AceNotes Today
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Founders Day Fun Fact: Curriculum at Moores Hill College
Moores Hill College, circa 1856, offered a choice of two courses of study-- the classical and the scientific. Like other colleges of the time, the classical curriculum was heavy with Greek and Latin and mathematics, those subjects which educators of the time considered to be the great strengtheners of the mental faculties. Freshman courses included philosophy, algebra, English, composition, arithmetic, history of England, geometry, ancient geography, physiology, botany, analysis and prosody.
By 1876, the Department of Elocution was developed and became quite popular with Professor Kidd serving as "special instructor of elocution." The catalogue described the work of the department: "The aim of this department is to teach naturalness, ease, distinctness, variety, and force of expression. Attention is given to position, breathing, action, and voice culture...Mere declamation, pompous mouthing, and everything of a sophomoric character are not only sharply criticized, but subjected to keen ridicule."
As Ralph Olmsted notes in his book, From Institute to University, "Apparently Professor Kidd was ahead of his time in his teaching of elocution, even if ridiculing the hapless students may not have been sound pedagogy."
(Excerpts taken from Ralph Olmsted, From Institute to University)
Karen Martin Named February 2015 IMPACT Employee of the Month
Karen Martin, administrative associate in the Office of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, has been named the February 2015 IMPACT Employee of the Month. Since coming to UE in 2012, Karen has become well known across campus for her ability to “get the job done, with a smile”. Her professionalism, combined with a servant’s heart, represent the University of Evansville at the highest level. Congratulations, Karen. And thank you for your service to students, staff and faculty.
This Week in Music: A First Tuesday Guest Artist Recital
The Department of Music continues its First Tuesday Concert Series in Wheeler Concert Hall this Tuesday evening, February 3, at 7:30 p.m. with a guest recital featuring pianist Christopher Harding. Harding is a pianist with an international reputation. While he serves as Chair of Piano and associate professor of piano performance and Chamber Music at the University of Michigan and on the faculty of the Indiana University Summer Piano Academy, he has generated great acclaim from both critics and audiences around the world. He has performed as a solo player, in chamber ensembles, and as a concerto soloist in various venues around the globe, and he has taken first prize in some 25 national and international competitions. He has also made a number of solo and chamber music recordings on the Equilibrium and Brevard Classics labels. Harding’s UE performance will focus on the piano works of Robert Schumann and Claude Debussy and will include performances of Schumann’s Kreisleriana and Debussy’s Children’s Corner. The concert is free and open to the public.
Crick Lecture Planned for February 11
David McKinzie, PhD, will be the speaker for the Crick Lecture in Cognitive and Neural Sciences set for February 11, 4:00-5:00 p.m. in Room 100 (Vectren Lecture Hall), Koch Center. McKinzie is senior research advisor in neuroscience discovery research at Lilly Research Laboratories. His topic will be "A Primer on the Drug Development Process and Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry." This event is free and open to the public.
RSA Winter Whispers 2015
Join RSA for a night of food, fun, dancing, and friends at this year's Winter Whispers. The theme is Arabian Nights and will take place from 9 pm - 12 am on February 7 in Eykamp 254, Ridgway University Center. Semi-formal dress is encouraged and the event is FREE for all UE students.
I-House: Japan
Hey everyone! This week's presentation will be of Japan. The presenters are Yukina Amano, Mizuki Yamashita, and Mariko Isonishi. Their favorite hobbies are watching movies, shopping and listening to music. What they love most about UE are the wonderful people, beautiful nature and the diverse group of International students we have here on campus. So, come see them present this Wednesday at 7 pm upstairs in Ridgway University Center!
Wellness Nurse on Campus
Visit the employee wellness nurse on Feb. 4 in Hyde Hall lobby from 1 -3 p.m. Pocket-sized logs for the spring Healthy Lifestyle Challenge will be available, or you may print a record from the template in Acelink>Wellness>Healthy Lifestyle Challenge.
Village Housing Information Meetings Set for Today
Students wishing to reside in Village Housing (Townhouses, North Hall or other Village units) for the 2015-2016 year should attend one of the scheduled information meetings. Information meetings will be February 12 in Hyde 126. There will be 2 meetings per night (4:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.).
For more information, see http://www.evansville.edu/residencelife/ and select the Returning Student section on the left side menu.
