University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

* Reminder - President's Campus-Wide Forum Today at 4 p.m.

Dear Members of the Campus Community,

I am writing today to invite your participation in an important campus-wide forum today, January 16 at 4:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall. As you know, the various constituencies of the University have worked together during the last two years to develop a strategic plan and a master facilities plan that have enabled us to identify and prioritize ways in which UE can build on its existing strengths.  Work is also well underway in our new office of Marketing and Communications to make the world better aware of the distinctive quality of the UE experience. 

In coming months we will be laying the foundation for fundraising efforts to support these priorities.  At Wednesday’s forum I will share with you an initial draft of the “vision statement” that is the basis for our conversations with friends and supporters of the University.  As with any great university, UE has multiple directions in which it might move, but we recognize that our success depends on setting clear and compelling priorities. We must focus on those objectives that are critical to our core mission and have the greatest potential to make UE a singular example of exemplary post-secondary education.

I hope you will join me on Wednesday for this important presentation and discussion.


Tom Kazee


* Electronic W-2's

The Office of Human Resources will begin processing W-2’s soon, which will be issued to employees no later than January 31.  Just like last year, we are pleased to announce that you can choose one of two options to receive your W-2:
• Electronic W-2 – If you provide your consent, you will receive an e-mail notification via AceNotes Extra that your W-2 is ready to view/print on WebAdvisor.
• Paper W-2 – If you prefer, you can continue to receive a paper W-2 in the mail, as you have in the past.

Among the advantages of electronic W-2’s: (1) you will have access to your W-2 a couple days earlier than a paper copy that is mailed to your home (2) you can print as many copies of the W-2 as you need.  The electronic W-2 is IRS compliant and can be submitted with your tax return.

To take advantage of the electronic W-2 option, you must log onto WebAdvisor and select the option “W-2 Electronic Consent.” Click the first radio button to give your consent.   You will not receive paper W-2 in the mail if you select the electronic W-2 option.  If you previously gave your consent for the electronic W-2 option, there is nothing you need to do.

If you choose to withhold your consent to view/print your online W-2, a paper copy will be prepared and mailed to you at your home address. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gloria Spencer at ext. 2159. 

* Payroll FICA Taxes To Increase & Take Home Pay To Change Effective January 1

As part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (i.e., the “fiscal cliff bill”) recently signed by President Obama, the U.S. Department of the Treasury has directed employers to increase the amount of FICA taxes withheld from employee paychecks for Social Security effective January 1, 2013.  In December 2010, as part of legislation that extended Bush-Era tax cuts (the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010); the federal government negotiated a temporary reduction in the FICA payroll tax. This reduction was not extended as part of the new act, which means the amount collected for FICA will be reinstated to its previous rate from 4.2% to 6.2%.

As Congress did not vote on the bill until after the University of Evansville processed its January 4 bi-weekly payroll, we had no choice but to deduct taxes at the old 4.2% rate.  Therefore, we will need to catch up the extra 2% that was not deducted on the January 4 payroll.  This catch-up will occur over the next two bi-weekly payrolls: January 18 and February 1.  Beginning with the February 15 bi-weekly payroll, the normal 6.2% FICA tax will be deducted.  There will be no catch-up for employees paid on a monthly basis, as this payroll will not be processed until the end of January.  However, employees paid on a monthly basis will also be affected by the increase to 6.2%.

If you have any questions, please contact Gloria Spencer ext. 2159.



What's Happening Today

* Catholic Mass Tonight in Neu Chapel

Father Jeff Read, associate pastor of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, will be the celebrant for tonight's 9:30 p.m. Mass in Neu Chapel. The Wednesday night Mass is a quiet, candle-lit midweek liturgy - a great chance to take a break for prayer during the week. Father Jeff will be available to hear Confessions at 9:00 p.m., and students will lead the Rosary at about 9:00 p.m. as well. Everyone is welcome!

* Delta Sigma Pi Recruitment Events

Attention all UE business majors! Delta Sigma Pi - the international professional business fraternity - is having its recruitment events January 16, 18, 19, and 22. On Wednesday, January 16, come to the Meet-the-Chapter meeting at 9 p.m. in Room 172, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. There you'll receive more information about the fraternity as well as more information about recruitment week. So if you're interested in developing both your professional and personal skills, come to Meet-the-Chapter!

* I-House: Spain

All members of the campus and local community are encouraged to attend I-House: Spain. Attendees will learn about another culture, lifestyle, food, and so much more. Bring your friends to enjoy the presentation and complimentary cookies this Wednesday at 7 p.m.. on the second floor of Ridgway University Center in the Class of 1959 Gallery.


