AceNotes Today
Monday, March 30, 2015
Connections with Kazee: March 2015
Spring has arrived on campus! This month, Dr. Kazee joins you from the Schroeder School of Business Building where our accounting and finance program was just named the number one degree program in the country among small colleges. He also discusses the impressive results of our annual graduate outcomes survey for the class of 2014 and more.
Click here to view the March podcast.
Dinner Tonight with Fr. Godfrey!
"The Holiest Week of the Year?" is tonight's topic for our dinner & discussion at UE Newman Center with Fr. Godfrey Mullen, OSB, from St. Benedict's Cathedral. oven-baked mac & cheese, hot dogs & salad; and homemade cookies for dessert. Join us at 5:30 pm. If you have a 6 pm class or appt., you go to the front of the line! Questions? Call/Text 812-760-8610.
This Week in Music: Faculty Piano Recital
Associate Professor of Piano Garnet Ungar will present this week’s Faculty Recital in Wheeler Concert Hall on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The recital will open with Ferruccio Busoni’s piano arrangement of J. S. Bach’s Adagio in A Minor, a piece originally composed for organ. The program will continue with several works by Edvard Grieg, including his Suite from Holberg’s Time and selections from two of the character piece sets he entitled Lyric Pieces. Following a brief intermission, Professor Ungar will be joined by violinist Alicia Choi, Violist Rose Wollman, and cellist Kirsten Jermé in a climactic performance of the Quartet in C Minor, Op. 60 by Johannes Brahms. The concert is free and open to the public.
Dirt Day!
April 25th is Dirt Day at John James Audubon State Park in Henderson, KY. We are looking for volunteers to help out with trail work and the beautification of our gardens! Volunteers can meet at the museum by 8:30 am and will work until Noon, at which time, we will serve lunch! No tools or experience is necessary but we do expect volunteers to be properly clothed--closed toed shoes and clothes you don't mind getting a little dirty! Registration is appreciated, but not required. Please contact ml170@evansville.edu for any further information or to register for this event. See you out at the park!
Andiron Lecture by Robert Baines on April 1
Robert Baines, assistant professor of English, will be the speaker at the Andiron Lecture on Wednesday, April 1, at 4:00 p.m., in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center. A social gathering with beverages will precede the lecture at 3:45 p.m.
Baines’ topic will be “Finnegans Wake: How to Read.”
Baines earned his bachelor’s degree in English language and literature at Oxford University and his master’s degree in Anglo-Irish literature and PhD in English at Trinity College Dublin. Before arriving at UE, he taught at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, New York. He specializes in twentieth-century British and Irish literature and, most particularly, in the writings of James Joyce. He has published articles and reviews in such journals as The Journal of Modern Literature, European Joyce Studies, and Modern Fiction Studies. He is currently writing a monograph on the philosophy of Finnegans Wake.
After completing Ulysses in 1922, James Joyce spent the next 17 years working on the novel that would be his last, Finnegans Wake. Rather than enjoying the fame of its illustrious predecessor, Joyce’s final work is best known for being unreadable. This idea begs a number of questions: How can one read the unreadable? How can one write the unreadable? Perhaps most importantly, why would one choose to write a novel that cannot be read? This lecture will explore the alleged unreadability of Finnegans Wake by examining the merits and flaws of seven different strategies for reading that infamous novel.
For further information, call the series coordinator Annette Parks at 812-488-1070 or the William L. Ridgway College of Arts and Sciences at 812-488-2589.
Writing Center Boot Camp: The "P" Word and Academic Honesty
“But Professor, this author writes so much better than me!” In this important workshop, you will learn how to summarize, paraphrase and use quotations to support your research and give credit to the intellectual property of your sources - essential tools for all academic writing. Join us on Wednesday, April 1 at 5 p.m. in the Writing Center.
disABILITY Awareness Events - iPad Mini Giveaway
March is Disability Awareness Month in Indiana. Please help us increase disABILITY Awareness by attending one or both of our upcoming events and enter our iPad Mini and gift card giveaway.
Student Panel Discussion – Tuesday, March 31, at 4 pm in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center
Panelists include UE students with various disabilities and Dr. Mary Lombardo-Graves, assistant professor of special education. They will be discussing what it is like to live and attend college while having a learning disability, Aspergers, dysgraphia, and visual, hearing and mobility impairments.
