University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

* Innovation and Re-Investment Fund

Please be reminded that the first round of completed proposals are due to the Programs Task Force by the end of business on April 1.  The online proposal documents can be found in AceLink at  


What's Happening Today

* William R. Connolly to Speak at UE Lecture Series Renamed in his Honor

University of Evansville emeritus professor of philosophy William R. (Dick) Connolly will be the speaker at the University’s inaugural William R. Connolly Ethics Lecture on Tuesday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center.

This event, previously known as the Annual Ethics Lecture, was renamed this year in Connolly’s honor. He has been a key figure in the inauguration and support of the Ethics Lecture Series, which began in 2010. In addition to renaming the lecture, a special fund has been created to support the series and the ethics program.

Connolly, who earned his Ph.D. from Michigan State University, is a broadly trained philosopher. While at UE, Connolly was a sought after teacher and lecturer who taught a variety of philosophy and ethics courses, including philosophy of science, bioethics, environmental ethics, ancient Greek philosophy, modern philosophy and philosophy of law.

The topic of Connolly’s lecture will be “Thomas Paine: The Making of a Neglected American Founder.” He will explain how the ideas of Paine, whose pamphlet Common Sense helped inspire the American Revolution, influence current political debate on such issues as Social Security, organized labor and religious freedom. While Paine died in obscurity, it could be said that his moral and political ideals shape modern America in ways that far surpass the influence of more renowned American founders.

Though he came to America as an adult, Paine was born in England in 1737 and served as an excise officer near Harlaxton College in the town of Grantham, England. Today, plaques in the town acknowledge him and his political contributions.    

For more information, contact the Department of Philosophy and Religion at 812-488-2165.

* This Week in Music: French Horn Recital

Consortium Instructor of French Horn Marc Zyla will present this week’s Faculty Recital in Wheeler Concert Hall on Tuesday evening, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will begin with a performance of Paul Basler’s Dance, Fool, Dance for Horn and Synthesizer. Professor of Piano Anne Fiedler will then join Mr. Zyla for a performance of Paul Hindemith’s Sonata for Horn and Piano. The concert will conclude with Eric Ewazen’s Ballade, Pastoral and Dance, with Consortium Instructor of Flute Cara Dailey and pianist Jaime Teichmer joining Mr. Zyla on the work. The concert is free and open to the public. 

* Bake Sale in Ridgway Today!

The Delta Sigma Pi Pledge Class will be having a bake sale in Ridgway University Center on Tuesday, March 24, during lunch hours. Proceeds will be distributed towards a local nonprofit. Please stop on by for an afternoon treat and support our community endeavors

* Promotion and Tenure Committee Open Meeting with Candidates

The Promotion and Tenure Committee will hold an open meeting on Tuesday, March 24, at 4:00 p.m. in the Schroeder Board Room of the Library. Committee members will answer questions about the promotion/tenure process and offer suggestions to those applying in the 2015-2016 academic year. Candidates, their chairs, and all interested faculty are invited to attend. 


Upcoming Events

* Mediterranean Mosaic UE Alumni Cruise - October 4 - 13, 2015

Sail the Mediterranean aboard Oceania Cruises’ elegant Riviera on the UE Alumni Cruise scheduled for October 4 - 13.  The ports of call are on the shores of Greece, Italy, Monaco, France, and Spain. Price: From $2,999 per person, double occupancy. 

Cruise Program Includes:
• Free round-trip airfare from select cities
• Eight nights aboard Riviera cruising to historic and scenic ports of call
• All meals, entertainment, and use of facilities aboard the ship
• Private welcome reception
• And much more

The deadline to receive the $1,000 Early Booking Savings (per stateroom) for the Mediterranean Mosaic has been extended to May 1!

If you would like to learn more information about the UE Alumni Cruise, a webinar will be offered on Thursday, March 26, at 4:00 p.m. central time. Please e-mail or call 812-488-2586 to receive an invitation to the webinar. Be sure to give your name and e-mail.

