AceNotes Today
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Ray Lutgring Named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs John Mosbo is pleased to announce that Professor of Chemistry Ray Lutgring has accepted the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Mosbo stated, “Dr. Lutgring brings to the position a deep commitment to the University and great knowledge of the institution.”
He asks that all join him in supporting Dr. Lutgring in his new role and congratulating him upon this appointment.
The Big Break Sale
Thursday and Friday, Feb 28 and March 1, the UE Bookstore will be offering 20% off all UE clothing and gift items in the store. The discount will apply to the original price of the item. Items already on sale or discounted are excluded from additional discount. Also check out some of the clearance items marked for quick sale. Sale ends at 4:30 on Friday!
Promotion and Tenure Committee Open Meeting
The Promotion and Tenure Committee will meet with faculty to address questions and concerns related to the promotion and tenure process. The meeting will be held on Thursday, February 28, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Schroeder Board Room of the University Library. All interested faculty are invited to attend
Lecture on 4000 Years of LGBT History
Join UE PRIDE as they host guest speaker Kelley Coures, a local polititian and the education chair of the Tri-State Alliance, to speak about LGBT History on Thursday, February 28 at 6 pm in Koch 100. The presentation will take us on a trip through time, exploring how LGBT issues have existed for over 4000 years, and can also earn you .25 Honors points!
WUEV Radiothon Fund Drive this Week!
All this week, 91.5 F.M.-WUEV will be conducting a “Radiothon” to help kick off its 2013 Fund Drive at the University of Evansville. WUEV will try to staff each hour this week with live deejays to take requests and help raise awareness of the 2013 Fund Drive.“We’re hoping to have a little fun this week, and help spread the word of what we are trying to do here at the radio station,” said WUEV General Manager Tom Benson. “As a non-commercial station, we rely on private support to help drive what we do at the radio station, and to help support a learning environment for University of Evansville students at the station.
“The goal of the ‘Radiothon’ this week is to increase the awareness of our fund drive, which will help support equipment upgrades that are needed at the radio station. We also want to connect with our listeners and thank them for being supportive of the station this week.”
Listeners and supporters can both make song requests, as well as make pledges to WUEV by contacting the radio station by phone at (812) 488-2020 this week. Donations can also be made by visiting the newly redesigned wuev.org website. WUEV will maintain its typical format for the most part during the “Radiothon,” with the only changes occurring between the hours of midnight and 8 am, where student deejays will be allowed to pick the format.
“Our deejays are really excited about this ‘Radiothon,’ as they get to have some creative freedom and are able to connect with our listeners more,” said Benson. “The deejays were really the ones wanting to do this ‘Radiothon,’ and I am all for it.
“Hopefully, we will be able to reconnect better with our listeners this week, and also inform some people about how easy it is to support our radio station. With the new website design, it is extremely easy, and every little bit of support we get really goes a long way for us. We cannot thank our listeners and supporters enough for what they allow us to do at the radio station.”
Organization Competition March 11-22!
Ace Advocates will soon be sponsoring a competition between different organizations to see who can raise the most money as a donation to the organization KIVA. KIVA is an online microfinance loan program, and by everyone donating just a dollar, we can help provide economic opportunities to entrepreneurs and people in need in countries all over the world.
The competition will be from March 11 to March 22. Ace Advocates will be collecting money at a Ridgway University Center table on March 14, 19, and 21 during lunch and dinner. Any club or organization at the University of Evansville may compete. The team to raise the most money by the 22nd will receive campus-wide recognition and a trophy for their organization, as a token for their efforts to help people around the world.
For more information or to request a speaker at your club's meeting, email Nick Joyner (nj35).