* Bible Study on Wednesday Night

Adventist Campus Ministries will be having Bible study on Wednesday night from 7-8 p.m. in Room153 (Eades Music Room) in the McCurdy Wing of Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. This is will be an introductory meeting to get to know everyone and discuss what topics we would like to study this semester. So bring your friends, fresh ideas, and questions! 

Anyone is welcome to attend and you can contact: Alexandra Statham ( for more details.


Upcoming Events

* UE Venturing Crew - Outdoor Club

If you are interested in the outdoors and enjoy camping, hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing, etc., check out the UE Venturing Crew – Outdoor Club!  The group has big plans for the spring semester, including a road trip to Nashville (with stops at the REI Store and Opry Mills Shopping Mall), and backpacking, rock climbing, and mountain biking at Fall Creek Falls State Park.  Are you experienced in the outdoors and looking for an opportunity to hang out with like-minded people?  We are the group for you!  Have you never been camping, but always wanted to learn?  Here’s your chance!

Our first outing of the semester will be camping and day hiking in Shawnee National Forest on January 25–27.  Cost is $30 (includes food, travel, and campsite fees).  Anyone interested in the crew is invited to attend.  Membership does require a $20 annual fee.  For additional information, please contact or pay your fees to Nicky Lodewyk in Olmsted 217.  The deadline to sign up for the upcoming campout is Monday, January 21.

For more information, including photos of past adventures, check out:!/UEVenturingCrew365

* Jezreel Expedition Information Table at Ridgway this Friday

The UE community is invited to stop by an information table at Ridgway this Friday January 18 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. to learn more about participating in the 2013 season of the Jezreel Expedition. The Jezreel Expedition is a new excavation project in Israel sponsored by the University of Evansville and the University of Haifa and co-directed by Jennie Ebeling of the Department of Archaeology and Art History. For four weeks this May-June, UE students will have the opportunity to earn three credits by participating in the Jezreel field school. In addition to excavating the biblical site of Jezreel, which was home to Ahab and Jezebel’s winter palace, students will hear lectures on a variety of archaeological, historical and biblical topics, visit archaeological and historical sites in the area, and spend a weekend in Jerusalem.

ALL majors are welcome.

For more information, contact Dr. Ebeling at je55, Barbara Pieroni at bp66,  or visit our website:

* Newman Club Alternative Spring Break

A small number of spaces remain for the Newman Club's alternative spring break trip to Nazareth Farm.  Nazareth Farm is a Catholic community in rural West Virginia dedicated to service alongside its neighbors, primarily through repair of substandard housing.

Students of all faiths are welcome - you do not have to be Catholic or a Newman Club member to participate. The trip will run from Sunday, March 3rd, through Saturday, March 9. An informational meeting for anyone interested will take place at the Newman Center tonight at 8:30 p.m. The Newman Center is located at 1901 Lincoln Avenue, just across the street from UE's front oval and Koch Center.

For more information, contact Newman Center Director Mike Roesch at You can also visit Nazareth Farm's website:

* Nerd Wars Is Almost Here!

Nerd Wars is almost here! The Annual Nerd Wars Trivia Night Fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, February 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Eykamp 251-252!, Ridgway University Center

Teams of up to 5 people will compete in a trivia night style competition consisting of six rounds of 10 questions each from 12 different categories. The team that correctly answers the most questions will be the winner! There will be prizes for the winning student team and the winning faculty team, as well as other prizes throughout the night!

Sign up forms are available in Lisa Hofferth’s office (KC 238) and tables will be in Ridgway today and tomorrow to register.  Teams must register by Friday January 25; it is $5 per person to register.  Get your geek on!

* Resident Students Assocation Heads to Indianapolis!

Do you like meeting new people? Need some pointers at being a good leader? Do you need some interesting, fun, and educational programs for your floor, hall, or organization? You can get all of this and more at IRHOC 2013! This conference is at IUPUI from February 22-24. Applications are available NOW in Residence Life! This conference is free! This conference is open to all students who live on campus and is sponsored by RSA. Contact Sierra Burtis at or Max Gross at for more information or any questions you have!

* Club Volleyball Open Gym!

Calling all volleyball players (men AND women).  This Wednesday and Thursday, January 16 and 17, there will be an open gym from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.  Join current members of the UE club volleyball teams in Carson Center in the big gym; it doesn't matter if you are a skilled veteran or a beginner.  If you are interested in representing UE in regional tournaments or just think that an hour or two of volleyball would be fun, then join us this week.  Everyone is welcome!  If you have any questions about joining the men's or women's club teams, contact Jeremy Lang at

* Open Cast & Crew Call for Student Film January 18-19

Communication 499 Independant Study in Film Production are planning Cast and Crew Calls for the Spring 2013 Production. The Cast and Crew Calls will be Friday, January 18 from 4-6 p.m. and Saturday, January 19 from 2-4 p.m. in Room 71, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building.

