Anthony Beavers, professor of philosophy and director of cognitive science and the digital humanities lab, presented the Presidential Keynote Address, "Is Ethics Computable: Or What Other than Can Does Ought Imply?" at the 2011 International Association for Computing and Philosophy Conference held earlier this month at Aarhus University in Denmark. Earlier in the summer, Beavers also presented "Inside the Psychology of the Agent: Information, Association, Attraction and Repulsion" at the National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, and "Facebook Revisited: How the Business of Social Networking May Redefine Our Sense of Right and Wrong" as part of the Technology and Ethics Lecture Series at California Polytechnic State University. He has been invited to speak at UCLA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Tufts University during this upcoming academic year.