“Accessibility and the iPad” – Tuesday, April 7 at 4 pm in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center
Wade Wingler, director of assistive technology and the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, will be demonstrating accessible apps on the iPad. The iPad is one of the most accessible tools of technology for people with disabilities. Wade will be bringing 40 iPads for the audience to use so this will be a fun and interactive presentation!
Not Yet Begun to Fight Movie Discussion to feature UE student veterans
UE VETS, Office of Veterans Affairs, and UE Disability Services are sponsoring a movie discussion about the award winning documentary, "Not Yet Begun to Fight" for our campus community and friends in recognition of Disability Awareness month. The film features five veterans as they embark upon an excursion to learn the art of fly fishing from Warriors and Quiet Waters in Montana.
Warriors and Quiet Waters was started by Vietnam veteran and former Marine, Colonel Hastings. According to Colonel Hastings, fly fishing saved his life as he struggled to readjust from war. Warriors and Quiet Waters instructors teach fly fishing but so much more is discovered through the process. One of the veterans featured in the film is UE student and Iraq/Afghanistan War veteran, Erik Goodge. A panel discussion with Erik, and other UE student veterans will follow the showing.
Join us:
• Wednesday, April 8 at 6:00 p.m. (panel discussion following the film)
• UE Schroeder School of Business Building, Room 162
• Limited seating, first-come-first-served
• No cost, free refreshments
The website for Warriors and Quiet waters is http://www.warriorsandquietwaters.org/
The website for the film "Not Yet Begun to Fight" is http://www.notyetbeguntofightfilm.com/
Deadline Extended for Beauty of Engineering Event
The deadline to sign up for Beauty of Engineering, sponsored by University of Evansville and the Tri-State Women in Computing and Engineering (twiSTEM), has been extended to Tuesday, March 31.
This career discovery event for girls in grades 4 through 8 is Saturday, April 4 at UE’s Koch Center for Engineering and Science. The cost is $7 per participant.
The event is a morning of learning about engineering and computer science through hands-on projects. Participants rotate through projects in civil engineering, computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Rotation stations will be staffed by professional women in engineering and computer science.
Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 8:00 a.m. The final rotation should be complete by 11:15 a.m.
Pre-registration is required. Organizations are welcome with at least one but no more than two responsible adults rotating with the organization. Individuals are also welcome and parents can drop off and pick up.
For more information or to have the registration packet sent to you, please email tn2@evansville.edu.
Last Day To Drop With "W"
Any student wanting to drop a class must complete a drop/add slip with required signatures no later than 5 pm this Thursday April 2.
Accepting Applications for Fall 2015 Teaching Internship
FYS 499 is a 3 credit hour teaching internship providing outstanding students the opportunity to assist in the instruction of a First-Year Seminar course. Interested students should contact Dr. Valerie Stein at vs9@evansville.edu for more information and an application.
Accounting & Audit Announce Procedures for Summer Travel Expenses and Membership Dues
Traveling this summer on UE business with a return date after May 31, 2015? Paying membership dues for next fiscal year prior to May 31? If you pay for any of these expense before May 31, you will need to contact Lori Harriss (lh177@evansville.edu) in Accounting & Audit.
• If you use WebAdvisor to create a web voucher, you will need to ask for the Prepaid Account number to be added to your choices.
• If you use your Pcard prior to May 31 to pay for next year’s travel or membership dues, you will need to email the following information:
• Vendor name
• Date of purchase on Pcard
• Dollar amount charged to Pcard
• Description and purpose of purchase
• Account number charged for purchase
These expenses will be charged to your 2015-16 budget funds.
Dr. Baer's Book Available in the Bookstore
Dr. William Baer's newest publication "One and Twenty Tales" is now available in the UE Bookstore. Published by Morningbird Lane Press, the book sales for $14.95 in a paperback version.
Seeking UE Staff Members as Mock Jurors for University of Evansville Research Project
The University of Evansville's Psychology and Law Research Laboratory is seeking UE staff (non-students and non-faculty) to participate as mock jurors in a mock trial, as part of a grant-funded research project. Staff members must be U.S. citizens who are 18-years-old or older. Those participating will receive $40 for their time.