More information about the production can be found at

Send an email to for more information or to reserve an audition time. Auditions are open to everyone. Ten Minutes will be allotted and selections of the script are available upon request.

* VP and Director of Research at Hilliard Lyons to Speak on January 28

John Roberts, senior vice president and director of research at Hilliard Lyons, will be speaking on January 28 in Smythe Lecture Hall (Room 170), Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building at 4.00 p.m. The title of his presentation will be “Life as an analyst and 2013 Market outlook”. John has been ranked as one of the leading analyst by the Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine. Hilliard Lyons is one of the nation’s oldest investment firms which focus on the creation, preservation and distribution of its clients’ wealth.

The event is open to public.       

* SGA Meeting Planned for January 17

The first Student Government Association meeting of the semester will be January 17 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 170 (Smythe Lecture Hall), Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. All SGA representatives need to be in attendance and we encourage any and all University of Evansville students to attend as well!


Info You Should Know

* Become an Admission Ambassador

Do you have a love for meeting new people and UE?  If so, then Admission Ambassadors is the organization for you!  Applications are now available in the Office of Admissions, and they will be due January 25.  Stop by the Admissions Office to grab your application, and feel free to ask any questions you might have!

* Road Trip Hosts Needed!

The Office of Admission needs current UE students who live in the residence halls to host prospective high school seniors for Road Trip February 15-17. If you are available, you can register to host at, emailing Ashley (Jackson) Ross ( or Bryan Hamann (, or stopping by the Office of Admission (OH 104).

* Students in Leadership Conference

All students are invited to register for the 2013 Students In Leadership Conference to be held Saturday February 23 in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building.  Applications are available online at:

Applications will be accepted until Friday, February 1. The first 30 students to register will receive a free copy of Social Excellence: We Dare You by Matthew G. Mattson, Jessica Gendron Williams & Josh Orendi, the basis for our Keynote Program.

Conference Features:
Breakfast reception

Keynote Program: Social Excellence by Phired Up Productions: “Social Excellence [n]: A state of perpetual generosity, curiosity, positivity, and openness to limitless possibility. A desire to intentionally connect with others. The ability to engage in deep, meaningful conversation. Acting in a responsible and respectable manner with high expectations of others. Being authentic and living everyday with integrity as the best version of oneself. Being confident and vulnerable. Being fun and compassionate. Being open, kind, and bold. The highest level of societal participation and contribution.”

Lunch with Evansville professionals

Rotating Sessions with Phired Up Productions, Interview preparation with the Center for Career Development and personal leadership development skill building with the Center for Student Engagement

For more information contact advisor Cara Fabrocini (cf107) or SIL Chair Liz Bracewell (eb143)

* Writing Center Open for Business!

Have a paper to write? Why not get done early and leave yourself  time to visit the Writing Center (and revise the paper!) before it's due. Creating an appointment online is easy: Go to and click on "Areas," and then on "Writing Center." From here you can "Create an Appointment" for a 50-minute session with a writing mentor. The Writing Center is in Clifford Memorial Library, entrance facing Koch Center. For hours, visit

* Wanted - Student Callers to Work Spring Phonathon!

Spring Phonathon is looking for Student Callers.  If you love to brag about UE and have great communication skills, why not get paid for it?  This position requires that you have at least 2 evenings available a week for 4 weeks. Training will be provided!  Incentives are given for exceptional work ethic and calling results.  Please call Liz Riffert in Annual Giving at 812-488-2440 or email at if you are interested.

* Apply to Be an International Orientation Leader

Applications for students interested in becoming an International Orientation Leader (IOL) are available in the Office of Cultural Engagement and International Services (RUC 220). Or you can access the application here: We are seeking any student – domestic or international – who is outgoing, helpful, responsible, and loves all things international. Applications are due on January 30, so begin your application today! Email Lauren Doss at if you have any questions!

* Nominations for the 2013 Outstanding Teacher Award NOW Being Accepted

Nominations for the 2013 Outstanding Teacher Award are NOW being accepted.

Each year during Spring Commencement, the UE Alumni Association recognizes one Outstanding Teacher for exemplary teaching and student service. Students, faculty, administrators, staff, and alumni may nominate a teacher they feel exemplifies the award’s stated goals of “encouraging outstanding teaching and the inclusion of students in as many facets of academic life as possible.”

Take a couple of minutes to honor a professor who you feel exemplifies teaching excellence with a nomination. The Outstanding Teacher Award form can be found at Please complete your nomination by Thursday, January 31, 2013. If you have any questions you can email Jennifer Graban at or call #2509.

Eligible Professors
Full-time faculty who have taught in the classroom at UE for at least two years and hold the rank of lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor or professor are eligible to be nominated. 