For more details, go to:  or

Limited availability! Sign up now to reserve your space! To reserve your space on the ship or ask questions, contact Go Next at 800-842-9023 or 952-918-8950.

* I-House: Congo

I-House this week will be presented by our wonderful friends from Congo! Dali Mizidy is a health services administration major and loves to travel, listen to music, dance and meet new people. Her favorite part about UE is the various amounts of campus organizations there are. Scile Badinga-Mounzeo is the next presenter. Her major is environmental sciences. Her hobbies include cooking, traveling, reading, and learning new things. Her favorite part about UE is the people and the relationships between the professors and the students. So come watch them give a great presentation on Congo this Wednesday at 7 pm upstairs in Ridgway University Center! 

* Spare Change for Warriors

UEVETS (Veterans Education Transition Support) is sponsoring a Charity Bowling Tournament “Spare Change for Warriors” on Saturday, March 28. The event has been paid for by UEVETS and various departments around campus and is FREE to the teams and includes door prizes. What we are looking for are students to fill 10 teams of 4 people. The winning team of this event will receive 50% of the proceeds to be donated to the charity of their choice. The other 50% will be donated to UEVETS’ charity The Wounded Warrior Project. Interested organizations with teams should email Chris Haynes by Wednesday, March 25 at ch300 with their names and charity of choice. 

* Holy Hour of Adoration Hosted By UE Newman Club

Join us Wednesday in Neu Chapel for a Holy Hour of Adoration from 8:30 pm-9:30 pm. Our seminarians from St. Meinrad. Archabbey will present a short intro on "Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament" at 8:15 pm. They will also lead our praying of the Rosary to begin the Holy Hour at 8:30 pm. Fr. Godfrey Mullen, OSB will be joining us at 9pm to hear confessions; and the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord will be celebrated with Mass at 9:30 pm.

Our seminarians WILL NOT be at Jazzman's or Ridgway this Wednesday or next week Wednesday (Holy Week).

Questions? Call/text Kristel Riffert at 812-760-8610.

* Women's HER-Story Speaker: Eliaichi Kimaro

Eliaichi (E-Lee-Ah-Chi) Kimaro is coming to campus on Thursday, March 26. She will show her documentary film, A Lot Like You: The Culture We Inherit and the Legacies We Choose, from 7-9 pm that evening in Ridgway University Center, Eykamp 251, with a discussion after from 9:00-9:30 p.m. She is a dynamic speaker with an explosive personality and all will enjoy her film and discussion.

For more information contact: LaNeeca Williams, Diversity and Equity Officer at lw161 or ext. 2413.

* Calling ALL Women on Campus to celebrate Women's HER-Story Month

All women leaders on our campus and in the community are invited to attend a brown bag lunch on Thursday, March 26, to meet the Women's HER-Story Month speaker, Eliaichi Kimaro. Drinks and dessert will be provided.

The event will be from 11:30 a.m-1 p.m. in Dunigan Lounge (Room 160), Schroeder School of Business Building. Some of you may have class or meetings around that time but if you can, feel free to pop-in, even if just for just a moment that will be great as well.

This is an excellent opportunity for women leaders to get together and have friendly open dialogue in honor of Women’s HER-Story Month.


* Writing Center Boot Camp: Academic Writing for International Students

Do you know how to use articles perfectly? What about commas and semi-colons? Do prepositions make you crazy? Are your sentences choppy? This workshop will present some strategies for helping you overcome the above obstacles, and for creating effective, clear academic papers in English. Join us this for this useful session on Wednesday, March 25th at 5 p.m. in the Writing Center. All students are welcome!

* Kiss Away Cancer!

Come support BMOC in kissing away cancer! Zeta Tau Alpha will be hosting a table in Ridgway University Center where you can aid in the fight against cancer. The table will be set up from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 26. We will have cut out lips that you can purchase for .50 cents. On these lips, you can put the name of someone you know that is a cancer survivor, has cancer, or your own name showing that you are supporting the efforts to get rid of cancer. The lips will then be displayed on our poster board in Ridgway. If you do not wish to purchase a lip but still want to help the cause, donations will be accepted as well. 