Resident Students Association Nominations Planned for March 12
As elections are approaching, RSA Executive Board nominations for the 2013-14 academic year will take place March 12 in Schroeder Residence Hall (east wing) at the RSA General Assembly meeting. The meeting begins at 9:00 pm. Students that have experience as a hall council executive or General Assembly representative are especially encouraged to seek nomination. Available executive board positions include:
• President
• Vice President of Area Council Relations
• Vice President of Special Events
• Secretary
• Treasurer
All potential candidates must be present at the RSA General Assembly meeting, unless the RSA President is notified prior to the meeting by e-mailing gb74@evansville.edu. Nominations prior to the meeting may be sent via e-mail to Sierra Burtis at sb269@evansville.edu. Any general questions regarding the nominations process or inquiries regarding specific duties/requirements can be directed to Sierra as well.
For more information about Resident Students Association (RSA), visit rsa.evansville.edu. Elections for each of the above positions will take place March 25-27, 2013 via AceLink.
Mark your Calendars for Harley-Davidson's Ken Schmidt
Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 14 to see Ken Schmidt, Brand Visionary and Communications Strategist for Harley-Davidson Motor Company. As the former director of communications for Harley-Davidson, he played an active role in one of the most celebrated turnarounds in corporate history - and got paid to ride motorcycles. The Institute for Global Enterprise Institute Speaker Series is pleased to sponsor Mr. Schmidt’s presentation “Going Global: Succeeding in an International Marketplace” in both Indianapolis and Evansville.
Tickets are currently on sale for the Indianapolis luncheon event. For more information, please visit www.evansville.edu/globalenterprise.
The Evansville lecture, slated to begin at 6:00 p.m. in Aiken Theatre at the Centre Auditorium, is free and open to the public. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Free bus transportation will be available for students between the Centre and the UE campus. Contact ck116 to register by Monday, March 11.
For more information, call 812-488-2455 or e-mail globalindiana@evansville.edu.
Battle of The Bands Audition Sign Up Is Friday, March 1!
Members of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia will be in Ridgway University Center on Friday, March 1 from noon-1 p.m.. to allow students to sign up for the annual Battle of The Bands. The event will take place on Saturday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m., while auditions will be held a week prior at 7 p.m. on Friday March 15. Student bands are allowed five minutes (the equivalent of around 1 song) to play their audition. Choice of sign-up times are available on the audition date (March 15) between 7 and 9 p.m. Both the auditions and the event will take place in Wheeler Concert Hall. Up to six final bands will be selected to prepare 15 minutes of material for the actual event.
Local Performance Ensemble "In the Mix" to Hold Workshop at UE
In the Mix, a local performance ensemble that includes UE Professor of Theatre Diane Brewer, invites community members to participate in the process of developing a performance that mixes music, dance, and spoken word.
The workshop will run from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, March 3, in Eykamp Hall 253. Working without a script, participants will physically explore ideas in the morning, rehearse them in the early afternoon, and end the day with a culminating performance.
The workshop is open to ages 14 and older and is free for all participants. E-mail inthemix@inthemixensemble.org to reserve a space in the workshop or a seat at the performance.
"The Beauty of Engineering" Registration Due March 4
Tri-State Women in Computing and Engineering (TWICE) is now accepting registration for The Beauty of Engineering, a half-day workshop for girls in grades four through eight.
The workshop will take place Saturday, March 9 on the University of Evansville campus. Check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. in the Koch Center for Engineering and Science, and the event will end at approximately 11:15 a.m. The cost is $6 per participant, and registration is open to individuals and organizations that wish to bring a group.
The Beauty of Engineering is an opportunity for girls to learn about engineering and computer science by rotating through four activity stations, each staffed by female professionals in the fields. Each station will feature a lesson and hands-on exercise.
Advance registration is required. Forms and information are available at the TWICE website, www.twice-evv.org, under “Upcoming Events.” Deadline for registration is March 4.
TWICE is made possible by a grant from the Alcoa Foundation in partnership with the University of Evansville College of Engineering and Computer Science.
For more information, please call Tina Newman in UE’s College of Engineering and Computer Science at 812-488-2651.
Attention UE Cardholders!
Due to the SDG2 reporting issues, the General Ledger lock out has been postponed for today. Cardholders will be able to reconcile and run FEBRUARY cycle reports until NOON, Friday, March 1. If you experienced February report issues, please use Expense Report V2, until further notice.
