Dear Campus Community:
Effectively immediately, as required by Indiana state law and City of Evansville ordinance, the University is expanding its non-smoking policy.
In accordance with the law, smoking is prohibited within 10 feet of any non-residential campus building. The requirements of UE’s existing non-smoking policy remain in effect: Smoking is prohibited inside any campus building and within 25 feet of residential buildings.
All students, employees, and University of Evansville guests are required by law to be in compliance with this policy.
In the interest of promoting wellness and healthy lifestyles, I have appointed a task force, chaired by Dean Lynn Penland, to assess the University’s policies regarding the use of tobacco and make recommendations about possible modifications of that policy. As part of its work, the Tobacco Task Force will seek input from representatives of all constituencies on campus. Stay tuned for more information about opportunities to participate in this important campus conversation .
Tom Kazee