University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Upcoming Events

* Final Farmers' Market Wednesday, July 29

The final Farmers' Market will take place Wednesday, 29 July, starting at 9 a.m. in Ridgway Center.  Please come, get lots of vegetables, and help support UE Gardens.


Info You Should Know

* Network Upgrade Activity this Weekend

OTS plans to install the new network core switches beginning on Friday (31st) at 6:00 pm and completing Sunday (2nd) by 5:00 pm.  While they do not anticipate any extended outages during this installation, there may be intermittent disruptions as we bring new equipment online.  Phones may also drop momentarily during the switchover.  They appreciate your patience during this upgrade.  

* Campus to be Tobacco-Free!

In support of the health and wellbeing of the campus community, the University is going Tobacco-Free.

Starting next week, the use of all tobacco products and electronic smoking devices (e-cigarettes) are prohibited at school sanctioned and/or sponsored activities or functions on campus. The use of these products and devices is also prohibited in all University buildings, residential housing, approved University housing, rental properties, grounds, athletic facilities, parking lots, University-owned or leased vehicles, and privately owned vehicles on University grounds.

A full description on this policy and available resources can be found here:

Obtain free information and literature from the Office of Counseling and Health Education or our campus Health Center. Health Education coordinates regularly scheduled cessation sessions open to the campus community.

* Move In Day Greeters Needed

Attention faculty and staff, it is time once again to welcome a new class to the University of Evansville. As has been our tradition, we are looking for faculty and staff members to volunteer for a 2 hour shift on Saturday, August 22nd to coordinate the movers and welcome students living in the Residence Halls along with their families. All materials and directions will be provided, we just need people to assist with the process. To sign up for a shift, please visit this site:

For further questions contact Geoff Edwards in the Center for Student Engagement at

* Library Collections Disrupted by Construction

Construction on the library’s 1st & 2nd floors is on target and the contractors will soon be moving upstairs to replace the ceilings, HVAC and lighting on 3rd & 4th. Once construction begins, we will have NO ACCESS to the 3rd & 4th floors until they are completed AFTER THE FALL SEMESTER BEGINS!

If you need UE books to place on fall course reserves, for research, for fun or for students, GET THEM NOW!

We have no idea when construction will begin but it will be soon. If you need help, have questions about access or want to browse, please call Meg Atwater-Singer at 812-488-2487 or email her at

* Institute for Global Enterprise Welcomes Erin Lewis Back to UE

Erin LewisWe are delighted to welcome Erin (Braun) Lewis to UE as program director to support the GAP program. Her primary focus will be to expand cross-disciplinary project engagement, a key objective for the Institute and the University. Resources made available by refinement in programming and consolidation in staffing at the Institute for Global Enterprise make possible this exciting addition to the University family. In addition to being an alumna of UE, she is also the daughter of UE physics professor Jeffrey Braun.

Most recently, Erin worked as former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s director of outreach at iCivics where she implemented national projects and developed interdisciplinary and experiential programming. She also established partnerships with former astronaut and senator John Glenn, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, the George W. Bush Presidential Library, and many institutions across the country.

Prior to joining iCivics, Erin helped to create the Center for Civic Literacy at the Indiana University Public Policy Institute and served as the director of civic education at the Center for Law and Civic Education in Indianapolis. She is also a former United States Marine, having completed Officer Candidate School in Quantico.

Erin earned a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Psychology from the University of Evansville and a Master of Public Affairs from Indiana University School for Public and Environmental Affairs where she was one of only three graduate students to receive the William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion for service to the community.

We are thrilled about the breadth and depth of experience Erin brings to this position. 

* Fitness Center Closed July 27-31

The Fitness Center will be closed Monday July 27 - Friday July 31 for resurfacing of the floors. 

* Welcome new employee Emily Hilbert to Accounting & Audit

Please join the Accounting & Audit department in welcoming Emily Hilbert as our Benefit & Accounting Clerk. She is providing assistance in the payroll, accounts payable, and accounting functions.

Emily has over 15 years’ experience in administrative areas of higher education, most recently at Earlham College. She also dedicated a portion of her career to applications support and providing training to groups on a variety of software programs.

Relocating from northern Indiana to be closer to family, Emily got here just in time to experience true southern Indiana heat and humidity! We are very excited to work with, share ideas, and get to know Emily. She can be found in Olmsted Hall, Room 213, by dialing extension 2038, or by e-mailing eh189.

* Observers needed for Fire Drills

Fire drills will be held throughout the school year in the academic and administrative buildings, and we need volunteers to help observe the drills. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Jan Schrader at js652. These fire drills help make our campus safer for all - your help will be appreciated! 

* Fall Booklist Posting

The Fall Booklist should be posted on the UE Bookstore website during the last week of July. Please be patient as we finalize information and do updates to provide complete information in regard to new, used, and rental options. 



* Winner Announced for 'Name the UE Wireless' Contest

Mr. Troy Coppus was the winner of the Name the UE Wireless Contest! Troy will receive an AppleTV for his winning submissions, UEWiFi and UEWiFiGuest. 

* Maass interviewed for NPR on ISIS

Richard Maass, assistant professor of political science, was interviewed for an NPR report on Reclamation Studios, an Evansville-based initiative to counter ISIS' online marketing with a social media campaign discussing in simple terms the peaceful nature of the religion Islam. The NPR feature, including a quote from Maass' interview, can be listened to here: 

* Rania Mousa's paper is re-published in a new book on public affairs and administration

Rania Mousa, assistant professor of accounting, has been named the sole author of a book chapter in a 4-volume book titled, Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. The book editors selected one of Mousa's existing peer-reviewed articles, E-Government Adoption in the United Kingdom: XBRL Project, to showcase one of the latest tools and technologies in the field of global public affairs and administration. The book is published by IGI Global. Visit the chapter's website: 

* UE Development & Alumni Relations Office Welcomes New Development Officer

Please join the Development and Alumni Relations Department in welcoming Tyler White as a new Development Officer. Tyler is a 2014 UE alumnus with a BA in Creative Writing. He most recently served as Development Director at the United Methodist Youth Home of Evansville. Tyler will be responsible for soliciting major gifts on behalf of the University of Evansville with specific focus on capital projects. He will be in the Igleheart Building and can be reached by phone at (812)488-3456 or at 

Welcome to the UE Team, Tyler! 

* Indiana's 2015 Mr. Math to Attend UE

Adam Lonnberg, a 2015 Signature School graduate, has been named Indiana’s 2015 Mr. Math by Gov. Mike Pence. The Mr. and Miss Math and Science awards recognize Hoosier students who excel in STEM classes, as well as in extracurricular activities. Lonnberg plans to attend UE in the fall and major in math, with a possible second major or minor in Spanish. He eventually wants to attend medical school to be a radiologist. Read an article about Lonnberg’s award in the Evansville Courier & Press here:

* Knoester and Plikuhn publish article in Journal of Research in Reading

Matthew Knoester (assistant professor of education) and Mari Plikuhn (assistant professor of sociology) have published an article entitled "Influence of Siblings on Out-of-School Reading Practices" in the Journal of Research in Reading, the flagship journal of the United Kingdom Literacy Association. The article has been published online and will appear in print in an upcoming issue of the journal. The article can be found at: 


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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