What UEL Can Do 4U: World Politics Review
Interested in newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry and his agenda? Curious about the current relationship between North Korea and China? Need information about the strategy behind U.S. drone strikes? The World Politics Review database provides articles on each of these topics and is currently available for a trial period until May 1, 2013.
World Politics Review is a daily online publication focusing on international politics, foreign policy and foreign affairs. Its original articles are written by experts from journalism, research, academia, and government organizations and contain analysis that provides context for key trends and events in international affairs.
Subject areas include aid and development, culture, defense and military, human rights, political theory, terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction. This database explores policy in Beijing, Brasilia and New Delhi as well as in Washington, London and Brussels.
Trial access to World Politics Review is available until May 1, 2013.
Contact Kathy Bartelt (kb4) with questions or comments regarding World Politics Review.
Parking Lot Closures
Parking in lots P and R will be closed for construction starting this Thursday, February 28 at noon. Please be sure to move your automobile prior to that time. Have a nice Spring Break!
Ohio River Review Open for Submissions Through March 15
We encourage all students to submit original, unpublished work for the 32nd issue of The Ohio River Review, an annual publication dedicated to student work. Pieces will be considered from both current students and December 2012 graduates. Feel Free to submit to all categories.
What We’re Looking For:
Fiction: Up to two unpublished piece of no more than 3,500 words each.
Creative Non-Fiction: Up to two unpublished pieces of no more than 3,500 words each.
Poetry: Up to five unpublished poems.
Format Guidelines:
• Each piece is to be titled with numbered pages.
• Times New Roman font, double-spaced with standard margins.
• Have your name, category, email address, and phone number in the upper-left corner of the first page of each separate submission.
• All prose works must be in individual files, though poetry can be in a single document.
Contact the editors with any questions: Christine Mueller (cm208@evansville.edu) and Brennan Girdler (bg102@evansville.edu)
Selected authors will be notified and asked to provide a brief biography.
Email submissions to ohioriver13@gmail.com by Friday, March 15
Application Deadline Approaching for Harlaxton College
The priority application for the Spring 2014 semester at Harlaxton College, the British Campus of the University of Evansville, is Friday, March 1. Applicants who file by then are assured of acceptance so long as they meet admission requirements. After March 1, applications will be reviewed on a space-available basis. Full course information and applications are available at the Study Abroad Office,Room 261 in Schroeder Family School of Business Building.
It’s not too late to apply for the Fall 2013 semester at Harlaxton College. A very few spots remain, so early action is strongly recommended.
Finally, spots remain in the following five-week summer session classes at Harlaxton. Applications for these classes will be reviewed through March 15th:
ES 103 Fundamentals of Environmental Science
SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 301 ST: Love, Sex, and Society
THTR 110 Introduction to Theatre
WRTG 330 Writing Workshop
Questions? Please visit the Study Abroad Office, SB 261, or email to studyabroad@evansville.edu.
Fitness Center Spring Break Hours
Fitness Center Hours for Spring Break are:
Friday March 1 – 6:30 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday March 2 – Closed
Sunday March 3 - Closed
Monday March 4 to Friday March 8 - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday March 9 – Closed
Sunday March 10 – Closed
Interested in Living in New Townhouse, North Hall or Other Village Unit?
Students interested in living in a new Townhouse, North Hall, or other Village unit for 2013-14 should stop by the Office of Residence Life to pick up their Village Request Cards. These request cards are due back to the Office of Residence Life by 5:00 p.m. on Friday March 1. More information on applying for the Villages can be found here.
Returning to UE Housing Next Year?
Students returning to UE housing next year, should submit an updated Housing and Food Service contract for 2013-14 by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 1. More information on the housing assignment process for returning students may be found on the Residence Life website.
Bookstore Spring Break Hours
The UE Bookstore will have special hours during Spring Break, March 2-9. The Bookstore will be closed the Saturdays of March 2 & 9. During Spring Break, Monday-Friday. the Bookstore will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday-Thursday, and 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. on Friday. We will resume normal store hours on March 11. Have a restful and safe break.