The mock trial will last no more than two hours. All participants will read a description of a mock trial and watch video-taped evidence depicting an alleged murder. All participants will then deliberate as a group to attempt to reach a consensual verdict.
We are purposefully recruiting only UE staff and not students or faculty so that our sample is more representative of the general pool of jurors in a typical community. As you might imagine, it is extremely challenging to effectively recruit a sample of participants who are representative of any given community, and so your participation is very valuable and greatly encouraged.
Moreover, we encourage you to share this opportunity with eligible friends or family members (basically anyone who is jury-eligible and a non-college student). Spreading the word about this opportunity will go a long way toward helping us recruit enough participants (we need 300 total participants).
Those who would like to participate or who have questions, should contact Dr. Margaret Stevenson's research laboratory manager Evan McCracken at em157@evansville.edu.
Seating Samples Now @ Library
Seating samples are now on display at the Libraries. You are encouraged to try out sample seats and to offer your recommendations. What's comfortable? What's most suitable for the renovated Library? What isn't? Seating will remain during the next several days. Sample seats are located adjacent to workstations on Level 1.
Libraries Announces Easter Recess Hours
UE Libraries will observe the following schedule of hours during Easter Recess. Contact the Libraries with questions at 812.488.2376.
Easter Recess Hours
April 2 (Th): 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
April 3 (F): CLOSED
April 4 (S): CLOSED
April 5 (Sn): CLOSED
April 6 (M): Resume Regular Hours
Vote for People's Choice Award in Student Art Exhibition
Stop by the Melvin Peterson Gallery to view the 53nd annual Student Art Exhibition and cast your vote for the People's Choice Award. Each visitor may cast one vote for his or her favorite piece of artwork. The student whose piece earns the most votes by the end of the exhibition on Friday, April 3, will be declared the winner and receive a $150 cash award.
The Melvin Peterson Gallery is open noon-3:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, and noon-6:00 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday.
For more information, please contact the Department of Art at 812-488-2043.
Grant Funds Available to Faculty for Research and other Scholarly activity: ARSAF Deadline April 1
The deadline for applying for ARSAF (Alumni Research and Scholarly Activity Fellowships) is Wednesday, April 1, at 5 p.m. Approximately $15,000 will be awarded for the 2015-2016 academic year. Full time faculty are eligible to submit a proposal for consideration. More details and the online application can be found in Acelink under the Academic Affairs area, online forms. Questions? Contact alumni@evansville.edu or extension 2586.
2015-2016 Andiron Lecture Series Call for Papers
UE faculty and administrators as well as members of the Evansville community are invited to submit an abstract for papers on any aspect of their research or expertise for the 2015-2016 Andiron Lectures in the Liberal Arts and Sciences. All disciplines and fields of study are welcome to submit proposals. Reading time for papers is approximately 40 minutes. Deadline for abstract submission is April 10.
Please provide the following by email:
A 50-word abstract
Name, Academic Affiliation/ Occupation,
Paper title, Contact Information
Please send submissions to:
Chris Mohn at mm333@evansville.edu
Nominations for off-campus speakers can be sent by email to Andiron Lecture committee members Mohammad Azarian, Wes Milner, Annette Parks, John Stamm, and Chris Mohn (chair).
Nominations open for Outstanding Senior Service Awards
Do you know a senior deserving of the highest award given by UE? Ten finalists will be honored at a luncheon in May and one male and one female will be given this award at commencement. Selection is based on demonstrated leadership, academic achievement and future contribution to society.
The Guthrie May and Mabel Dillingham Nenneker Outstanding Senior Service Award nominations will be accepted March 16-April 10, 2015. The nomination application is available at this link:
Please print it out and share copies with students whom you would like to nominate so they can complete the requirements and submit their applications. Copies are also available in the Dean of Students office. Applications must be submitted to the dean of students office by April 10, 2015. Questions can be referred to Karen Martin at km306@evansville.edu or 812-488-2500.
Libraries Announces Easter Recess Hours
Libraries will observe the following schedule of hours during the Easter Recess. Contact the Library at 488.2462 with questions.
