Dear Members of the Campus Community:

On Monday, April 29 and Tuesday, April 30 the University will welcome to campus Dr. Robert Dickeson and Ms. Julie Naster of Academic Strategy Partners. They will conduct a two-day workshop with a wide cross-section of UE faculty, staff, and administrators to begin a conversation about how we can more effectively match our resource allocations with the mission of the University. In a time of limited resources, it is critical that we spend our dollars wisely to support the academic and administrative activities that best serve our institutional values. 

Dr. Dickeson is the president and principal of Academy Strategy Partners and is recognized as a national leader in helping colleges and universities to establish priorities based on institutional mission and goals. He is a political scientist by training and is a former faculty member at four universities. Moreover, he has served in various administrative positions and was president of the University of Northern Colorado for ten years (1981-1991). His firm has worked with several hundred colleges and universities.

A key first step in this process is for Dr. Dickeson to learn as much as he can about UE, our programs, our ambitions, and our resources. During the two-day workshop he and Ms. Naster will meet with faculty, staff, and administrators in small group sessions. In addition, he will participate in an Open Forum to which all of the members of the campus community are invited. The Open Forum will be held on Tuesday, April 30 from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Ridgway University Center, Eykamp Hall, Room 251. A PowerPoint presentation outlining a framework for the two-day workshop has been posted on the UE Website for your review in advance of the visit. You can access the Academic Strategy Partners presentation under ‘Related Links’ at the following address:  I do hope you will be able to attend and participate in this important conversation about the future of the University. 


President Tom Kazee