Jazz Swing Dance Tickets Available
Join the UE Jazz Ensemble 1 as they host Monte Skelton at the Old Courthouse Ballroom on February 11 at 7:00 pm. Dance along to your favorite jazz tunes, enjoy the complimentary dessert reception, bid on silent auction items, and don't forget to buy tickets for the half-pot raffle! Tickets for this event are $20 and $10 for students. For more information, please email Katy Von Der Heide at kv43@evansville.edu. This event is sponsored by the UE Music Management Association.
Space for 5 more Nerd Wars Teams! Register by Friday, February 6!
The Honors Program is hosting Nerd Wars Trivia Night on Tuesday, February 17 at 7 pm in Eykamp Hall. Teams of five consisting of students, faculty, administrators, and staff will battle in a competition of wit while enjoying pizza, popcorn, and soda. The winning student team and the winning faculty/administrator/staff team will receive $25 MasterCard/VISA gift cards.
Registration materials can be picked up in the Powell Honors Lounge, from Jayme Williams in Room 238 in Koch Center, or can be done online by clicking here:
Entry fee is $5 per person.
Those who are unable to compose a team of five may still register. Any questions can be emailed to Matthew at mb338.
Spectators and participants may also enter in the ELFFAR (this is NOT a raffle) for the chance to win Seinnheiser Headphones, Blue Tooth Jam Plus Wireless Speakers, Fitbit Flex Wireless Wristband, Donut Bank gift cards, Wal Mart gift cards, Buffalo Wild Wings gift cards, Best Buy gift cards, Orange Leaf gift cards, and Auntie Anne’s gift cards.
Skiing at Paoli Peaks
Venturing Crew 365 is skiing and snowboarding at Paoli Peaks on Saturday, February 7. The cost is $15 per person, and it includes ski rentals and group lessons. Sign-ups will be on Tuesday, February 3 from noon to 1:00 inside Ridgway University Center. Payment will be required in order to reserve a spot on the trip. There are only a few spots left.
Andiron Lecture by Derek Jones - Can Plants and Bacteria Think?
Derek Jones, assistant professor of philosophy, will be the speaker for the Andiron Lecture on Wednesday, February 4..The lecture will start at 4:00 p.m., in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center. A social gathering with beverages begins at 3:45 p.m. His topic will be "Can Plants and Bacteria Think?"
Jones earned an MA in philosophy from the University of Houston in 2008 and a PhD in philosophy from Indiana University in 2013. He teaches courses in philosophy and cognitive science at UE and currently directs the cognitive science program. Jones has published and presented work on such topics as scientific explanation, self-knowledge, skilled behavior, and free will.
His work is guided by the broader project of understanding cognition and action as essentially embodied, biological processes. His forthcoming book, The Biological Foundations of Agency, is slated for publication in January 2016.
Despite substantial progress in cognitive science, researchers have been unable to agree upon a definition of cognition. A number of theorists have recently argued that human cognition should be understood as a specialized case of a broader form of intelligence that exists in humans and non-human animals alike. Some have gone so far as to attribute cognitive abilities to plants and bacteria. In this lecture, Jones will address the plausibility of such claims, arguing first that there is a genuine debate to be had about the cognitive status of simple biological systems (which are surprisingly interesting) and then providing a principled way of sorting cases.
For further information, call the series coordinator Annette Parks at 812-488-1070 or the William L. Ridgway College of Arts and Sciences.
Celebrate Black History Month with a Little Know Fact - "It's a beautiful day for a baseball gameā¦Let's play two!"
Celebrate Black History Month with a little known fact, today, February 3.
“It’s a beautiful day for a baseball game… Let’s play two!”
Major League Baseball legend and Chicago Cubs star Ernie Banks died in January, just days short of his 84th birthday. Affectionately known as “Mr. Cub,” the 14-time All-Star played his entire career in the Windy City, remaining a beloved figure beyond his playing days.
Banks was born January 31, 1931 in Dallas, Texas. In 1950, Banks joined the professional baseball ranks as a member of the Kansas City Monarchs in the Negro Leagues.
After a two-year military stint, Banks made his major league baseball debut with the Cubs in 1953. Playing first base and shortstop, Banks was one of the team’s brightest spots. Banks played in the All-Star Game every year from 1957-1971 and won the National League MVP award in 1958 and 1959.
While the Cubs never made into the post-season with Banks on the roster, his stellar numbers could not be denied. Banks hit 512 home runs, batted in 1, 636 runs, had 2,583 hits and had a career batting average of .274.
Those numbers led to Banks’ induction into the Baseball Hall Of Fame in 1977. When age diminished Banks’ play between1967 and 1971, he took on a coaching role. And despite the championship success of other teams, Banks never regretted playing for the Cubs. Banks was known for his outgoing personality and love of the game.