* Part-Time job fair tomorrow

Need a part-time job? Meet with area employers tomorrow at the Summer and Part-Time Job Fair!

Wednesday, March 25
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
East Terrace (outside Ridgway University Center)

- Professional attire is not required (just stop by)
- Bring many copies of your resume 

* "Sex on Campus"

"Sex on Campus," a sexual health program put on by UE Nursing students and sponsored by the Office of Health Education and Wellness Programs, will be in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center, on Wednesday, March 25, at 5 pm. Students who attend will learn about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy! 

* AcesTV Filming Thank You Video for Commencement

Attention SENIORS! AcesTV will be filming the thank you video that will play during commencement. Filming will take place in the Rademacher Lounge on Thursday, March 26, from 12-2 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. Bring props, signs, and anything else you need to say thank you to the people who helped you make it to this day


Info You Should Know

* Summer/Fall Adoptions Due

Faculty are reminded that adoptions for the Summer Session terms and Fall 2015 are now due in Bookstore. If you have any questions please contact the UE Bookstore or your department's administrative assistant. 

* Fall 2015 Harlaxton Applications Still Available

There are places still available for students in the Fall 2015 Harlaxton group. For course info contact or stop by Office of Study Abroad in Schroeder Business Building in Room 261

* Need a Summer Job? Res Life is Hiring!

Do you need a summer job? Did you miss our 1st info session? Come to Residence Life's 2nd Info Session about the available Summer Staff positions on Tuesday March 24 at 2pm in Eykamp 253 in Ridgway University Center!

Residence Life hires students for its Summer Conference Program. Summer Staff are a primary support system during the summer, and are responsible for providing assistance to conference guests and summer school students.

Applications are available now in Residence Life and are due back on Friday, March 27th. 

* SAB Positions Available

Applications for next year's Student Activities Board positions are available for pickup in the Center for Student Engagement. The application is due by Friday, March 27 by 5 pm to the Center for Student Engagement. Positions available are Entertainment, Special Events, Movies, Homecoming, and Marketing. Please contact Anna ( or Geoff ( for more information. 

* Applications for Summer Work-Study Available

On-campus jobs are available during the summer for continuing UE students. You do not need to be eligible for need-based Federal/State Work-Study during the academic year in order to apply. You may also apply regardless of your enrollment in summer courses. Applications are available in the Office of Financial Aid. Direct questions to Hilary Morales at

* Faculty Regalia Rental

Faculty and administrators who need regalia rented for May graduation should contact the UE Bookstore to make arrangements for rentals. Please make arrangements by April 1st if at all possible. 

* GAP Program Now Accepting Applications/Nominations for Fall Semester

Put your skills to work on a real-world project
Get valuable experience and build your résumé
Learn to work with people from different majors
Develop professional confidence
Get the coaching and guidance to succeed
Participate in the GAP Program!

GAP is open to all majors.  Students are invited to apply directly to the program.  Faculty or administrators are encouraged to nominate students by completing a brief nomination form online.

To learn more about the GAP Program and fall projects, visit the website.

* Planning to Take Summer Courses to Transfer Back to UE?

If so, then you need to pick up a Transcript Credit Request Form in the Office of the Registrar or online at- . Make sure the form is filled out completely with all required signatures and turned in before signing up for your summer course(s). If you have questions, stop by the Registrar’s Office or call 488-2600. 

* LOVCIF Scholarship for 2015-16 --Applications now available

Applications for 2015-16 Lower Ohio Valley Construction Industry Fund Scholarship (LOVCIF) are available.  This is an add-on scholarship for UE students and may be combined with their other UE financial aid. 

