Do you submit Copy Service Requests and/or In-House Office Supply forms on a routine basis? If yes, it is time to renew or establish your Pre-Authorization for Distribution Services (PAADS) for fiscal year 2011-12. Completing and submitting the PAADS form with signature authorizations per the UE approval policy pre-authorizes a Requestor of Distribution Services for the fiscal year based on the dollar amount designated, account numbers provided and services requested. Note that employee status changes (Requestors and Approvers) during the fiscal year does void a PAADS and a new approved PAADS is required.
The PAADS form and instructions are located on the Copy Services and Central Receiving websites on AceLink. Print and complete a PAADS form with authorized signature and submit via campus mail to Doris Cook/Distribution Svcs./GS before June 1.
If you have questions, contact Doris Cook at extension 1067 or email