His famous phrase, “It’s a beautiful day for a baseball game…Let’s play two!” referenced his love of baseball double headers, as well as his ongoing enthusiasm for the game.
In 2013, Banks was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama, who used Banks’ famous “Let’s Play Two!” catchphrase in his speech during ceremony. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Sunday that his office is working in tandem with the Banks family to stage a public memorial service.
According to a family statement, Banks suffered a heart attack. He was 83. Banks is survived by his wife of 18 years, Liz, and four children.
Little Known Black History Facts are provided by the Black Student Union and the Office of Diversity Initiatives
RecycleMania 2015
The 2015 RecycleMania tournament is underway! The competition goes until March 29, and encourages waste reduction and recycling on campuses nationwide.
UE is one of 392 schools participating in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. UE will compete in several weight-based categories that measure recycling and waste reduction per capita, as well as overall campus recycling weights as a percentage of total waste generated.
RecycleMania is about more than simply winning. It is a time to engage the entire campus community in awareness and action to reduce waste, recycle more and protect the environment. More information can be found at www.recyclemania.org.
So get ready to recycle! Check upcoming AceNotes for more information on UE’s results, competition activities and more. For questions, call 2697 or email js652.
Adult leaders needed for student outdoor club
The Venturing Crew will be holding an open house for administrators, faculty, and staff interested in becoming advisors for the crew. The open house will be Thursday, February 5, at 5:15 p.m. in Room 172, Schroeder School of Business Building. We will be talking about the crew’s past activities, our mission, and the role of the advisors. So if you are interested in camping with us, please come to find out what we are about! If you have any questions please e-mail Keith Gehlhausen (kg77).
IOL Applications due Friday!
The Office of Cultural Engagement is hiring new International Orientation Leaders. We're looking for responsible, caring, and flexible student leaders who are up to the challenge of welcoming new international students to UE's campus this fall! This is a great opportunity for you to develop leadership skills and gain valuable global experience to add to your resume.
Pick up an application in the Cultural Engagement Office (2nd Floor Ridgway, back of Student Life Suite) or access the application online (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wGvTr4ycVvTKCkRMXVbEWF7HxWgHVceR7-Yv7ln9vc/edit?usp=sharing).
Applications are due February 6th to the Cultural Engagement Office. Email ld101@evansville.edu with any questions.
Apply for your Degree
All students intending to graduate within the next year need to fill out an Application for Degree card and return it to the Registrar’s Office in Room 106 of Olmstead Hall. This application take 5 minutes to complete and is a requirement for graduation.
Take a Look - Environmental Management System Updated
The Environmental Management System (EMS) on AceLink has updated significant environmental aspects, environmental targets and objectives. There are also new links to hazardous waste labels and hazardous waste lists. Go to AceLink/Areas/Environmental Management/EMS for details. Please call 2697 or email js652 with any questions or comments.
Admission Ambassador Application
UE Admission Ambassador Applications are now available. Please go to this link to fill out the application: Admission Ambassador Application. Once you fill out the application, send the UE faculty or staff serving as your reference the recommendation form at this link: Admission Ambassador Application Form. Applications can also be picked up in the Admissions Office, Olmsted 104. They can be turned back into Admissions Office. The deadline for admission ambassador applications is Wednesday, February 11. The deadline for the Admission Ambassador Reference is Monday, February 16. If you have any questions, please email Dana Owens at do40@evansville.edu or Lauren Winkler at lw148@evansville.edu.
LinC Yearbook a Finalist for National Award
Congratulations to the staff of the 2014 LinC, a finalist for an Associated Press Association "Pacemaker" award, considered by many to be student journalism's highest honor. UE's yearbook is the only small college finalist. Other finalists include the University of Miami, Michigan State, the University of Oklahoma and Texas A&M. Winners will be announced in late October.
Timothy O'Brien Appears in American Sociological Review
Timothy L. O’Brien, assistant professor of sociology, is the lead author of a new study that finds that many U.S. adults — roughly one in five — are deeply religious, know a lot about science, and support many practical uses of science and technology in everyday life, but reject scientific explanations of creation and evolution. The study appears in the February issue of the American Sociological Review.
“We were surprised to find that many people who are knowledgeable about science and appreciative of its practical uses reject certain well-established scientific theories,” said O’Brien,
“This finding is particularly interesting because these people who view both science and religion favorably — people who hold what we call a post-secular perspective — have relatively high levels of education and income, and many social scientists assume that high levels of education and income, as well as positive views of science are incompatible with religiosity.”