The application can be found on the UE website - go to the Tuition & Aid tab on the site map, and then to UE Students. On this screen, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose “Looking for Additional Scholarships?” Applications are also available from the Office of Financial Aid (Olmsted Hall 116).  Completed applications should be returned to the Office of Financial Aid by April 1.

Questions may be directed to the Office of Financial Aid via email or by phone at (812) 488-2364 or, (800) 424-8634. 

Consider the following criteria and complete and return the application by April 1, 2015 to Angie Dawson, Office of Financial Aid, University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN  47722 if you meet these criteria:

1. Eligible first-time recipients must be sophomores in 2015-16. 

2. Priority is given to students whose parents or grandparents have worked at one of the following companies in either a management position or as a union laborer.  The companies are Industrial Contractors, Peyronnin Construction, Arc Construction, Deig Brothers construction, Empire Contractors or Traylor Brothers.

3. Students must be United States citizens who graduated from a high school within a one hundred mile radius of Evansville, Indiana.

4. If #2 above does not apply, students may apply who are majoring in a construction related field (i.e., civil engineering) or management in the School of Business.

5. Consideration will be given for both financial need and scholastic ability. 

6. There will be no discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, ethnic group, age, or disability.



* Birth Announcement - Henry James Sager

Henry James SagerCongratulations to Assistant Professor of History Robin Sager and husband John Sager on the birth of their son Henry James Sager. The newest citizen of the History Nation was born at St. Mary’s Hospital at 11:01 am on Thursday, March 19. He was 8 lbs., 1 oz., and 21 inches, welcomed by sibling Cleopatra the Cat. 

* William Baer's latest book has been published

Professor of Creative Writing William Baer’s latest book, a collection of short fiction entitled One-and-Twenty Tales, has just been published by Mockingbird Press.  A number of his poems, mostly sonnets, have recently appeared in various literary journals, including First Things, Light, Verse-Virtual, and The Raintown Review.

* UE Creative Writing Professor attends Eudora Welty National Advisory Board meeting in New Orleans

UE Professor of Creative Writing Margaret McMullan attended the Eudora Welty Foundation National Advisory Board meeting in New Orleans, March 12-15.

The Eudora Welty Foundation was established in 1999 to assist the Mississippi Department of Archives and History in achieving its goals of celebrating the legacy of Eudora Welty, enhancing appreciation of her work, and encouraging reading and the efforts of young writers. The Foundation’s broad mission is to fund educational and research activities and to develop programs that will enhance Eudora Welty’s legacy and ensure that her work continues to be recognized as among the greatest in American literature.

McMullan has served as a member of the Eudora Welty Foundation National Advisory Board since 2013 along with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Morgan Freeman, John Grisham, Jim Lehrer, Roger Mudd, Richard Ford, Lee Smith, Julia Reed, and Elizabeth Spencer.

Professor McMullan is the Melvin M. Peterson Endowed Chair in Literature and Writing at the University of Evansville, Evansville, Indiana.

* Dennis Malfatti Is New President Elect of Indiana Choral Directors Association

Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities Dennis Malfatti was recently voted in as President-Elect of the Indiana Choral Directors Association (ICDA). ICDA is the state chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) which is a non-profit music organization composed of over 18,000 choral musicians representing schools, colleges and universities, industry and institutional organizations, houses of worship, and community and professional choirs. The mission of the American Choral Directors Association is to inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition, and advocacy. Malfatti was nominated and voted in by the members of ICDA to serve as the Indiana state ACDA chapter’s next leader. 



* UE Baseball Visits SIUE on Wednesday

The University of Evansville baseball team (9-10, 1-2) begins a stretch of eight consecutive road games with a contest at SIUE on Wednesday. First pitch is set for 6:00 p.m. at the Simmons Baseball Complex in Edwardsville, Ill.

UE RHP Ryan Billo (1-1, 2.05) vs. SIUE TBD

Audio is available at .

The contest will all have live stats provided at .

Fans can also follow the Aces progress on twitter. Updates will be posted on the @UEAthletics account.