Call for Nominations: Dean of Students Leadership Awards
Nominations are now being accepted for consideration of The Howard S. Rosenblatt “Dean of Students Leadership Awards”. These awards will be presented at the 20th Annual Leadership Awards Reception scheduled for April 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Awards are presented in the following categories:
• Student Organization Advisor of the Year
• Student Organization of the Year
• Student Leader of the Year
Over 80% of UE students participate in at least one student organization or program. These organizations are successful because of the commitment of the student leaders and the advisors who give freely of their time and support. The recipients of these awards are selected based on their commitment to the University of Evansville as well as the development and success of their efforts within their chosen student organization.
The deadline for nominations is March 29, 2013. Please click here to download a nomination form or stop by Room 230 in the Ridgway University Center to pick up a nomination form from the Dean of Students Office. If you have any questions, please contact the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students at extension 2500 or by e-mail at km306@evansville.edu.
Thank you in advance for celebrating our student leaders’ achievements.
Cowgill Award in Creative Writing
The Department of Creative Writing announces the Cowgill Award in Creative Writing in honor of Major and Mrs. George Cowgill
George and Mary Cowgill believed in the power of a good education and the potential freedom and opportunity higher education could provide. Though he achieved much in his life, often through determination and a knack for being in the right place at the right time, Mr. Cowgill felt he could have achieved more if he had earned a college degree and instilled this belief in his sons. Mrs. Cowgill taught English for many years and continued her own education, eventually becoming a high school guidance counselor, where she helped many students in their search for the right college. A number of those students attended the University of Evansville, including her son Michael (BFA, creative writing, ’95). In her retirement, she volunteered at St. Gerard, a high school for pregnant teenagers in St. Augustine, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Cowgill both worked hard and made sacrifices so their sons could attend college. Though creative writing wasn’t their first choice of major, they supported Michael’s choice both at UE and later at the graduate level at George Mason University. They were lifelong readers and considered writing an honorable profession. Michael honors their spirit and memories with this gift to the Department of Creative Writing.
One $1000 prize will be awarded for the best story
ELIGIBILITY: Any UE Writing major or minor.
ENTRIES: Maximum 15 pages of short fiction.
Format: All entries are to be typed on one side of 8 ½ x 11 sheets, double-spaced. Each is to have a title, and pages are to be numbered. The writer’s name is not to appear on the work, but each submission is to have an attached (stapled) cover page (8 ½ x 11) listing: the genre (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, academic essay), the title, author, the UE ID number, class rank, and the name of any teacher who has read or heard the work. PLEASE NOTE: NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RETURNED.
DEADLINE: THEY MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2013, AT 4:00 P.M. No late manuscripts will be accepted.
DATE OF AWARD OF PRIZES: Prizes for Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction will be awarded at the Creative Writing Coffee Hour on April 19 at 4 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. All are welcome to attend.
Want the Chance to Win $100?
The Office of Development wants to know what does philanthropy mean to you? In one hundred words or less share what philanthropy means to you and the winning essay author will get $100. All full time students are eligible and essays must be submitted by March 8th to Liz Riffert at EL37@evansville.edu. The winner will be announced at the start of Philanthropy Week on March 18th.
Margery Florence Kahn Scholarship for 2013-14 -- Applications now available
All University of Evansville full-time undergraduate students who will be juniors or seniors in 2013-14 may apply. An essay of about 300 words must accompany the application, along with two to five faculty recommendation letters.
It was the desire of the donor, Margery Florence Kahn, that her scholarship be awarded to "dedicated and conscientious students who exhibit a true passion for their chosen fields of study, and who, in the opinion of the members of the University of Evansville faculty, are likely to bring the same enthusiasm into the performance of their jobs or the practice of the professions which they will pursue following graduation."
Applications are available from the Office of Financial Aid (Olmsted Hall 116). Completed applications and recommendation letters should be returned by April 1.