But, O’Brien said the study calls that “common assumption” into question. “We find that many highly educated, well-informed, religious individuals accept scientific theories about topics such as geology, radioactivity, planetary motion, genetics, and probability while rejecting mainstream scientific accounts of evolution and the big bang,” he said.
Titled, “Traditional, Modern, and Post-Secular Perspectives on Science and Religion in the United States,” the study relies on nationally representative data on U.S. adults from the 2006, 2008, and 2010 waves of the General Social Survey. The study considers people who self-identified as Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and followers of other faiths, as well as individuals who did not identify with a religious group.
As part of their analysis, O’Brien and his co-author Shiri Noy, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Wyoming, determined that U.S. adults hold one of three perspectives based on their knowledge and attitudes about science and religion. Twenty-one percent hold a post-secular perspective, which values both science and religion, but which rejects science in favor of religion when it comes to topics such as creation and evolution. Forty-three percent hold a traditional perspective, which favors religion over science, and 36 percent hold a modern perspective, which favors science over religion.
“These three worldviews are held across religious groups, political parties, and social classes,” according to O’Brien, who said social scientists have typically focused on studying people’s perspectives on science or views on religion separately rather than looking at them simultaneously.
“Ours is the first study of the U.S. public that examines perspectives on science and religion in tandem,” he said. “In doing so, our study uncovers a previously unidentified group of well-informed people who are appreciative of science and technology’s social uses, but who are deeply religious and who reject certain scientific theories in favor of religious ones.”
Among these post-seculars, more than 90 percent agree with contemporary scientific theories about geology, radioactivity, and planetary motion, but only 6 percent believe that the universe began with a huge explosion. Even fewer — 3 percent of post-seculars — agree that humans evolved from earlier animals.
In addition, 48 percent of post-seculars believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, compared to 31 percent of all U.S. adults, 46 percent of traditionals, and 3 percent of moderns. Post-seculars also report the greatest strength of religious affiliation as compared to traditionals and moderns.
“Our findings indicate that post-seculars are the most religious,” O’Brien said.
In terms of the study’s implications, the research “shows that differences in people’s views of science and religion do not necessarily reflect a lack of knowledge or understanding,” said O’Brien, who emphasized that “post-seculars are scientifically literate” yet still reject scientific explanations of the origins of human life and the universe.
“This suggests that bridging gaps between different groups of people may have less to do with reducing knowledge deficits among them and more to do with increasing empathy for and awareness of different lifestyles and cultural preferences,” O’Brien said.
The National Science Foundation funded the study.
Visit the links below to learn more about the study from the numerous media outlets that have interviewed O'Brien thus far:
Christian Science Monitor: Study finds wide gulf between public, scientist views about science (+video)
Deseret News National: The public doesn't trust that scientists bring the right level of skepticism to some of their work
EurekaAlert!: Many religious people view science favorably, but reject certain scientific theories
Headlines and Global News: Many Religious Americans Support Science But Reject Theories On Evolution And Creation
Huffington Post: New Religion and Science Study Reveal 'Post-Secular' Rejection Of Evolution
International Business Times: Science vs Religion: Paradoxical American 'post seculars' believe in both
LiveScience: Evolution Deniers Believe in 'Smorgasbord' of Science
Medical Daily: Science vs. Religion: Neither Side Wins In The Minds Of 1 In 5 Americans
Mother Nature Network: Evolution deniers believe in 'smorgasbord' of science
National Geographic: Poll Reveals Rift Between Scientists, Regular Folks
Phys.org: Many religious people view science favorably, but reject certain scientific theories
Religion News Service: Science vs. religion? There’s actually more of a three-way split
Science 2.0: Religious People View Science Favorably But Reject Some Theories - Just Like Everyone Else
Science Friday on NPR: Scientists and the Public Disagree on Key Issues
Stuff to Blow Your Mind: Study Dissects the Religious/Scientific Worldview
Tulsa World: Science vs. religion: 1 in 5 Americans like a little of both
Washington Post: Science vs. religion? There’s actually more of a three-way split
Katie Aldred Publishes in the Prestigious Journal Biochemistry
Katie Aldred, visiting assistant professor of biology, has had an article, “The Activity of Quinolone CP-115,955 Against Bacterial and Human Type II Topoisomerases Is Mediated by Different Interactions,” published in the journal Biochemistry. Aldred has also for also been appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Advances in Life and Natural Sciences, quarterly peer–reviewed journal which publishes original and review papers on the experimental, computational, theoretical, and educational aspects of life and natural sciences.