The Aces received a career-high 8.0 innings from freshman pitcher Brodie Harkness in a 3-1 win over #18 Dallas Baptist on Sunday afternoon. Harkness (3-1) yielded just one unearned run on four hits as the Aces earned their first victory over a ranked opponent since winning at #4 Vanderbilt on Feb. 26, 2014. Outfielder Kevin Kaczmarski broke a scoreless tie with a two-run triple in the fifth and then scored on a balk for the 3-0 edge. The triple moved Kaczmarski into sole possession of third place in program history with 15 triples.

SIUE (8-10, 8-1) began the season with eight consecutive losses but have now won eight of their last 10 games entering mid-week action on Tuesday night vs. Indiana State. The Cougars most recently won two of three at Tennessee Tech last weekend.

Evansville holds a 13-2 lead in the all-time series with SIUE. The Aces have won five consecutive meetings dating back to an April 4, 2011 defeat 4-1 at SIUE. Last season, UE won the only matchup of the year with a 15-7 win at home on April 1. Juniors Kevin Kaczmarski and Kyle Pollock each drove in four runs apiece.

Statistically, Evansville is led offensively by outfielder Kevin Kaczmarski who is hitting .404 this season. Outfielder Josh Jyawook is also batting at a .303 clip. Infielder Jonathan Ramon has a team-best three home runs. First baseman Eric McKibban has a team-high 22 hits and is on a 7 game hitting streak. Right-handers Ryan Brady (2.70 ERA) and Conor Gilligan (2.89) both hold ERAs under 3.00 as six Aces have combined for the team’s nine wins. The team is cumulatively hitting .254 this season with a 4.66 team ERA.
Infielder Keaton Wright has posted a team-best .429 batting average this spring. Outfielder Dustin Woodcock (.379) is the only other Cougar hitting over .300 this year. Catcher Parker Guinn has blased a team-high six home runs this year. Reliever Brett Thomas holds the lowest ERA for SIUE at 2.60. Five pitchers have combined for the team’s eight wins, including three by righty P.J. Schuster. The Cougars have a .262 team batting average and a 5.52 ERA.

* Mockevicius leads UE to win over EIU

The 19th double-double of the season for Egidijus Mockevicius helped the University of Evansville men’s basketball team to an 83-68 victory over Eastern Illinois on Monday at Lantz Arena.

Mockevicius posted 21 points and 16 rebounds for UE (21-12) while hitting 7 of his 12 attempts. D.J. Balentine led the Purple Aces with 22 points while Duane Gibson and Jaylon Brown recorded 10 apiece.

As a team, the Aces shot 53.5% on the day while holding Eastern Illinois (18-15) to 40.3%.

Adam Wing had a strong start for UE, posting the first four points for the Aces. After he scored on the opening possession, Dylan Chatman knocked down the first trey of the day to give EIU the lead before Wing put it back in UE’s hands.

With the score tied at 6-6, the Aces made their first big run of the game. They went on a 15-5 run to take a 21-11 lead. Mockevicius posted five points in a row before Jaylon Brown made his presence known with four straight of his own. Blake Simmons capped off the run with a triple to give the Aces a double-figure advantage.

Eastern Illinois got within four at 21-17, but a triple at the halftime buzzer by D.J. Balentine sent the Aces to the locker room with a 37-17 advantage. Balentine led UE with 11 halftime tallies while Mockevicius had 9 points and 8 rebounds at the break.

Out of the half, a 17-2 run saw the Aces take a 54-29 lead. Mockevicius had 6 rebounds and 4 points in the run as the Aces took the advantage with 16 minutes remaining. A Josh Piper three ended the rally as the Panthers started to regain some life as they got within 15. An 18-8 stretch saw them cut the gap, but the Aces retook control. They would go on to push the lead back to 24 points before hanging on for the 83-68 win in the end.

Leading EIU was Dylan Chatman, who posted 18 points. Chris Olivier registered 16 while Trae Anderson finished the evening with 10.