Questions may be directed to the Office of Financial Aid at (812) 488-2364, (800) 424-8634 or financialaid@evansville.edu.
Matt Van Camp
Matt Van Camp is the winner of an iPad Mini. Matt had his Commence Central Prize Entry Form marked at each of five stations: the Office of the Registrar, the Center for Career Development, the University Bookstore, Senior Gift, and the Office of Alumni. The one form was selected at random for the prize. Congratulations to Matt on the prize and for completing his degree!
Jim Schaefer
Congratulations to Jim Schaefer, professor of accounting, who received the Outstanding Educator Award for 2012 from the Indiana CPA Society.
The award recognizes a college accounting professor who is distinguished for excellence in classroom teaching and for active involvement in the CPA profession.
Dr. Schaefer joined the University of Evansville in 1990 after completing his Doctor of Business Administration in accounting from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He has been awarded the University of Evansville’s Dean’s Teaching Award twice as well as the Delta Sigma Pi Professor of the Year award twice. In 2010, Dr. Schaefer was the lead author of the seventh-most popular article in the Journal of Accountancy.
Dr. Schaefer's involvement with the Indiana CPA Society including service on the board of directors, ethics committee, and more recently as discussion leader on the topics of A&A and ethics.
UE Finance Students Visited Futures Market in Chicago
UE students visited the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in Chicago on February 25. The trip was arranged by the Finance Club and funded by the student government. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange is the largest futures market in the world in terms of floor space. The Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were merged in 2007 under the name of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group. Futures contracts are commitments to buy or sell commodities, foreign currencies, and other securities and assets at a future price and date. Both speculators and hedgers use these markets for profit making or risk management purposes.
Reflecting on his experience, Joseph Payne, accounting and finance major said, "We got to see the floor where traders buy and sell futures contracts. It was also interesting to see how technology has influenced CME Group as well. Overall, it was a great experience."
Wes Ford, finance and management major added that "the trip was very beneficial for the students who visited the futures market. We were able to observe the real world application of what we learned in our finance classes."
No. 2 Vanderbilt Shuts Out Evansville, 13-0
The University of Evansville baseball team was shut out for the first time this season, as the Purple Aces fell, 13-0, at No. 2 Vanderbilt Wednesday afternoon at Hawkins Field in Nashville, Tenn.
Evansville (1-7) managed just five hits and stranded seven runners, including four in scoring position. Junior Jake Mahon was the only UE player to record multiple hits in the game, finishing 2-for-4 at the plate with a pair of singles. Senior Chris Pearson, redshirt junior Johnny Day and redshirt sophomore Kevin Kaczmarski combined for the other three hits for the Aces.
Vanderbilt (9-1), ranked No. 2 in the nation by Baseball America, scored a run in each of the first three innings and led 3-0 after four innings, as the Commodores got an RBI double from Conrad Gregor in the first, a solo home run from Vince Conde in the second and a run-scoring single from Jack Lupo in the third.
Evansville put its first two runners on in the top of the fifth, when senior Jason Hockemeyer drew a leadoff walk and Pearson followed with a single up the middle. However, VU starter Tyler Ferguson (1-0) stranded both runners by returning the next three Aces in order.
Vanderbilt took a 4-0 lead with a run in its half of the fifth and blew the game open with a nine-run sixth to make the final score 13-0. The Commodores scored nine runs on just four this in the frame, with the big hit coming off the bat of Connor Harrell, who cleared the bases with a two-out grand slam to left.
Senior starter Ryan Billo (0-2) suffered the loss for Evansville, allowing four runs, all earned, on five hits over 4.1 innings. Freshman Brent Jurceka was the most effective reliever for UE, as he made his collegiate debut by tossing a pair of scoreless innings for the Aces, giving up just two hits and striking out one.
UE will be back on the diamond this weekend, when it hosts Milwaukee for a four-game set in its home opener at Braun Stadium. The first pitch of the series is slated for Friday, March 1 at 3 p.m.