Thursday, April 2: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, April 3; Saturday, April 4; and Sunday, April 5: CLOSED
Monday, April 6: resume regular hours
Plikuhn and Long Present at Midwest Sociological Society Meetings
Mari Plikuhn, assistant professor of sociology, and Elizabeth Long, junior sociology and psychology major, presented their paper, "When the Baby Never Comes: Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Social Support" at the annual meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society in Kansas City, Missouri, on March 27. Long also presented her single-authored paper, "Intersexuality and Feminism: Who Will Fight for the Intersex?" at the MSS meetings.

Tuesday's CIT game changed to 6 p.m. start
Due to the CBS Sports Network picking up the CIT Semifinal game between Northern Arizona and NJIT, the Purple Aces’ home game versus UT Martin will now begin at 6 p.m. CT.
With a victory on Tuesday, the University of Evansville will advance to the championship game of the CollegeInsider.com Tournament.
Tickets are currently on sale for just $15 while youth under the age of 17 are just $5. Fans can purchase tickets at the Carson Center Ticket Office on the UE campus on Monday and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tickets may also be purchased at the Ford Center Ticket Office or at www.TicketMaster.com.
Aces men rally for 9-7 win over USI
After trailing by a 5-3 margin following the opening day, the University of Evansville men’s golf team rallied to win six out of eight matches on Sunday to defeat the University of Southern Indiana by a 9-7 final at Oak Meadow Country Club.
Three Purple Aces shot the low rounds of the day, checking in at 77. Brett Wolvert was one of those to do so. Matched up against USI’s Grant Williams, Wolvert shot a 77 while Williams finished with an 81. Will Knights also checked in with a 77 to defeat Grant Saylor’s final of 83.
Alex Turner also registered a 77 to defeat Trevor Grant by two strokes. Wil Pahud was the fourth UE player to shot a sub-80 round. His 79 was five strokes better than Preston VanWinkle’s 84.
Jon Pick checked in with an 80. His score was good enough to top David Janney’s 83. Tyler Gray completed Sunday’s round with an 82, coming out victorious in his matchup against Kyle Tanriverdi, who totaled 84 strokes.
Two USI players picked up victories, led by Zach Thomas. His round of 80 topped the 82 by Rick Voyvodic. Tanner Mandel picked up the other win for the Screaming Eagles. He posted an 85 to beat Juan Acosta’s 87.
Evansville’s men head to the Bradley Invitational next weekend. The tournament will be held on Saturday and Sunday at Weaver Ridge Country Club in Peoria, Ill.
Aces Offense Ignites for Series Win at Indiana State
The University of Evansville baseball team (12-11, 3-3) rallied from a four run deficit for a 9-7 road win at Indiana State on Sunday afternoon. The victory also secured a road series win for Evansville in Missouri Valley Conference play.
Outfielder Kevin Kaczmarski led UE offensively, going 3-for-5 with a home run, three runs scored and three runs batted in. Infielder Jonathan Ramon also went 2-for-5, plating three runs in the Purple Aces win.
“It was a hard fought series win for us on the road,” said Evansville head coach Wes Carroll. “Kaczmarski was big for us today and Ramon did a great job tacking on runs.”
After allowing a first inning run on a double play, Indiana State would score the next five runs of the game. The Sycamores received a two-run second inning home run from catcher Kaden Moore and posted another three runs in the fourth for a 5-1 lead.
Down by four, Evansville began their comeback. Kaczmarski cut the deficit in half with a fifth inning two-run home run to left-center field, his second home run in as many days.
Trailing 5-3, the Aces tied the game and took the lead in the sixth. UE began the inning with two outs but worked three straight walks to load the bases. A hit by pitch of Ramon pulled the Purple Aces within a run and a wild pitch during Eric McKibban’s at-bat evened up the score. With the game tied at five, infielder Shain Showers hit a bases loaded infield single to score the go-ahead run, and push UE ahead 6-5.
The Purple Aces added three more runs in the seventh, including an RBI fielder’s choice from Kaczmarski and a two-run single by Ramon in the win.