Harlaxton Music Festival - Registration Open
Registration is currently open for the Harlaxton Music Festival!
The Harlaxton Music Festival is a weeklong chamber music workshop from June 28-July 5. There are two concurrently running programs- one for serious Young Artists (strings, clarinet and piano) and one for Adult Amateur musicians (strings, woodwinds, piano.) The festival includes daily coachings, masterclasses, lectures and performance opportunities as well as cultural excursions within England. The festival is held at UE's British Campus - Harlaxton College in Grantham, England.
For more information about the application process, please visit www.evansville.edu/harlaxtonmusicfestival or email us at harlaxtonfestival@evansville.edu

The Oties Epps Show airs Today at the UE Bookstore, on WUEV 91.5 FM
The Oties Epps Show returns on Tuesday, Feb. 2 at noon on WUEV 91.5 FM.
The show will feature head coach Oties Epps, junior guard Laura Friday and Purple Aces play by play announcer Mike Radomski.
The team will discuss the Aces’ last game at Indiana State, focus on the upcoming road games this weekend at Loyola and Bradley, and get to learn more about Friday in the final segment.
Fans can become a part of the show by visiting the set at the University of Evansville bookstore. There is also a 15% discount available to fans that purchase Aces items during the course of the radio show.
The program airs live on WUEV 91.5 FM and online at http://www.evansville.edu/wuev/ .
Evansville is 10-10 this season including a 5-4 mark in the Missouri Valley Conference.
The game at Loyola will take place on Friday night. The tip is set for 7:00 p.m. at Gentile Arena in Chicago.
The Aces end the weekend at Bradley on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. That game will take place at Renaissance Coliseum in Peoria, Ill.
Evansville is back at home on Friday, Feb. 13 when the Aces host the Southern Illinois Salukis. The tip is set for 7:00 p.m. at the Ford Center in Evansville, Ind.
Tickets can be purchased over the phone at 812-488-ACES (2237), in person at either the Carson Center or Ford Center ticket office, or online via Ticketmaster.com.
Illinois State on tap for UE Basketball
On Tuesday, the University of Evansville men’s basketball team will be on the road to face Illinois State for a 7 p.m. game at Redbird Arena in Normal, Ill. Fans can watch the game live on ESPN3.
Following the game, the Purple Aces will be back at the Ford Center for three of their next four contests, beginning on Saturday against Bradley at 1:05 p.m. For the game against the Braves, fans will have the opportunity to win 2 seats on the floor for every two regular priced tickets purchased.
The Purple Aces lost for the fifth-straight time in Des Moines, falling by a 70-65 final at Drake on Saturday. UE played well, shooting 46.9% in the game while committing just seven turnovers, tying the season low. Drake made up for that with its shooting, finishing the day at 54.8% while hitting 7 out of 15 3-pointers.
D.J. Balentine had 17 points while Adam Wing set his season mark with 15; he hit 5 of his 7 field goals and went 5-6 from the free throw line. Evansville was credited with an assist in nine out of 23 makes, that translates to a season-low 39.1%.
A season-high 15 points in the road game at Drake capped off the resurgence of Adam Wing; in 27 minutes of action, Wing was 5-for-7 from the field and hit five of his six free throws. After playing 16 minutes against Wichita State, Wing has been on the floor for 26.0 minutes per game. Prior to his injury, Wing averaged 6.7 points per game and shot 52.8% from the field; since his return, he has posted 8.4 PPG while shooting 61.9%.
Head coach Marty Simmons is off to his best start since taking over the Evansville program in 2007. With his 16-6 start, Simmons has exceeded the 13-7 beginning to the 2008-09 campaign. Overall, it is the best beginning to a season since 1998-1999 when UE was 16-6 in its first 22 games and 19-6 after 25.
Illinois State hosts Evansville in the first of their two meetings this year. The Redbirds are 14-8 overall and 6-4 in the Valley following a 48-45 win at Loyola on Saturday. Daighon Knight is the top scorer for ISU, entering Tuesday’s game at with 14.9 points per game; he is the #5 scorer in the MVC and also the #3 free throw shooter at 83.9%.
DeVaughn Akoon-Purcell is averaging 12.3 PPG in his first season at ISU after transferring from Eastern Oklahoma State College; he is also their leading rebounder at 5.6/game. Sophomore center Reggie Lynch leads the MVC in blocked shots, sitting at 2.8 per game.
Faculty/Staff Basketball Tickets
Faculty and staff can now pick up their tickets for this Saturday's men's basketball game against Bradley. The game starts at 1:05 P.M.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.