Aces Men Take Impressive Win At Wichita State
The Purple Aces men's basketball team grabbed their first win in Wichita in 12 years as they took a 59-56 win over the Shockers on Wednesday evening at Koch Arena.The last win for UE in Koch Arena came in 2001 as UE took a 77-74 victory. That also marked the last time they earned the sweep over the Shockers.
Colt Ryan followed his MVC Player of the Week honor with a 29-point effort on 10-of-18 shooting. He was the lone Ace (17-13, 9-8 MVC) in double figures. One of the unsung heroes of the night was sophomore Jordan Nelson, who scored five points, but they were two of the largest buckets of the night for UE.
"Everybody contributed tonight and we never lost our intensity," head coach Marty Simmons said. "We overcame a lot of adversity to earn the win.
Troy Taylor got the Aces on the board before D.J. Balentine heated up from outside. The freshman, making his first career start, drained a pair of treys as UE opened up the first four minutes by taking a 10-6 lead.
Threes continued to fall as UE hit eight of its first 11 buckets and four out of five threes top open the game. Colt Ryan hit three free throws and a trey before Lewis Jones got on the board with a three as the Aces eventually led 19-6 before a Nick Wiggins trey ended the run. Wichita State (24-6, 12-5 MVC) was 3-of-10 to begin the contest.
After getting down by as many as 13 points, WSU cut the deficit to just seven, forcing a UE timeout. It proved to be worth while as the Aces reeled off the next four points with a pair of Adam Wing buckets. The lead would hold strong as the Aces took a 38-28 lead into the locker room.
Ryan finished the half with a game-high 18 points while Balentine tallied nine after knocking down 3 treys.
Wichita State made its run to open the second half. After a Ryan free throw put UE up 42-31, the Shockers scored the next 11 to tie it up at 42-42. Over the scoreless streak, the Aces missed seven shots in a row while turning the ball over three times. Jordan Nelson ended the streak with just his second 3-pointer of MVC play while Troy Taylor connected on a field goal to put UE back up by five at 47-42.
Another run saw WSU take their first lead of the game at 50-49 as Cleanthony Early dunked following a steal with just under nine minutes remaining. Evansville turned the ball over on three possessions in a row as the Shockers turned those into seven points as their lead grew to 53-49.
Failing to relent in a hard-fought affair, UE fought back as Ryan's 26th points gave the Aces a 54-53 edge with six minutes left. Two minutes later his and-one helped them take a 59-54 advantage. That 10-3 run was fueled by their defense, which held WSU to just 1-of-11 shooting in the stretch.
The game came down to the wire as UE held a 3-point inside of 20 seconds remaining. The Shockers grabbed an offensive rebound with 4 seconds left giving them one last shot, but a Carl Hall trey at the buzzer fell short giving UE the win.
UE finished with a 45.8%-38.2% shooting lead while it was the Shockers taking a 42-23 rebounding edge. Tekele Cotton led WSU with 12 tallies while pulling in nine caroms, a game high. Early notched 10 for the Shockers.
Saturday will mark Senior Day as the six seniors for Evansville will be honored when the Aces face Indiana State in a 4 p.m. game at the Ford Center.
Aces Athletics Weekend and Ticket Deals
This weekend if full of Aces athletic events and ticket deals! Fans can bring any ticket stub from basketball this weekend and receive $2 discount on tickets for baseball and softball games. Men’s and Women’s basketball will be hosting Kids Day on Saturday and Sunday: Get one free kids ticket with the purchase of each regularly priced adult ticket. Please call 812-488-ACES for more information.
Friday: 1 pm- Baseball vs. Milwaukee
7 pm- Women’s basketball vs. Northern Iowa
Saturday: 11 am & 1 pm- Softball Tournament
12 pm- Baseball vs. Milwaukee (Double Header)
4 pm- Men’s Basketball vs. Indiana State (Senior Night)
Sunday: 1 pm- Baseball vs. Milwaukee
1 pm- Women’s Basketball vs. Bradley (Senior Day)
2 pm & 4 pm- Softball Tournament
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.