Evansville’s bullpen full of upperclassmen threw the final 5.0 innings in the victory. After Aces starter Brodie Harkness pitched a season-low 4.0 innings, relievers Conor Gilligan, Ryan Billo, Matt Rodgers and Brent Jurceka threw the final 5.0 innings to earn the series win. Gilligan (1-0) pitched a scoreless sixth and seventh innings, allowing just one hit, for the win. Billo then tossed 1.1 innings, yielding only one run in the eighth. After entering a jam, Billo was lifted for Rodgers who recorded two outs on just four pitches. Rodgers also threw 3.0 scoreless innings on Saturday against the Sycamores. Jurceka then struck out the side in the ninth to secure the Aces win.
Perry was 0-for-2 on Saturday but set a new career-high with four walks. He has now reached safely in 24 straight games (23 this season).
Evansville set a new season-high with 15 walks on Sunday.
The next game for Evansville will be on Tuesday, March 31 at UT-Martin (8-17). First pitch is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. CDT. Coincidentally, the next home game for the Purple Aces will also be against UT-Martin on Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00 p.m.
Tickets for CIT Semifinals are now available
The University of Evansville men’s basketball team is set to take on UT Martin on Tuesday evening in the semifinals of the CollegeInsider.com Tournament at the Ford Center.
Ticket information is generally the same as it was for the tournament opener versus IPFW. Adult tickets will cost $15 while youth 17 and under are only $5.
Purple Aces season ticket holders have until 3 p.m. on Saturday to reserve their usual seats. They have until noon on Sunday to reserve their seats before they go on sale to the general public.
The Carson Center Ticket Office will have special hours on Saturday as it will be open from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Regular ticket hours will be in place on Monday and Tuesday (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.). Tickets go on sale online and at the Ford Center beginning at noon on Sunday.
For more information, please call 812-488-ACES.
Evansville advanced to the semifinals thanks to an 89-82 victory at Louisiana on Thursday night. D.J. Balentine now has 92 points in three CIT games thanks to another 35-point effort against the Ragin Cajuns.
UE Women's Soccer Holding Fundraiser for 2016 Uganda Mission Trip
The University of Evansville women’s soccer team is planning a 2016 Spring Break mission trip to Uganda and will be holding an Open House Fundraiser on Tuesday, April 7.
The Premier Jewelry Open House Fundraiser will take place on April 7 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Evansville Country Club. Fans and members of the community will have a chance to see the jewelry and meet the Purple Aces. Appetizers will also be served at the event.
Mockevicius and Balentine named to All-District Team
The National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) announced today the NABC Division I All-District teams and UPS All-District coaches for 2014-15. Selected and voted on by member coaches of the NABC, these student-athletes and coaches represent the finest basketball players and coaches across America.
For the fifth year in a row, the University of Evansville has received nods from the NABC. Juniors D.J. Balentine and Egidjijus Mockevicius were named to the First Team in District 16. They joined UNI’s Seth Tuttle along with Wichita State’s Ron Baker and Fred VanVleet. Colt Ryan was named to the second team in 2011 and first team in 2012 and 2013 while Balentine garnered second team honors a season ago.
A 9-for-9 start from the field against IPFW saw D.J. Balentine score 23 points in the first half before finishing with 35 as the Purple Aces defeated IPFW in the opening round of the CIT, it marked his best game of the season. He followed that up with a 22-point effort on a 9-18 shooting day at EIU before tying his season mark with 35 points at Louisiana. He has scored 92 points in the last three games.
He continues to rank amongst the national scoring leaders and checks in tied for 17th in the country, averaging 20.0 points per game. Balentine has recorded double figures in all but three of UE’s 34 games in 2014-15 and his scoring streak that dates back to the beginning of last season has seen him score 10 or more in 62 out of 69 games. The 2-time MVC Player of the Week this season continues to lead the conference in scoring.
For the first time in his collegiate career, Egidijus Mockevicius garnered First Team All-MVC honors; as a sophomore, he was named an honorable mention. Mockevicius was also named to the MVC All-Defensive Team for the 2nd straight season.
Mockevicius officially set the UE Division I double-double record with his 13th of the season at Missouri State, and now has 19 on the season which is tied for 6th in the NCAA. On Dec. 22, he was honored as the Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Week while also garnering College Sports Madness High Major Player of the Week honors. He had a career-best 25 points while hauling in 12 more caroms against Alabama State and became the first player since James Haarsma in 2009 to post 25 or more points and double digit rebounds.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.