (two adults and two youth) can get season tickets in designated locations starting at just $342. New season ticket holders between the ages of 18 and 29 can purchase season tickets starting at just $50 for designated locations. Aside from visiting the Carson Center, you can also call the ticket office at 812-488-ACES (2237) to purchase tickets.
Evansville will play 17 homes games this season. The non-conference portion of that slate was released earlier this week. UE will play its exhibition game on Nov. 7 versus Wabash before opening up the regular season vs. SEMO on the 15th. A 4-game home stretch to begin the season continues versus Marian and Belmont. The Aces and Bruins tangle on Nov. 21 and will also be the annual Fan Fest, held prior to the game outside of the Ford Center. Belmont won the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament in 2015 and played in the NCAA Tournament.
Other home contests include: Mississippi Valley State, Norfolk State and Alabama A&M. Norfolk State is coming off of a strong season, which saw them finish second in the MEAC and advanced to the postseason, playing in the CIT. The Missouri Valley Conference portion of the schedule will be released in the coming weeks. It features all nine conference schools, including NCAA participants Wichita State and Northern Iowa.
- INFO: For all of the latest information on University of Evansville basketball, log on to the sport page on GoPurpleAces.com or follow the program on Twitter via @UEAthletics_MBB.
- DONATE: For information on giving to UE Athletics or its individual athletics programs, visit the DONATE tab on the top of GoPurpleAces.com.
- TICKETS: To purchase tickets for University of Evansville athletics events, log on to GoPurpleAces.com and click on the TICKETS tab on top of the page.
Aces Softball Needs Your Help!
The UE softball team is looking for 2 student managers for the 2015-2016 school year. If interested, please contact Coach Watson at aw358@evansville.edu by Friday, September 4.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.