(Past recipients within the last 5 years, ‘08 William Stroube; ‘09 James MacLeod; ‘10 Jeff Tilly; ’11 James Berry,  and ’12 Mari Plikuhn are not eligible).

* Do You Want to Be an Orientation Leader (OL)?

Applications for students interested in becoming an Orientation Leader (OL) will be available beginning January 7, 2013 in the VP/Dean of Students Office.  The office is located in Ridgway University Center, Room 230, in the Student Life Center.  Application deadline is Monday, January 21, by 4:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact the VP/Dean of Students at ext. 2500.



* Wind Ensemble and University Choir

Congratulations to the Wind Ensemble conducted by Dr. Kenneth Steinsultz and the University Choir conducted by Dr. Dennis Malfatti for being invited to perform at the annual Indiana Music Educators Association Convention in Fort Wayne Indiana this coming Friday, January 18. Both ensembles were selected from a pool of applicants from throughout the state. They represent a very small number of university level ensembles who were selected to perform at this prestigious event. In addition, the University Choir was also invited to perform separately this Friday for the Indiana All-State Choir, and group of nearly 300 of the top high school choral students in the state of Indiana who congregate annually at the IMEA convention. In advance of Friday’s performances in Fort Wayne, the two ensembles will be performing at various locations in Illinois and Indiana on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

In addition, Dr. Kenneth Steinsultz will give a presentation at the conference entitled “My Life as a Model:  The Three V’s (Visual, Verbal, and Vocal)”.  The presentation will be in the Grand Wayne Convention Center, Harrison Rooms D and E at 9:30am on Saturday, January 19.



* Men's Hoops Looks To Make It Five In A Row

Looking to win for the fifth time in a row, the University of Evansville men’s basketball team travels to Drake for a Wednesday evening matchup at the Knapp Center in Des Moines, Iowa.Evansville made it 2-for-2 versus ranked opponents at the Ford Center as the Purple Aces took down No. 23 Wichita State by a 71-67 final on Sunday afternoon.  The win gave UE a 4-1 conference mark, matching its start from the 1999-2000 season.  Other notable starts to league play for UE since joining the MVC came in the form of a 6-0 start in 1998-99 and an 8-1 mark in the 1997-98 campaign.

UE has not lost to a ranked opponent at the Ford Center; the Aces topped No. 15 Creighton last year before toppling No. 23 Wichita State this season.  For the first time in program history, Evansville has defeated a ranked opponent four seasons in a row.  Aces Coach Marty Simmons has led UE 4-5 mark in the last 9 games versus a ranked team, which is the top 9-game stretch in program history.  The Aces have won three home games against ranked teams, dating back to the win over UNI in 2011; Simmons is 3-2 in home contests vs. ranked teams.

For the third-straight game and the fifth time in the last six contests, Colt Ryan eclipsed the 20-point mark, pushing his season average to a team-high 16.4 points per game.  Ryan became just the 27th player in the history of the Valley to reach the 1,800-point plateau; he now stands at 1,840 points in his career, good for 22nd in league history; with just 29 more points, Ryan will jump into the top 20 in the MVC record book.

Colt is finding his groove; in the 10 non-conference games he played in, he posted an average of 13.7 points while seeing just over 24 minutes of action; he has upped that total in league play, posting 21.8 points while playing in 36.6 minutes per contest; he also has hit 23 out of 24 free throws.

While it is no easy chore for a true point guard to keep up one of the top rebounding tallies in the nation, Troy Taylor has done just that as his mark for the season stands at 7.4 boards per game, tied for fourth in the MVC; in league play, he has grabbed 9.8/game, second overall.  Aside from his performance on the boards, Taylor has started to crank it up offensively, posting double-digit outings in his last three games and six times overall this season, matching the total from his junior year.

Drake earned its first MVC win, taking down Illinois State by an 82-77 final in Normal on Saturday; the Bulldogs stand at 7-9 overall and 1-4 in the Valley.  Ben Simons leads the way for DU with 14.5 PPG, that total is seventh in the league while Seth VanDeest has notched 10.1 tallies; Simons is also a stellar free throw shooter, connecting on 35 out of 41 this year, 85.4% (4th in the conference).  Despite the team being outrebounded by 4.3 per game, Jordan Clarke has been a force down low, grabbing 8.1 per game, second in the MVC.  The Bulldogs boast the top 3-point shooter in the Valley as Micah Mason has drained a league-leading 57.9% of his treys (22 out of 38) - As a team, Drake is shooting 38.7% from three-point range; that total is 25th in the country and second in the league.

The road stretch continues as Evansville will travel to Terre Haute for its annual tilt against Indiana State at the Hulman Center.  Game time is set for 7:05 p.m. CT.



Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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