Please keep an eye on and UE’s social media for information regarding the next game.

* Katterhenry strong again as Aces play in Alabama

After notching the third victory of her career last week, University of Evansville sophomore Kayla Katterhenry is back at it again as she is tied for sixth place following the first two rounds of the Samford Intercollegiate in Hoover, Ala.

Katterhenry was tied for the lead after one round of action with a 2-over 74. In Monday’s second round of play, she carded a 77 to rank in a tie for sixth place with a score of 151. Cathy Doyle also continued to play at a superior level as she is in search of her third-straight top ten. She is all alone in 10th place with a 154. Her first round was a 79, but she improved greatly in round two with a 75.

Third for UE was Giulia Mallmann. She stands in 40th place with a 168. Her rounds checked in at 82 and 86. Next up was Maggie Camp. She is two strokes behind Mallmann with a 170. She carded scores of 81 and 89. Dana Hayden is tied for 53rd going into Tuesday’s final round of action. She posted a 180 on Monday with rounds of 91 and 89.

Rachel Marchi and Kelly Lamarche were the individuals for UE. Marchi had a strong day, scoring a 181. She registered scores of 92 and 89. Kelly Lamarche finished Monday with a 190.

As a team, UE is in sixth place out of ten squads. The Aces finished with a 643 and are just seven strokes out of the top five as West Georgia is fifth with a 636. Mississippi leads the way as the Rebels posted a 610 in the first two rounds. Samford is in second with a 614.

Four players, including two from Ole Miss, are tied atop the individual leaderboard. Alison Hovatter and Abby Newton of Mississippi join Belmont’s Abbie Gregory and Samford’s Bailey Grey on the top of the list with a 5-over 149. Katterhenry is just two strokes off the lead with one more trip around the 18 set for Tuesday morning.

* UE's Brodie Harkness Named MVC Pitcher of the Week

The Missouri Valley Conference announced on Monday that University of Evansville baseball player Brodie Harkness was named Pitcher of the Week.

Harkness (3-1) had a career day in the Aces’ 3-1 win over #18 Dallas Baptist on Sunday. The freshman left-hander threw a career-high 8.0 innings in the victory, yielding just one unearned run on four hits.

The Bowmanville, Ont. native allowed three infield singles against the top hitting team in the Missouri Valley Conference. The Patriots didn’t get a hit out of the infield until there were two outs in the eighth.

Harkness pitched around three defensive errors and limited DBU to a .160 batting average. He also retired five batters in a row mid-way through the game and also struck out five batters in the win, the first UE victory over a ranked opponent since winning at #4 Vanderbilt on Feb. 26, 2014.

This is the second Pitcher of the Week award for Harkness this season who also received the same honor back on March 9. That week, the lefty threw 6.0 scoreless innings of one hit baseball and a career-high eight strikeouts vs. Western Illinois. Harkness had two strikeouts in each of the first three innings on his way to a new career-high. He also retired the final 14 batters he faced in the Purple Aces 10-0 win over the Leathernecks.

Two Purple Aces have received a total of three MVC Player/Pitcher of the Week honors this season.

Outfielder Josh Jyawook was named MVC Player of the Week on Feb. 16 after his .385 weekend series against Arkansas – Little Rock. He scored a team-high five runs, hit a home run (grand slam) and collected 8 RBIs in the three-game set.

The Purple Aces (9-10, 1-2) begin a stretch of eight consecutive road games this week with four contests away from Braun Stadium. UE plays at SIUE on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:00 p.m. The Aces then have a weekend series at Indiana State starting on Friday, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. The game on Saturday, March 28 will begin at 2:00 p.m. and the Sundays series finale is slated for a 1:00 beginning.

Evansville’s next game will be Wednesday, March 25 at SIUE at 6:00 p.m. The next home game for the Purple Aces is Tuesday, April 7 against UT-Martin. The game will be held at Braun Stadium and begin at 6:00 p.m. Tickets to the game are $7 for adults and $5 for seniors/children.


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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