University of Evansville men‚s golfers Michael Sainz and Griffin Wood have been named Cleveland Golf/Srixon All-America Scholars as announced by the Golf Coaches Association of America. A total of 138 players in Division I, 49 in Division II and three in NAIA earned the honor.
Sainz, who completed his junior year in the spring of 2011, is on target to produce UE‚s second lowest career stroke average since 1990. The native of Elgin, Ill. was the Aces‚ number one player for the second straight season with a 74.16 average and ranked number one in the Missouri Valley Conference in the fall with a 71.4 average. Sainz, a mechanical engineering major with a cumulative 3.28 grade point average, was also an honorable mention selection to the 2011 MVC Men‚s Golf Scholar-Athlete Team.
Wood, who will also enter his senior year this fall, was Evansville‚s number two golfer overall with a 74.30 average, but led the squad in the spring season with a 73.92 average. The Boonville, Ind. native qualified for the USGA's U.S. Public Links Championship in both 2010 and 2011 and is on target for the Aces‚ lowest career stroke average since 1990. A management major with a 3.35 cumulative GPA, Wood was also a 2011 first team MVC Men‚s Golf Scholar-Athlete Team selection.